Psalm 21 ~ Salmos 21


1 O Lord, in Your strength the king is glad! How great is his joy in Your saving power!

Oh Señor, en Tu fortaleza se alegrará el rey, ¡y cuánto se regocijará en Tu salvación!

2 Y ou have given him the desire of his heart. You have not kept from him anything that he has asked for.

Tú le has dado el deseo de su corazón, Y no le has negado la petición de sus labios. (Selah)

3 F or You meet him with gifts of good things. You set a crown of pure gold on his head.

Porque le sales al encuentro con bendiciones de bien; Corona de oro fino colocas en su cabeza.

4 H e asked You for life and You gave it to him, a long life forever and ever.

Vida Te pidió y Tú se la diste, Largura de días eternamente y para siempre.

5 H is honor is great because of Your help. You have given him greatness and power.

Grande es su gloria por Tu salvación, Esplendor y majestad has puesto sobre él.

6 Y ou have given him honor and respect forever. And You make him glad with the joy of being with You.

Pues le haces bienaventurado para siempre; Con Tu presencia le deleitas con alegría.

7 F or the king trusts in the Lord. Because of the loving-kindness of the Most High, he will not be shaken.

Porque el rey confía en el Señor, Y por la misericordia del Altísimo no será conmovido.

8 Y our hand will find all who fight against You. Your right hand will find those who hate You.

Hallará Tu mano a todos Tus enemigos; Tu diestra hallará a aquéllos que Te odian.

9 Y ou will make them like a stove of fire in the time of Your anger. The Lord will eat them up in His anger. And the fire will destroy them.

Los harás como horno encendido en el tiempo de Tu enojo. El Señor en Su ira los devorará, Y fuego los consumirá.

10 Y ou will destroy their children from the earth, and their sons from the children of men.

Su descendencia destruirás de la superficie de la tierra, Y sus descendientes de entre los hijos de los hombres.

11 F or they planned much trouble against You. They have made sinful plans that will come to nothing.

Aunque intentaron el mal contra Ti, Y fraguaron una conspiración, No prevalecerán,

12 F or You will make them turn their backs when You take up Your bow against them.

Pues Tú los pondrás en fuga, Apuntarás a sus rostros con Tu arco.

13 B e honored in Your strength, O Lord. We will sing and praise Your power.

Engrandécete, oh Señor, en Tu poder; Cantaremos y alabaremos Tu poderío.