Psalm 41 ~ Salmos 41


1 H appy is the man who cares for the poor. The Lord will save him in times of trouble.

Bienaventurado el que piensa en el pobre; En el día del mal el Señor lo librará.

2 T he Lord will keep him alive and safe. And he will be happy upon the earth. You will not give him over to the desire of those who hate him.

El Señor lo protegerá y lo mantendrá con vida, Y será bienaventurado sobre la tierra. Tú no lo entregarás a la voluntad de sus enemigos.

3 T he Lord will give him strength on his bed of sickness. When he is sick, You will make him well again.

El Señor lo sostendrá en su lecho de enfermo; En su enfermedad, restaurarás su salud.

4 A s for me, I said, “O Lord, have loving-kindness for me. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.”

Yo dije: “Oh Señor, ten piedad de mí; Sana mi alma, porque contra Ti he pecado.”

5 T hose who hate me speak bad words against me, saying, “When will he die, and his name be forgotten?”

Mis enemigos hablan mal contra mí, diciendo: “¿Cuándo morirá y perecerá su nombre?”

6 W hen one comes to see me, he speaks lies. His heart gathers up bad stories. Then he goes outside and tells them.

Y si alguien viene a ver me, habla falsedades; Su corazón recoge iniquidad para sí; Cuando sale fuera, lo publica.

7 A ll who hate me speak in secret together against me. They make plans to hurt me, saying,

Todos los que me odian murmuran a una contra mí; Traman hacerme daño, diciendo:

8 A bad thing has come over him. When he lies down, he will not rise again.”

“Una cosa del demonio ha sido derramada sobre él, Así que cuando se acueste, no volverá a levantarse.”

9 E ven a friend of mine whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has turned against me.

Aun mi íntimo amigo en quien yo confiaba, El que de mi pan comía, Contra mí ha levantado su talón.

10 H ave loving-kindness for me, O Lord. Raise me up, so that I may pay them back.

Pero Tú, oh Señor, ten piedad de mí y levántame, Para que yo les pague como se merecen.

11 T hen I will know that You are pleased with me, because he who hates me does not win over me.

En esto sabré que conmigo Te complaces, Que mi enemigo no cante victoria sobre mí.

12 A s for me, You hold me up in my honesty. And You set me beside You forever.

En cuanto a mí, me mantienes en mi integridad, Y me afirmas en Tu presencia para siempre.

13 H onor be to the Lord, the God of Israel, forever and ever! Let it be so!

Bendito sea el Señor, Dios de Israel, Desde la eternidad hasta la eternidad. Amén y amén.