Nehemiah 9 ~ Nehemías 9


1 N ow on the twenty-fourth day of this month the sons of Israel gathered together, but they did not eat. They dressed in cloth made from hair, and put dirt on their heads.

El día veinticuatro de ese mes se congregaron los Israelitas en ayuno, vestidos de cilicio y con polvo sobre sí.

2 T he children of Israel separated themselves from all those of other nations. They stood and told their sins and the sins of their fathers to God.

Y los descendientes de Israel se separaron de todos los extranjeros, y se pusieron en pie, confesando sus pecados y las iniquidades de sus padres.

3 W hile they stood in their place, they read from the book of the Law of the Lord their God for a fourth of the day. And for another fourth they told their sins and worshiped the Lord their God.

Puestos de pie, cada uno en su lugar, una cuarta parte del día estuvieron leyendo en el Libro de la Ley del Señor su Dios, y otra cuarta parte, estuvieron confesando y adorando al Señor su Dios.

4 J eshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani stood on the Levites’ raised floor. And they cried with a loud voice to the Lord their God.

Y sobre el estrado de los Levitas se levantaron Jesúa, Bani, Cadmiel, Sebanías, Buni, Serebías, Bani y Quenani, y clamaron en alta voz al Señor su Dios.

5 T hen the Levites, Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, said, “Stand up and give honor and thanks to the Lord your God forever and ever! O may Your great name be praised!” The Prayer—Telling of Their Sins

Entonces los Levitas, Jesúa, Cadmiel, Bani, Hasabnías, Serebías, Hodías, Sebanías y Petaías, dijeron: “Levántense, bendigan al Señor su Dios por siempre y para siempre. Sea bendito Tu glorioso nombre Y exaltado sobre toda bendición y alabanza.

6 You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, the heaven of heavens with all their angels. You have made the earth and all that is on it, and the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them, and the angels of heaven bow down to You.

Sólo Tú eres el Señor. Tú hiciste los cielos, Los cielos de los cielos con todo su ejército, La tierra y todo lo que en ella hay, Los mares y todo lo que en ellos hay. Tú das vida a todos ellos Y el ejército de los cielos se postra ante Ti.

7 Y ou are the Lord God, Who chose Abram and brought him out from Ur of the Chaldees and gave him the name Abraham.

Tú eres el Señor Dios Que escogiste a Abram, Lo sacaste de Ur de los Caldeos Y le diste por nombre Abraham.

8 Y ou found his heart faithful to You and made an agreement with him, to give his children and their children’s children the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Jebusite, and the Girgashite. And You have done what You promised, for You are right and good.

Hallaste fiel su corazón delante de Ti, E hiciste con él un pacto Para dar le la tierra del Cananeo, Del Hitita, del Amorreo, Del Ferezeo, del Jebuseo y del Gergeseo, Para darla a su descendencia. Y has cumplido Tu palabra, porque eres justo.

9 You saw the trouble of our fathers in Egypt. You heard their cry by the Red Sea.

Tú viste la aflicción de nuestros padres en Egipto, Y escuchaste su clamor junto al Mar Rojo.

10 T hen You made special things to see and did powerful works against Pharaoh, against all his servants and all the people of his land. For You knew that they were proud and made it hard for our fathers. And You made a name for Yourself, as it is this day.

Entonces hiciste señales y maravillas contra Faraón, Contra todos sus siervos y contra todo el pueblo de su tierra; Pues supiste que ellos los trataban con soberbia, Y Te hiciste un nombre como el de hoy.

11 Y ou divided the sea in front of them, so they passed through the sea on dry ground. And You threw those who went after them into the deep sea, like a stone into troubled waters.

Dividiste el mar delante de ellos, Y pasaron por medio del mar sobre tierra firme; Y echaste en los abismos a sus perseguidores, Como a una piedra en aguas turbulentas.

12 Y ou led the people during the day with a cloud, and with a pillar of fire during the night to light the way they were to go.

Con columna de nube los guiaste de día, Y con columna de fuego de noche, Para alumbrarles el camino En que debían andar.

13 T hen You came down on Mount Sinai and spoke with them from heaven. You gave them Laws that are right and true and good.

Luego bajaste sobre el Monte Sinaí, Y desde el cielo hablaste con ellos; Les diste ordenanzas justas y leyes verdaderas, Estatutos y mandamientos buenos.

14 Y ou made known to them Your holy Day of Rest, and gave them Laws through Your servant Moses.

Les hiciste conocer Tu santo día de reposo, Y les entregaste mandamientos, estatutos y la ley Por medio de Tu siervo Moisés.

