Psalm 105 ~ Salmos 105


1 O give thanks to the Lord. Call on His name. Make His works known among the people.

Den gracias al Señor, invoquen Su nombre; Den a conocer Sus obras entre los pueblos.

2 S ing to Him. Sing praises to Him. Tell of all His great works.

Cántenle, cántenle; Hablen de todas Sus maravillas.

3 H onor His holy name. Let the heart of those who look to the Lord be glad.

Gloríense en Su santo nombre; Alégrese el corazón de los que buscan al Señor.

4 L ook for the Lord and His strength. Look for His face all the time.

Busquen al Señor y Su fortaleza; Busquen Su rostro continuamente.

5 R emember the great and powerful works that He has done. Keep in mind what He has decided and told us,

Recuerden las maravillas que El ha hecho, Sus prodigios y los juicios de Su boca,

6 O children of His servant Abraham, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones!

Oh simiente de Abraham, Su siervo, Hijos de Jacob, Sus escogidos.

7 H e is the Lord our God. What He has decided is in all the earth.

El es el Señor nuestro Dios; Sus juicios están en toda la tierra.

8 H e has remembered His agreement forever, the promise He made to last through a thousand families-to-come,

Para siempre se ha acordado de Su pacto, De la palabra que ordenó a mil generaciones,

9 t he agreement that He made with Abraham, and His promise to Isaac.

Del pacto que hizo con Abraham, Y de Su juramento a Isaac.

10 H e gave it to Jacob as a Law, to Israel as an agreement that will last forever.

También lo confirmó a Jacob por estatuto, A Israel como pacto eterno,

11 H e said, “I will give the land of Canaan to you as your share,”

Diciendo: “A ti te daré la tierra de Canaán Como porción de la heredad de ustedes.”

12 w hen they were only a few men in number and were strangers in it.

Cuando eran pocos en número, Muy pocos, y extranjeros en el país,

13 T hey went from nation to nation, from the people under one king to the people under another.

Cuando vagaban de nación en nación, Y de un reino a otro pueblo,

14 H e did not allow anyone to hold power over them. And He spoke sharp words to kings because of them.

El no permitió que nadie los oprimiera, Y por amor a ellos reprendió a reyes, diciéndoles:

15 H e said, “Do not touch My chosen ones. And do not hurt those who speak for Me.”

“No toquen a Mis ungidos, Ni hagan mal a Mis profetas.”

16 T hen He called for a time of no food on the land. He cut off all their bread.

Y llamó al hambre sobre la tierra; Quebró todo sustento de pan.

17 H e sent a man, Joseph, before them who was sold as a servant.

Envió a un hombre delante de ellos, A José, vendido como esclavo.

18 T hey hurt his feet with chains. He was put in irons,

Con grillos afligieron sus pies, El mismo fue puesto en cadenas,

19 u ntil what he had said would happen came to pass. The Word of the Lord tested him.

Hasta que su predicción se cumplió; La palabra del Señor lo puso a prueba.

20 T he king sent and had him taken out of prison. The ruler of many people set him free.

El rey envió, y lo soltó, El soberano de los pueblos, lo puso en libertad.

21 H e made him the lord of his house and ruler over all he had.

Lo puso por señor de su casa, Y administrador sobre todos sus bienes,

22 H e could punish the rulers as he pleased. And he taught wisdom to the wise.

Para que encarcelara a sus príncipes a voluntad suya, Y a sus ancianos enseñara sabiduría.

23 T hen Israel also came into Egypt. So Jacob stayed in the land of Ham.

También Israel entró en Egipto, Así peregrinó Jacob en la tierra de Cam.

24 A nd He made the number of His people grow until they were stronger than those who held power over them.

E hizo que su pueblo se multiplicara mucho, Y los hizo más fuertes que sus adversarios.

25 H e turned their hearts to hate His people and to make plans against His servants.

Les cambió el corazón para que odiaran a Su pueblo, Para que obraran astutamente contra Sus siervos.

26 H e sent Moses, His servant, and Aaron whom He had chosen.

Envió a Moisés Su siervo, Y a Aarón a quien había escogido.

27 T hey did His great works for them to see, powerful works in the land of Ham.

Estos hicieron las maravillas de Dios entre ellos, Y prodigios en la tierra de Cam.

28 H e sent darkness and made the land dark. They did not fight against what He told them to do.

Mandó tinieblas e hizo que se oscureciera, Pero ellos no atendieron a Sus palabras.

29 H e changed their water into blood, so their fish died.

Convirtió sus aguas en sangre, E hizo morir sus peces.

30 T heir land became covered with frogs, even in the rooms of their kings.

Se llenó su tierra de ranas Hasta en las alcobas de sus reyes.

31 H e spoke and there came many flies all over their land.

El habló, y vinieron enjambres de moscas Y mosquitos por todo su territorio.

32 H e gave them hail instead of rain, and lightning like fire in their land.

Les dio granizo por lluvia, Y llamas de fuego en su tierra.

33 H e destroyed their vines and fig trees and the trees of their country.

Devastó también sus vides y sus higueras, Y destrozó los árboles de sus territorios.

34 H e spoke and the locusts came. There were too many to number.

El habló, y vinieron langostas, Y orugas sin número;

35 T hey ate up all the plants in their country. They ate all the fruit of their land.

Que devoraron toda la vegetación de su país, Y se comieron el fruto de su suelo.

36 H e killed all the first-born in their land, the first fruits of all their strength.

También hirió de muerte a todo primogénito de su tierra; Las primicias de todo su vigor.

37 T hen He brought Israel out with silver and gold. And there was not one weak person among their families.

Pero a Su pueblo lo sacó con plata y oro, Y entre Sus tribus no hubo quien tropezara.

38 E gypt was glad when they left. For they had become afraid of Israel.

Egipto se alegró cuando se fueron, Porque su terror había caído sobre ellos.

39 H e spread a cloud for a covering, and fire to give light at night.

Extendió una nube para cubrirlos, Y fuego para iluminar los de noche.

40 T hey asked, and He brought them quails for meat. And He filled them with the bread of heaven.

Pidieron, y les mandó codornices, Y los sació de pan del cielo.

41 H e opened the rock and water flowed out. It flowed in the desert like a river.

Abrió la roca, y brotaron las aguas; Corrieron como un río en tierra seca.

42 F or He remembered His holy Word with Abraham His servant.

Porque se acordó de Su santa palabra Dada a Abraham Su siervo,

43 A nd He brought His people out with joy, His chosen ones with singing.

Y sacó a Su pueblo con alegría, Y a Sus escogidos con gritos de júbilo.

44 H e gave them the lands of the nations. They were given what others had worked for,

También les dio las tierras de las naciones, Y poseyeron el fruto del trabajo de los pueblos,

45 s o that they might do what He told them and keep His Law. Praise the Lord!

A fin de que guardaran Sus estatutos, Y observaran Sus leyes. ¡Aleluya!