Ephesians 6 ~ Efesios 6


1 C hildren, as Christians, obey your parents. This is the right thing to do.

Hijos, obedezcan a sus padres en el Señor, porque esto es justo.

2 R espect your father and mother. This is the first Law given that had a promise.

Honra a tu padre y a tu madre (que es el primer mandamiento con promesa),

3 T he promise is this: If you respect your father and mother, you will live a long time and your life will be full of many good things.

para que te vaya bien, y para que tengas larga vida sobre la tierra.

4 F athers, do not be too hard on your children so they will become angry. Teach them in their growing years with Christian teaching.

Y ustedes, padres, no provoquen a ira a sus hijos, sino críenlos en la disciplina e instrucción del Señor. Relaciones entre Amos y Siervos

5 Y ou servants who are owned by someone must obey your owners. Work for them as hard as you can. Work for them the same as if you were working for Christ.

Siervos, obedezcan a sus amos en la tierra, con temor y temblor, con la sinceridad de su corazón, como a Cristo;

6 D o not work hard only when your owner sees you. You would be doing this just to please men. Work as you would work for Christ. Do what God wants you to do with all your heart.

no para ser vistos, como los que quieren agradar a los hombres, sino como siervos de Cristo, haciendo de corazón la voluntad de Dios.

7 B e happy as you work. Do your work as for the Lord, not for men.

Sirvan de buena voluntad, como al Señor y no a los hombres,

8 R emember this, whatever good thing you do, the Lord will pay you for it. It is the same to the Lord if you are a servant owned by someone or if you work for pay.

sabiendo que cualquier cosa buena que cada uno haga, esto recibirá del Señor, sea siervo o sea libre.

9 O wners, do the right thing for those who work for you. Stop saying that you are going to be hard on them. Remember that your Owner and their Owner is in heaven. God does not respect one person more than another. Things God Gives the Christian to Fight With

Y ustedes, amos, hagan lo mismo con sus siervos, y dejen las amenazas, sabiendo que el Señor de ellos y de ustedes está en los cielos, y que para El no hay acepción de personas. La Armadura de Dios para el Cristiano

10 T his is the last thing I want to say: Be strong with the Lord’s strength.

Por lo demás, fortalézcanse en el Señor y en el poder de su fuerza.

11 P ut on the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will not fall into the traps of the devil.

Revístanse con toda la armadura de Dios para que puedan estar firmes contra las insidias del diablo.

12 O ur fight is not with people. It is against the leaders and the powers and the spirits of darkness in this world. It is against the demon world that works in the heavens.

Porque nuestra lucha no es contra sangre y carne, sino contra principados, contra potestades, contra los poderes (gobernantes) de este mundo de tinieblas, contra las fuerzas espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestes.

13 B ecause of this, put on all the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will be able to stand in that sinful day. When it is all over, you will still be standing.

Por tanto, tomen toda la armadura de Dios, para que puedan resistir en el día malo, y habiéndolo hecho todo, estar firmes.

14 S o stand up and do not be moved. Wear a belt of truth around your body. Wear a piece of iron over your chest which is being right with God.

Estén, pues, firmes, ceñida su cintura con la verdad, revestidos con la coraza de la justicia,

15 W ear shoes on your feet which are the Good News of peace.

y calzados los pies con la preparacion para anunciar el evangelio de la paz.

16 M ost important of all, you need a covering of faith in front of you. This is to put out the fire-arrows of the devil.

Sobre todo, tomen el escudo de la fe con el que podrán apagar todos los dardos encendidos del maligno.

17 T he covering for your head is that you have been saved from the punishment of sin. Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. How and What to Pray For

Tomen también el casco de la salvacion, y la espada del Espíritu que es la palabra de Dios.

18 Y ou must pray at all times as the Holy Spirit leads you to pray. Pray for the things that are needed. You must watch and keep on praying. Remember to pray for all Christians.

Con toda oración y súplica oren en todo tiempo en el Espíritu, y así, velen con toda perseverancia y súplica por todos los santos.

19 P ray for me also. Pray that I might open my mouth without fear. Pray that I will use the right words to preach that which is hard to understand in the Good News.

Oren también por mí, para que me sea dada palabra al abrir mi boca, a fin de dar a conocer sin temor el misterio del evangelio,

20 T his is the reason I was sent out. But now I am in chains for preaching the Good News. I want to keep on speaking for Christ without fear the way I should.

por el cual soy embajador en cadenas; que al proclamar lo hable sin temor, como debo hablar. Despedida y Bendición

21 T ychicus will tell you how I am getting along. He is a much-loved brother and a faithful preacher.

Pero a fin de que también ustedes sepan mi situación y lo que hago, todo se lo hará saber Tíquico, amado hermano y fiel ministro en el Señor,

22 I have sent him to you because I want him to tell you about us. He will comfort you.

a quien he enviado a ustedes precisamente para esto, para que sepan de nosotros y para que consuele sus corazones.

23 M ay all the Christian brothers have peace and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paz sea a los hermanos, y amor con fe, de parte de Dios el Padre y del Señor Jesucristo.

24 M ay God give loving-favor to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with a love that never gets weak.

La gracia sea con todos los que aman a nuestro Señor Jesucristo con amor incorruptible.