Psalm 99 ~ Salmos 99


1 T he Lord rules! Let the people shake in fear! He sits on His throne above the angels. Let the earth shake!

¡El Señor reina, estremézcanse los pueblos; El está sentado como Rey sobre los querubines, tiemble la tierra!

2 T he Lord is great in Zion. And He is honored above all people.

El Señor es grande en Sion, Y exaltado sobre todos los pueblos.

3 L et them praise Your great name. It is to be honored with fear. He is holy!

Alaben Tu nombre grande y temible; El es santo.

4 T he strength of the King loves what is right. You have set up what is fair. You do what is right and fair in Jacob.

El poder del Rey ama la justicia; Tú has establecido la equidad; Has hecho juicio y justicia en Jacob.

5 H onor the Lord our God. Worship at His feet. For He is holy!

Exalten al Señor nuestro Dios, Y póstrense ante el estrado de Sus pies; El es santo.

6 M oses and Aaron were among His religious leaders. And Samuel was among those who called on His name. They called upon the Lord, and He answered them.

Moisés y Aarón estaban entre Sus sacerdotes, Y Samuel entre los que invocaron Su nombre; Ellos clamaron al Señor, y El les respondió.

7 H e spoke to them from the cloud. They kept His Word and the Law that He gave them.

Les habló en la columna de nube; Guardaron Sus testimonios, Y el estatuto que El les dio.

8 O Lord our God, You answered them. You were a forgiving God to them. But You punished them for their wrong-doing.

Oh Señor, Dios nuestro, Tú les respondiste; Fuiste para ellos un Dios perdonador, Pero también vengador de sus malas obras.

9 H onor the Lord our God. And worship at His holy mountain. For the Lord our God is holy!

Exalten al Señor nuestro Dios, Y póstrense ante Su santo monte, Porque santo es el Señor nuestro Dios.