1 T his letter is from Jude, a brother of James. I am a servant owned by Jesus Christ. I am writing to you who have been chosen by God the Father. You are kept for Jesus Christ.
Judas, siervo de Jesucristo y hermano de Jacobo (Santiago), a los llamados, amados en Dios Padre y guardados para Jesucristo:
2 M ay you have much of God’s loving-kindness and peace and love.
Misericordia, paz y amor les sean multiplicados. Motivo de la Carta
3 D ear friends, I have been trying to write to you about what God did for us when He saved us from the punishment of sin. Now I must write to you and tell you to fight hard for the faith which was once and for all given to the holy people of God.
Amados, por el gran empeño que tenía en escribirles acerca de nuestra común salvación, he sentido la necesidad de escribirles exhortándolos a luchar ardientemente por la fe que de una vez para siempre fue entregada a los santos.
4 S ome sinful men have come into your church without anyone knowing it. They are living in sin and they speak of the loving-favor of God to cover up their sins. They have turned against our only Leader and Lord, Jesus Christ. Long ago it was written that these people would die in their sins.
Pues algunos hombres se han infiltrado encubiertamente, los cuales desde mucho antes estaban marcados para esta condenación, impíos que convierten la gracia de nuestro Dios en libertinaje, y niegan a nuestro único Soberano y Señor, Jesucristo. Advertencias de la Historia para los Impíos
5 Y ou already know all this, but think about it again. The Lord saved His people out of the land of Egypt. Later He destroyed all those who did not put their trust in Him.
Ahora quiero recordarles a ustedes, aunque ya definitivamente lo saben todo, que el Señor, habiendo salvado al pueblo de la tierra de Egipto, destruyó después a los que no creyeron.
6 A ngels who did not stay in their place of power, but left the place where they were given to stay, are chained in a dark place. They will be there until the day they stand before God to be judged.
Y a los ángeles que no conservaron su señorío original, sino que abandonaron su morada legítima, los ha guardado en prisiones eternas bajo tinieblas, para el juicio del gran día.
7 D o you remember about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the towns around them? The people in those cities did the same things. They were full of sex sins and strong desires for sinful acts of the body. Those cities were destroyed by fire. They still speak to us of the fire of hell that lasts forever. What False Teachers Are Like
Así también Sodoma y Gomorra y las ciudades circunvecinas, a semejanza de aquéllos, puesto que ellas se corrompieron (se entregaron a gran inmoralidad) y siguieron carne extraña, son exhibidas como ejemplo al sufrir el castigo del fuego eterno.
8 I n the same way, these men go on dreaming and sinning against their bodies. They respect no leaders. They speak bad against those who live in the heavens.
No obstante, de la misma manera también estos hombres, soñando, contaminan su cuerpo, rechazan la autoridad, y blasfeman de las majestades angélicas.
9 M ichael was one of the head angels. He argued with the devil about the body of Moses. But Michael would not speak sharp words to the devil, saying he was guilty. He said, “The Lord speaks sharp words to you.”
Pero cuando el arcángel Miguel luchaba contra el diablo y discutía acerca del cuerpo de Moisés, no se atrevió a proferir juicio de maldición contra él, sino que dijo: “El Señor te reprenda.”
10 B ut these men speak against things they do not understand. They are like animals in the way they act. By these things they destroy themselves.
Pero éstos blasfeman las cosas que no entienden, y las cosas que como animales irracionales conocen por instinto, por estas cosas son ellos destruidos.
11 I t is bad for them! They have followed the way of Cain who killed his brother. They have chosen the way of Balaam and think only about making money. They were destroyed as Korah was destroyed who would not show respect to leaders.
¡Ay de ellos! Porque han seguido el camino de Caín, y por ganar dinero se lanzaron al error de Balaam, y perecieron en la rebelión de Coré.
12 W hen you come together to eat the Christians’ love suppers, these people are like hidden rocks that wreck a ship. They only think of themselves. They are like clouds without rain carried along by the wind and like trees without fruit in the fall of the year. They are pulled out by the roots and are dead now and never can live again.
Estos son escollos ocultos (manchas ocultas) en los ágapes de ustedes (fiestas espirituales de amor), cuando banquetean con ustedes sin temor, apacentándose (cuidándose) a sí mismos. Son nubes sin agua llevadas por los vientos, árboles de otoño sin fruto, dos veces muertos y desarraigados.
13 T hey are like the waves of a wild sea. Their sins are like the dirty water along the shore. They look like stars moving here and there. But the darkest place has been kept for them forever.
Son olas furiosas del mar, que arrojan como espuma su propia vergüenza (sus actos vergonzosos); estrellas errantes para quienes la oscuridad de las tinieblas ha sido reservada para siempre.
14 E noch was the head of the seventh family born after Adam. He said this about such people, “The Lord comes with many thousands of His holy ones.
De éstos también profetizó Enoc, en la séptima generación desde Adán, diciendo: “El Señor vino con muchos millares de Sus santos,
15 H e comes to say that all are guilty for all the sin they have done and all the sinful things these sinners have spoken against God.”
para ejecutar juicio sobre todos, y para condenar a todos los impíos de todas sus obras de impiedad, que han hecho impíamente, y de todas las cosas ofensivas (duras) que pecadores impíos dijeron contra El.”
16 T hese men complain and are never happy with anything. They let their desires lead them into sin. When they talk about themselves, they make it sound as if they are great people. They show respect to people only to get something out of them.
Estos son murmuradores, criticones, que andan tras sus propias pasiones. Hablan con arrogancia, adulando a la gente para obtener beneficio. Exhortaciones Apostólicas a los Fieles
17 D ear friends, you must remember the words spoken by the missionaries of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pero ustedes, amados, acuérdense de las palabras que antes fueron dichas por los apóstoles de nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
18 T hey said, “In the last days there will be men who will laugh at the truth and will be led by their own sinful desires.”
quienes les decían: “En los últimos tiempos habrá burladores que irán tras sus propias pasiones impías.”
19 T hey are men who will make trouble by dividing people into groups against each other. Their minds are on the things of the world because they do not have the Holy Spirit.
Estos son los que causan divisiones. Son individuos mundanos que no tienen el Espíritu.
20 D ear friends, you must become strong in your most holy faith. Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you pray.
Pero ustedes, amados, edificándose en su santísima fe, orando en el Espíritu Santo,
21 K eep yourselves in the love of God. Wait for life that lasts forever through the loving-kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
consérvense en el amor de Dios, esperando ansiosamente la misericordia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo para vida eterna.
22 H ave loving-kindness for those who doubt.
Tengan misericordia de algunos que dudan.
23 S ave some by pulling them out of the fire. Have loving-kindness for others but also fear them. Be afraid of being led into doing their sins. Hate even the clothes that have touched sinful bodies.
A otros, sálven los, arrebatándo los del fuego; y de otros tengan misericordia con temor, aborreciendo aun la ropa contaminada por la carne (sus cuerpos). Bendición
24 T here is One Who can keep you from falling and can bring you before Himself free from all sin. He can give you great joy as you stand before Him in His shining-greatness.
Y a Aquél que es poderoso para guardarlos a ustedes sin caída y para presentarlos sin mancha en presencia de Su gloria con gran alegría,
25 H e is the only God. He is the One Who saves from the punishment of sin through Jesus Christ our Lord. May He have shining-greatness and honor and power and the right to do all things. He had this before the world began, He has it now, and He will have this forever. Let it be so.
al único Dios nuestro Salvador, por medio de Jesucristo nuestro Señor, sea gloria, majestad, dominio y autoridad, antes de todo tiempo, y ahora y por todos los siglos. Amén.