Romans 10 ~ Romanos 10


1 C hristian brothers, the desire of my heart and my prayer to God is that the Jews might be saved from the punishment of sin.

Hermanos, el deseo de mi corazón y mi oración a Dios por ellos es para su salvación.

2 I know about them. They have a strong desire for God, but they do not know what they should about Him.

Porque yo testifico a su favor de que tienen celo de Dios, pero no conforme a un pleno conocimiento.

3 T hey have not known how God makes men right with Himself. Instead, they have tried to make their own way. They have not become right with God because they have not done what God said to do.

Pues desconociendo la justicia de Dios y procurando establecer la suya propia, no se sometieron a la justicia de Dios.

4 F or Christ has put an end to the Law, so everyone who has put his trust in Christ is made right with God.

Porque Cristo es el fin de la ley para justicia a todo aquél que cree. Cómo Ser Salvo

5 M oses writes that the man who obeys the Law has to live by it.

Pues Moisés escribe que el hombre que practica la justicia que es de la ley, vivirá por ella.

6 B ut when a man puts his trust in Christ, he is made right with God. You do not need to ask yourself, “Who will go up to heaven to bring Christ down?”

Pero la justicia que es de la fe, dice así: “ No digas en tu corazon: ‘¿ Quien subira al cielo ?’ Esto es, para hacer bajar a Cristo,

7 A nd you do not need to ask, “Who will go below and bring Christ up from the dead?”

o ‘¿ Quien descendera al abismo ?’ Esto es, para subir a Cristo de entre los muertos.”

8 T his is what it says, “The Good News is near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart.” This Good News tells about putting your trust in Christ. This is what we preach to you.

Pero, ¿qué dice? “ Cerca de ti esta la palabra, en tu boca y en tu corazon,” es decir, la palabra de fe que predicamos:

9 I f you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved from the punishment of sin.

que si confiesas con tu boca a Jesús por Señor, y crees en tu corazón que Dios Lo resucitó de entre los muertos, serás salvo.

10 W hen we believe in our hearts, we are made right with God. We tell with our mouth how we were saved from the punishment of sin.

Porque con el corazón se cree para justicia, y con la boca se confiesa para salvación.

11 T he Holy Writings say, “No one who puts his trust in Christ will ever be put to shame.”

Pues la Escritura dice: “ Todo el que cree en El no sera avergonzado.”

12 T here is no difference between the Jews and the people who are not Jews. They are all the same to the Lord. And He is Lord over all of them. He gives of His greatness to all who call on Him for help.

Porque no hay distinción entre Judío y Griego, pues el mismo Señor es Señor de todos, abundando en riquezas para todos los que Le invocan;

13 F or everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved from the punishment of sin.

porque: “ Todo aquel que invoque el nombre del Señor sera salvo.”

14 B ut how can they call on Him if they have not put their trust in Him? And how can they put their trust in Him if they have not heard of Him? And how can they hear of Him unless someone tells them?

¿Cómo, pues, invocarán a Aquél en quien no han creído? ¿Y cómo creerán en Aquél de quien no han oído ? ¿Y cómo oirán sin haber quien les predique ?

15 A nd how can someone tell them if he is not sent? The Holy Writings say, “The feet of those who bring the Good News are beautiful.”

¿Y cómo predicarán si no son enviados? Tal como está escrito: “¡ Cuan hermosos son los pies de los que anuncian el evangelio del bien!” Israel Rechaza el Evangelio

16 B ut they have not all listened to the Good News. Isaiah says, “Lord, who believed what we told them?”

Sin embargo, no todos hicieron caso al evangelio, porque Isaías dice: “ Señor, ¿quien ha creido a nuestro anuncio ?”

17 S o then, faith comes to us by hearing the Good News. And the Good News comes by someone preaching it.

Así que la fe viene del oír, y el oír, por la palabra de Cristo.

18 A nd so I ask, “Did they not hear?” For sure they did. The Holy Writings say, “Their voice was heard over all the earth. The Good News was told to the ends of the earth.”

Pero yo digo, ¿acaso nunca han oído? Ciertamente que sí: “ Por toda la tierra ha salido su voz, y hasta los confines del mundo sus palabras.”

19 A gain I ask, “Did the Jews not understand?” First of all, Moses says, “I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation. I will make you angry with a foolish nation of people who do not understand.”

Y añado: ¿Acaso Israel no sabía? En primer lugar, Moisés dice: “ Yo los provocare a celos con un pueblo que no es pueblo; con un pueblo sin entendimiento los provocare a ira.”

20 I saiah says even stronger words, “I have been found by men who did not look for Me. I have shown Myself to those who were not asking for Me.”

E Isaías es muy osado, y dice: “ Fui hallado por los que no Me buscaban; Me manifeste a los que no preguntaban por Mi.”

21 T his is what God says about the Jews, “All day long I held out my hand to a people who would not obey Me and who worked against Me.”

Pero en cuanto a Israel, dice: “ Todo el dia he extendido Mis manos a un pueblo desobediente y rebelde.”