Psalm 98 ~ Salmos 98


1 S ing a new song to the Lord. For He has done great things. His right hand and His holy arm have won the fight for Him.

Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo, Porque ha hecho maravillas, Su diestra y Su santo brazo Le han dado la victoria (salvación).

2 T he Lord has made His saving power known. He has shown to the nations how right and good He is.

El Señor ha dado a conocer Su victoria (salvación); A la vista de las naciones ha revelado Su justicia.

3 H e has shown His loving-kindness and how beautiful He is to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of our God.

Se ha acordado de Su misericordia y de Su fidelidad para con la casa de Israel; Todos los términos de la tierra han visto la salvación de nuestro Dios.

4 C all out for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Sing out loud songs of joy and sing praises.

Aclamen con júbilo al Señor, toda la tierra; Prorrumpan y canten con gozo, canten alabanzas.

5 S ing praises to the Lord with harps, with harps and the voice of singing.

Canten alabanzas al Señor con la lira, Con la lira y al son de la melodía.

6 C all out for joy with the sound of horns before the King, the Lord.

Con trompetas y sonido de cuerno, Den voces ante el Rey, el Señor.

7 L et the sea and all that is in it make a loud noise, and the world and all who live in it.

Ruja el mar y cuanto contiene, El mundo y los que en él habitan.

8 L et the rivers clap their hands. Let the mountains sing together for joy

Batan palmas los ríos, A una canten jubilosos los montes

9 b efore the Lord. For He is coming to say who is guilty or not on the earth. He will be right in what He decides about the world. And He will be fair to the people.

Delante del Señor, pues viene a juzgar la tierra; El juzgará al mundo con justicia, Y a los pueblos con equidad.