Psalm 5 ~ Salmos 5


1 H ear my words, O Lord. Think about my crying.

Escucha mis palabras, oh Señor; Considera mi lamento.

2 L isten to my cry for help, my King and my God. For I pray to you.

Atiende a la voz de mi clamor, Rey mío y Dios mío, Porque es a Ti a quien oro.

3 I n the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice. In the morning I will lay my prayers before You and will look up.

Oh Señor, de mañana oirás mi voz; De mañana presentaré mi oración a Ti, Y con ansias esperaré.

4 Y ou are not a God Who is pleased with what is bad. The sinful cannot be with You.

Porque Tú no eres un Dios que se complace en la maldad; El mal no mora en Ti.

5 T he proud cannot stand before You. You hate all who do wrong.

Los que se ensalzan no estarán delante de Tus ojos; Aborreces a todos los que hacen iniquidad.

6 Y ou destroy those who tell lies. The Lord hates liars and men who kill other people.

Destruyes a los que hablan falsedad; El Señor aborrece al hombre sanguinario y engañador.

7 B ut as for me, by Your great loving-kindness, I will come into Your house. At Your holy house I will put my face to the ground before You in love and fear.

Pero yo, por la abundancia de Tu misericordia entraré en Tu casa; Me postraré en Tu santo templo con reverencia.

8 O Lord, lead me in what is right and good, because of the ones who hate me. Make Your way straight in front of me.

Señor, guíame en Tu justicia por causa de mis enemigos; Allana delante de mí Tu camino.

9 F or in their talk there is no truth. Their hearts destroy. Their mouths are like an open grave. With their tongues, they say sweet-sounding words that are not true.

Porque no hay sinceridad en lo que dicen; Destrucción son sus entrañas, Sepulcro abierto es su garganta; Con su lengua hablan lisonjas.

10 H old them guilty, O God! Let them fall by their own plans. Throw them out because of their many sins. For they have fought against You.

Tenlos por culpables, oh Dios; ¡Que caigan por sus mismas intrigas! Echalos fuera por la multitud de sus transgresiones, Porque se rebelan contra Ti.

11 B ut let all who put their trust in You be glad. Let them sing with joy forever. You make a covering for them, that all who love Your name may be glad in You.

Pero alégrense todos los que en Ti se refugian; Para siempre canten con júbilo, Porque Tú los proteges; Regocíjense en Ti los que aman Tu nombre.

12 F or You will make those happy who do what is right, O Lord. You will cover them all around with Your favor.

Porque Tú, oh Señor, bendices al justo, Como con un escudo lo rodeas de Tu favor.