Psalm 91 ~ Salmos 91


1 H e who lives in the safe place of the Most High will be in the shadow of the All-powerful.

El que habita al amparo del Altísimo Morará a la sombra del Omnipotente.

2 I will say to the Lord, “You are my safe and strong place, my God, in Whom I trust.”

Diré yo al Señor: “Refugio mío y fortaleza mía, Mi Dios, en quien confío.”

3 F or it is He Who takes you away from the trap, and from the killing sickness.

Porque El te libra del lazo del cazador Y de la pestilencia mortal.

4 H e will cover you with His wings. And under His wings you will be safe. He is faithful like a safe-covering and a strong wall.

Con Sus plumas te cubre, Y bajo Sus alas hallas refugio; Escudo y baluarte es Su fidelidad.

5 Y ou will not be afraid of trouble at night, or of the arrow that flies by day.

No temerás el terror de la noche, Ni la flecha que vuela de día,

6 Y ou will not be afraid of the sickness that walks in darkness, or of the trouble that destroys at noon.

Ni la pestilencia que anda en tinieblas, Ni la destrucción que hace estragos en medio del día.

7 A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand. But it will not come near you.

Aunque caigan mil a tu lado Y diez mil a tu diestra, A ti no se acercará.

8 Y ou will only look on with your eyes, and see how the sinful are punished.

Con tus ojos mirarás Y verás la paga de los impíos.

9 B ecause you have made the Lord your safe place, and the Most High the place where you live,

Porque has puesto al Señor, que es mi refugio, Al Altísimo, por tu habitación.

10 n othing will hurt you. No trouble will come near your tent.

No te sucederá ningún mal, Ni plaga se acercará a tu morada.

11 F or He will tell His angels to care for you and keep you in all your ways.

Pues El dará órdenes a Sus ángeles acerca de ti, Para que te guarden en todos tus caminos.

12 T hey will hold you up in their hands. So your foot will not hit against a stone.

En sus manos te llevarán, Para que tu pie no tropiece en piedra.

13 Y ou will walk upon the lion and the snake. You will crush under your feet the young lion and the snake.

Sobre el león y la cobra pisarás; Pisotearás al cachorro de león y a la serpiente.

14 B ecause he has loved Me, I will bring him out of trouble. I will set him in a safe place on high, because he has known My name.

“Porque en Mí ha puesto su amor, Yo entonces lo libraré; Lo exaltaré, porque ha conocido Mi nombre.

15 H e will call upon Me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will take him out of trouble and honor him.

Me invocará, y le responderé; Yo estaré con él en la angustia; Lo rescataré y lo honraré;

16 I will please him with a long life. And I will show him My saving power.

Lo saciaré de larga vida, Y le haré ver Mi salvación.”