Acts 6 ~ Hechos 6


1 I n those days the group of followers was getting larger. Greek-speaking Jews in the group complained against the Jews living in the country around Jerusalem. The Greek-speaking Jews said that their women whose husbands had died were not taken care of when the food was given out each day.

Por aquellos días, al multiplicarse el número de los discípulos, surgió una queja de parte de los Judíos Helenistas en contra de los Judíos nativos, porque sus viudas eran desatendidas en la distribución diaria de los alimentos.

2 S o the twelve missionaries called a meeting of the many followers and said, “It is not right that we should give up preaching the Word of God to hand out food.

Entonces los doce (apóstoles) convocaron a la congregación (multitud) de los discípulos, y dijeron: “No es conveniente que nosotros descuidemos la palabra de Dios para servir mesas.

3 B rothers, choose from among you seven men who are respected and who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. We will have them take care of this work.

Por tanto, hermanos, escojan de entre ustedes siete hombres de buena reputación, llenos del Espíritu Santo y de sabiduría, a quienes podamos encargar esta tarea.

4 T hen we will use all of our time to pray and to teach the Word of God.”

Y nosotros nos entregaremos a la oración y al ministerio (al servicio) de la palabra.”

5 T hese words pleased all of them. They chose Stephen who was a man full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit. They also chose Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicholas of Antioch who had become a Jew.

Lo propuesto tuvo la aprobación de toda la congregación, y escogieron a Esteban, un hombre lleno de fe y del Espíritu Santo, y a Felipe, a Prócoro, a Nicanor, a Timón, a Parmenas y a Nicolás, un prosélito (Gentil convertido al Judaísmo) de Antioquía.

6 T hese men were taken to the missionaries. After praying, the missionaries laid their hands on them.

A éstos los presentaron ante los apóstoles, y después de orar, pusieron sus manos sobre ellos.

7 T he Word of God spread further. The group of followers became much larger in Jerusalem. Many of the religious leaders believed in the faith of the Christians. Stephen Is Brought in Front of the Religious Leaders’ Court

Y la palabra de Dios crecía, y el número de los discípulos se multiplicaba en gran manera en Jerusalén, y muchos de los sacerdotes obedecían a la fe. Arresto de Esteban y su Defensa

8 S tephen was a man full of faith and power. He did many great things among the people.

Esteban, lleno de gracia y de poder, hacía grandes prodigios y señales (milagros) entre el pueblo.

9 B ut some men came from their place of worship who were known as the Free people. They started to argue with Stephen. These men were from the countries of Cyrene and Alexandria and Cilicia and Asia.

Pero algunos de la sinagoga llamada de los Libertos (Esclavos Libertados), incluyendo tanto Cireneos como Alejandrinos, y algunos de Cilicia y de Asia (provincia occidental de Asia Menor), se levantaron y discutían con Esteban.

10 S tephen spoke with wisdom and power given by the Holy Spirit. They were not able to say anything against what he said.

Pero no podían resistir a la sabiduría y al Espíritu con que hablaba.

11 S o they told other men to say, “We have heard him say things against Moses and God.”

Entonces, en secreto persuadieron a algunos hombres para que dijeran: “Le hemos oído hablar palabras blasfemas contra Moisés y contra Dios.”

12 I n this way they got the people talking against Stephen. The leaders of the people and the teachers of the Law came and took him to the religious leaders’ court.

Y alborotaron al pueblo, a los ancianos y a los escribas, y cayendo sobre él, lo arrestaron y lo trajeron al Concilio (Sanedrín).

13 T he people were told to lie and say, “This man keeps on talking against this place of worship and the Law of Moses.

Presentaron testigos falsos que dijeron: “Este hombre continuamente habla en contra de este lugar santo y de la Ley;

14 W e have heard him say, ‘Jesus of Nazareth is going to pull down this place. He is going to change what Moses taught us.’”

porque le hemos oído decir que este Nazareno, Jesús, destruirá este lugar, y cambiará las tradiciones que Moisés nos dejó.”

15 T he men sitting in the religious leaders’ court were looking at Stephen. They all saw that his face looked like the face of an angel.

Y al fijar la mirada en él, todos los que estaban sentados en el Concilio (Sanedrín) vieron su rostro como el rostro de un ángel.