Psalm 96 ~ Salmos 96


1 S ing to the Lord a new song. Let all the earth sing to the Lord.

Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo; Canten al Señor, toda la tierra.

2 S ing to the Lord. Honor His name. Make His saving power known from day to day.

Canten al Señor, bendigan Su nombre; Proclamen de día en día las buenas nuevas de Su salvación.

3 T ell of His shining-greatness among the nations. Tell of His wonderful works among all the people.

Cuenten Su gloria entre las naciones, Sus maravillas entre todos los pueblos.

4 F or the Lord is great and should be given much praise. He is to be honored with fear above all gods.

Porque grande es el Señor, y muy digno de ser alabado; Temible es El sobre todos los dioses.

5 F or all the gods of the nations are false gods. But the Lord made the heavens.

Porque todos los dioses de los pueblos son ídolos, Pero el Señor hizo los cielos.

6 H onor and great power are with Him. Strength and beauty are in His holy place.

Gloria y majestad están delante de El; Poder y hermosura en Su santuario.

7 G ive to the Lord, O families of the nations, give to the Lord the honor and strength that He should have.

Den al Señor, oh familias de los pueblos, Den al Señor gloria y poder.

8 G ive to the Lord the honor of His name. Bring a gift and come into His holy place.

Den al Señor la gloria debida a Su nombre; Traigan ofrenda y entren en Sus atrios.

9 W orship the Lord in holy clothing. May all the earth shake in fear before Him.

Adoren al Señor en vestiduras santas; Tiemblen ante Su presencia, toda la tierra.

10 S ay among the nations that the Lord rules. The world is built to last. It will not be moved. He will be right when He says who is guilty or not.

Digan entre las naciones: “El Señor reina; Ciertamente el mundo está bien afirmado, será inconmovible; El juzgará a los pueblos con equidad.”

11 L et the heavens be glad. And let the earth be full of joy. Let the sea and all that is in it make a loud noise.

Alégrense los cielos y regocíjese la tierra; Ruja el mar y cuanto contiene;

12 L et the fields and all that is in them be full of joy. Then all the trees of the land will sing for joy

Gócese el campo y todo lo que en él hay. Entonces todos los árboles del bosque cantarán con gozo

13 b efore the Lord. For He is coming. He is coming to say who is guilty or not on the earth. He will be right in what He decides about the world. And He will be faithful to the people.

Delante del Señor, porque El viene; Porque El viene a juzgar la tierra: Juzgará al mundo con justicia Y a los pueblos con Su fidelidad.