Psalm 71 ~ Salmos 71


1 I have a safe place in you, O Lord. Let me never be ashamed.

En Ti, oh Señor, me refugio; Jamás sea yo avergonzado.

2 B ecause You are right and good, take me out of trouble. Turn Your ear to me and save me.

Líbrame en Tu justicia, y rescátame; Inclina a mí Tu oído, y sálvame.

3 B e a rock to me where I live, where I may always come and where I will be safe. For You are my rock and my safe place.

Sé para mí una roca de refugio, a la cual pueda ir continuamente; Tú has dado mandamiento para salvarme, Porque Tú eres mi roca y mi fortaleza.

4 O my God, take me from the hand of the sinful, from the hand of the wrong-doer and the man without pity.

Dios mío, rescátame de la mano del impío, De la mano del malhechor y del implacable,

5 F or You are my hope, O Lord God. You are my trust since I was young.

Porque Tú eres mi esperanza; Oh Señor Dios, Tú eres mi confianza desde mi juventud.

6 Y ou have kept me safe from birth. It was You Who watched over me from the day I was born. My praise is always of You.

De Ti he recibido apoyo desde mi nacimiento; Tú eres el que me sacó del seno de mi madre; Para Ti es de continuo mi alabanza.

7 I have become a wonder and surprise to many. For You are my strong safe place.

He llegado a ser el asombro de muchos, Porque Tú eres mi refugio fuerte.

8 M y mouth is filled with Your praise and with Your honor all day long.

Llena está mi boca de Tu alabanza Y de Tu gloria todo el día.

9 D o not let me fall by the way when I am old. Do not leave me alone when my strength is gone.

No me rechaces en el tiempo de la vejez; No me desampares cuando me falten las fuerzas.

10 F or those who hate me talk against me. Those who want to kill make plans together.

Porque mis enemigos han hablado de mí; Y los que acechan mi vida han consultado entre sí,

11 T hey say, “God has turned away from him. Run and catch him, for there is no one to take him out of trouble.”

Diciendo: “Dios lo ha desamparado; Persíganlo y aprésenlo, pues no hay quien lo libre.”

12 O God, do not be far from me! O my God, hurry to help me!

Oh Dios, no estés lejos de mí; Dios mío, apresúrate a socorrerme.

13 L et those who are against me be ashamed and destroyed. Let those who want to hurt me be without honor and covered with shame.

Sean avergonzados y consumidos los enemigos de mi alma; Sean cubiertos de afrenta y de ignominia los que procuran mi mal.

14 B ut as for me, I will always have hope and I will praise You more and more.

Pero yo esperaré continuamente, Y aún Te alabaré más y más.

15 M y mouth will tell about how right and good You are and about Your saving acts all day long. For there are more than I can know.

Todo el día contará mi boca De Tu justicia y de Tu salvación, Porque son innumerables.

16 I will come in the strength of the Lord God. I will tell about how right and good You are, and You alone.

Vendré con los hechos poderosos de Dios el Señor; Haré mención de Tu justicia, de la Tuya sola.

17 O God, You have taught me from when I was young. And I still tell about Your great works.

Oh Dios, Tú me has enseñado desde mi juventud, Y hasta ahora he anunciado Tus maravillas.

18 E ven when I am old and my hair is turning white, O God, do not leave me alone. Let me tell about Your strength to all the people living now, and about Your power to all who are to come.

Y aun en la vejez y las canas, no me desampares, oh Dios, Hasta que anuncie Tu poder a esta generación, Tu poderío a todos los que han de venir.

19 O God, You are right and good, as the heavens are high. You have done great things, O God. Who is like You?

Porque Tu justicia, oh Dios, alcanza hasta los cielos, Tú que has hecho grandes cosas; Oh Dios, ¿quién como Tú ?

20 Y ou have shown me many troubles of all kinds. But You will make me strong again. And You will bring me up again from deep in the earth.

Tú que me has hecho ver muchas angustias y aflicciones, Me volverás a dar vida, Y me levantarás de nuevo de las profundidades de la tierra.

21 A dd to my greatness, and turn to comfort me.

Aumenta Tú mi grandeza Y vuelve a consolarme.

22 O my God, I will praise You with a harp. I will praise Your truth. I will sing praises to You with different kinds of harps, O Holy One of Israel.

Y yo Te daré gracias con el arpa, Cantaré Tu verdad, Dios mío; A Ti cantaré alabanzas con la lira, Oh Santo de Israel.

23 M y lips will call out for joy when I sing praises to You. You have set my soul free.

Darán voces de júbilo mis labios, cuando Te cante alabanzas, Y mi alma, que Tú has redimido.

24 M y tongue will tell about how right and good You are all day long. For those who want to hurt me are ashamed and troubled.

También mi lengua hablará de Tu justicia todo el día, Porque han sido avergonzados, porque han sido humillados, los que procuran mi mal.