15 Y ou gave them bread from heaven for their hunger. You brought them water from a rock for their thirst. And You told them to go in to take for their own the land You promised to give them.

Les proveíste pan del cielo para su hambre, Les sacaste agua de la peña para su sed, Y les dijiste que entraran a poseer La tierra que Tú habías jurado darles.

16 But they, our fathers, acted with pride. They became strong-willed and would not listen to Your Words.

Pero ellos, nuestros padres, obraron con soberbia, Fueron tercos y no escucharon Tus mandamientos.

17 T hey would not listen, and did not remember Your powerful works which You had done among them. So they became strong-willed and chose a leader to return to their hard work in Egypt. But You are a forgiving God. You are kind and loving, slow to anger, and full of loving-kindness. You did not leave them.

Rehusaron escuchar, Y no se acordaron de las maravillas que hiciste entre ellos; Fueron tercos y eligieron un jefe para volver a su esclavitud en Egipto. Pero Tú eres un Dios de perdón, Clemente y compasivo, Lento para la ira y abundante en misericordia, Y no los abandonaste.

18 T hey even melted gold and made a calf, and said, ‘This is your God Who brought you up from Egypt.’ They spoke sinful words against You.

Ni siquiera cuando hicieron Un becerro de metal fundido Y dijeron: ‘Este es tu Dios Que te sacó de Egipto,’ Y cometieron grandes blasfemias,

19 B ut You, in Your great loving-kindness, did not leave them in the desert. The pillar of cloud which led them on their way during the day did not leave them. And the pillar of fire which gave light to the way they were to go during the night did not leave them.

En Tu gran compasión, Tú no los abandonaste en el desierto. La columna de nube no los dejó de día Para guiarlos en el camino, Ni la columna de fuego de noche para alumbrarles el camino por donde debían andar.

20 Y ou gave Your good Spirit to teach them. You did not keep Your bread from heaven from their mouths. And You gave them water when they were thirsty.

Y diste Tu buen Espíritu para instruirles; No retiraste Tu maná de su boca, Y les diste agua para su sed.

21 F or forty years You kept them alive in the desert and gave them everything they needed. Their clothes did not wear out, and their feet did not become sore.

Por cuarenta años proveíste para ellos en el desierto y nada les faltó, Sus vestidos no se gastaron ni se hincharon sus pies.

22 Y ou gave them nations and peoples, and You gave them every part. For their own they took the land of Sihon king of Heshbon and the land of Og king of Bashan.

También les diste reinos y pueblos, Y se los repartiste con sus límites. Tomaron posesión de la tierra de Sehón, rey de Hesbón, Y la tierra de Og, rey de Basán.

23 Y ou made their sons as many as the stars of heaven. And You brought them into the land which You had told their fathers to go into and take for their own.

Multiplicaste sus hijos como las estrellas del cielo, Y los llevaste a la tierra Que habías dicho a sus padres que entraran a poseer la.

24 S o their sons went into the land and took it. You gave them power over the people of the land, the Canaanites. You gave these people into their hand, with their kings and the peoples of the land, to do with them as they would.

Así que entraron los hijos y poseyeron la tierra. Y Tú sometiste delante de ellos a los habitantes de la tierra, a los Cananeos, Y los entregaste en su mano, con sus reyes y los pueblos de la tierra, Para hacer con ellos como quisieran.

25 T hey took strong cities and a rich land. They took houses full of every good thing. They took wells that had been dug, grape-vines, olive trees, and many fruit trees. So they ate and were filled and became fat. They were glad because You were so good to them.

Capturaron ciudades fortificadas y una tierra fértil. Tomaron posesión de casas llenas de toda cosa buena, Cisternas excavadas, viñas y olivares, Y árboles frutales en abundancia. Comieron, se saciaron, engordaron Y se deleitaron en tu gran bondad.

26 But they would not obey and they turned against You. They put Your Law behind their backs. They killed the men who tell what will happen who had spoken sharp words to them telling them to return to You. The people spoke very sinful words against You.

Pero fueron desobedientes y se rebelaron contra Ti, Echaron Tu ley a sus espaldas, Mataron a Tus profetas que los amonestaban (les testificaban) Para que se volvieran a Ti; Y cometieron grandes blasfemias.

27 S o You gave them into the hand of those who made it hard for them. But when they cried to You in the time of their trouble, You heard from heaven. And by Your great loving-kindness You sent men to save them from those who made it hard for them.

