2 Corinthians 6 ~ 2 Corintios 6


1 W e are working together with God. We ask you from our hearts not to receive God’s loving-favor and then waste it.

Y como colaboradores con El, también les exhortamos a no recibir en vano la gracia de Dios;

2 T he Holy Writings say, “I heard you at the right time. I helped you on that day to be saved from the punishment of sin. Now is the right time! See! Now is the day to be saved.”

pues El dice: “ En el tiempo propicio te escuche, y en el dia de salvacion te socorri.” Pero ahora es “el tiempo propicio”; ahora es “el dia de salvacion.”

3 W e do not want to put anything in the way that would keep people from God. We do not want to be blamed.

No dando nosotros en nada motivo de tropiezo, para que el ministerio no sea desacreditado.

4 E verything we do shows we are God’s servants. We have had to wait and suffer. We have needed things. We have been in many hard places and have had many troubles.

Pues en todo nos recomendamos a nosotros mismos como ministros (servidores) de Dios, en mucha perseverancia, en aflicciones, en privaciones, en angustias,

5 W e have been beaten. We have been put in prison. We have been in fights. We have worked hard. We have stayed awake watching. We have gone without food.

en azotes, en cárceles, en tumultos, en trabajos, en desvelos, en ayunos,

6 W e have been pure. We have known what to do. We have suffered long. We have been kind. The Holy Spirit has worked in us. We have had true love.

en pureza, en conocimiento, con paciencia, con bondad, en el Espíritu Santo, con amor sincero,

7 W e have spoken the truth. We have God’s power. We have the sword of being right with God in the right hand and in the left hand.

en la palabra de verdad, en el poder de Dios; por armas de justicia para la derecha y para la izquierda;

8 S ome men respect us and some do not. Some men speak bad against us and some thank us. They say we lie, but we speak the truth.

en honra y en deshonra, en mala fama y en buena fama; como impostores, pero veraces.

9 S ome men act as if they do not know us. And yet we are known by everyone. They act as if we were dead, but we are alive. They try to hurt and destroy us, but they are not able to kill us.

Somos tratados como desconocidos, pero bien conocidos; como moribundos, pero vivimos; como castigados, pero no condenados a muerte;

10 W e are full of sorrow and yet we are always happy. We are poor and yet we make many people rich. We have nothing and yet we have everything.

como entristecidos, pero siempre gozosos; como pobres, pero enriqueciendo a muchos; como no teniendo nada, aunque poseyéndolo todo.

11 W e have spoken to you who are in the city of Corinth with plain words. Our hearts are wide open.

Nuestra boca, oh Corintios, les ha hablado con toda franqueza. Nuestro corazón se ha abierto de par en par.

12 O ur hearts are not closed to you. But you have closed your hearts to us.

Ustedes no están limitados por nosotros, sino que están limitados en sus sentimientos.

13 I am speaking to you now as if you were my own children. Open your hearts wide to us! That will pay us back for what we have done for you.

Ahora bien, en igual reciprocidad (les hablo como a niños ) ustedes también abran de par en par su corazón. Exhortaciones al Creyente

14 D o not be joined together with those who do not belong to Christ. How can that which is good get along with that which is bad? How can light be in the same place with darkness?

No estén unidos en yugo desigual con los incrédulos, pues ¿qué asociación tienen la justicia y la iniquidad? ¿O qué comunión la luz con las tinieblas ?

15 H ow can Christ get along with the devil? How can one who has put his trust in Christ get along with one who has not put his trust in Christ?

¿O qué armonía tiene Cristo con Belial (Satanás) ? ¿O qué tiene en común un creyente con un incrédulo ?

16 H ow can the house of God get along with false gods? We are the house of the living God. God has said, “I will live in them and will walk among them. I will be their God and they will be My people.”

¿O qué acuerdo tiene el templo de Dios con los ídolos ? Porque nosotros somos el templo del Dios vivo, como Dios dijo: “ Habitare en ellos, y andare entre ellos; y sere su Dios, y ellos seran Mi pueblo.

17 T he Lord has said, “So come out from among them. Do not be joined to them. Touch nothing that is sinful. And I will receive you.

Por tanto, salgan de en medio de ellos y apartense,” dice el Señor; “y no toquen lo inmundo, Y Yo los recibiré.

18 I will be a Father to you. You will be My sons and daughters, says the All-powerful God.”

Yo seré un padre para ustedes, Y ustedes serán para Mí hijos e hijas,” Dice el Señor Todopoderoso.