Entonces los entregaste en mano de sus enemigos, que los oprimieron; Pero en el tiempo de su angustia clamaron a Ti, Y Tú escuchaste desde el cielo, y conforme a Tu gran compasión Les diste libertadores que los libraron de mano de sus opresores.

28 B ut as soon as they had rest, they sinned against You again. So You left them in the hand of those who hated them, so that they ruled over them. When they cried again to You, You heard from heaven. And many times You took them away from trouble because of Your loving-kindness.

Pero cuando tenían descanso, volvían a hacer lo malo delante de Ti; Por tanto, Tú los abandonabas en mano de sus enemigos para que los dominaran. Cuando clamaban de nuevo a Ti, Tú oías desde el cielo Y muchas veces los rescataste conforme a Tu compasión.

29 Y ou spoke sharp words to them to turn them back to Your Law. Yet they acted in pride and did not listen to Your Words, but sinned against Your Laws, by which if a man obeys them he will live. They were strong-willed and made their hearts hard against You, and would not listen.

Los amonestaste para que volvieran a Tu ley, Pero ellos obraron con soberbia y no escucharon Tus mandamientos, sino que pecaron contra Tus ordenanzas, Las cuales si el hombre las cumple, por ellas vivirá. Dieron la espalda en rebeldía, fueron tercos y no escucharon.

30 B ut You did not give up taking care of them for many years. You spoke sharp words to them by Your Spirit through the men who tell what will happen. Yet they would not listen. So You gave them into the hand of the peoples of the lands.

Sin embargo, Tú fuiste paciente con ellos por muchos años, Y los amonestaste con Tu Espíritu por medio de Tus profetas, Pero no prestaron oído. Entonces los entregaste en mano de los pueblos de estas tierras.

31 B ut in Your great loving-kindness, You did not make an end of them or leave them for You are a kind and loving God.

Pero en Tu gran compasión no los Exterminaste ni los abandonaste, Porque Tú eres un Dios clemente y compasivo.

32 So now, our God, the great and powerful God, honored with fear, Who keeps His agreement and loving-kindness, do not let all this trouble look small in Your eyes which has come upon us, our kings, our princes, our religious leaders, our men who tell what will happen, our fathers, and on all Your people since the days of the kings of Assyria to this day.

Ahora pues, Dios nuestro, Dios grande, poderoso y temible, que guardas el pacto y la misericordia, No parezca insignificante ante Ti toda la aflicción Que nos ha sobrevenido, a nuestros reyes, a nuestros príncipes, a nuestros sacerdotes, a nuestros profetas, a nuestros padres y a todo Tu pueblo, Desde los días de los reyes de Asiria hasta el día de hoy.

33 Y et You have been right and fair in all that has come upon us. For You have been faithful, but we have sinned.

Pero Tú eres justo en todo lo que ha venido sobre nosotros, Porque Tú has obrado fielmente, Pero nosotros, perversamente.

34 O ur kings, leaders, religious leaders, and fathers have not kept Your Law or listened to Your Laws and Your strong words which You have given them.

Nuestros reyes, nuestros jefes, nuestros sacerdotes y nuestros padres no han observado Tu ley Ni han hecho caso a Tus mandamientos ni a Tus amonestaciones con que los amonestabas.

35 E ven when they were in their own nation, with all the good things You gave them and with the great rich land You gave them, they did not serve You or turn from their sins.

Pero ellos en su propio reino, Con los muchos bienes que Tú les diste, Con la espaciosa y rica tierra que pusiste delante de ellos, No Te sirvieron ni se convirtieron de sus malas obras.

36 S ee, we are servants today. We are servants in the land You gave to our fathers. You gave it to them so they could eat the fruit and have other good things.

Por tanto, hoy somos esclavos, Y en cuanto a la tierra que diste a nuestros padres Para comer de sus frutos y de sus bienes, Ahora somos esclavos en ella.

37 T he many good things the land gives are used by the kings whom You have put over us because of our sins. They also rule over our bodies and over our cattle as they please. So we are in much trouble. The People Sign an Agreement

Y su abundante fruto es para los reyes Que Tú pusiste sobre nosotros a causa de nuestros pecados, Los cuales dominan nuestros cuerpos Y nuestros ganados como les place, Y en gran angustia estamos.

38 Now because of all this we are making an agreement in writing. And our leaders, our Levites, and our religious leaders have put their mark on it.”

A causa de todo esto, nosotros hacemos un pacto fiel por escrito; y en el documento sellado están los nombres de nuestros jefes, nuestros Levitas y nuestros sacerdotes.”