Acts 21 ~ Hechos 21


1 A fter we left them, we got on a ship and came straight down to the island of Cos. The next day we came to the island of Rhodes and from there to the city of Patara.

Después de separarnos de ellos, salimos y navegamos con rumbo directo a Cos, al día siguiente a Rodas, y de allí a Pátara.

2 T here we found a ship that was going over to the country of Phoenicia. We got on it and went along.

Al encontrar un barco que iba para Fenicia, subimos a bordo y nos hicimos a la vela.

3 W e saw the island of Cyprus to our left but went on to the country of Syria. We came to land at the city of Tyre. The ship was to leave its load of freight there.

Cuando vimos la isla de Chipre, dejándola a la izquierda, navegamos hacia Siria, y desembarcamos en Tiro porque la nave debía dejar allí su cargamento.

4 W e looked for the Christians and stayed with them seven days. The Christians had been told by the Holy Spirit to tell Paul not to go to Jerusalem.

Después de hallar a los discípulos, nos quedamos allí siete días, y ellos le decían a Pablo, por el Espíritu, que no fuera a Jerusalén.

5 W hen our time was up, we left there and went on our way. All of them with their wives and children went with us out of town. They got down on their knees on the shore and prayed.

Pasados aquellos días partimos y emprendimos nuestro viaje mientras que todos ellos, con sus mujeres e hijos, nos acompañaron hasta las afueras de la ciudad. Después de arrodillarnos y orar en la playa, nos despedimos unos de otros.

6 A fter we said good-bye, we got on the ship and they went back to their houses. Paul Goes from Tyre to Jerusalem

Entonces subimos al barco y ellos regresaron a sus hogares. Pablo en Cesarea

7 T he same ship took us from Tyre to the city of Ptolemais. We stayed with the Christians there one day.

Terminado el viaje desde Tiro, llegamos a Tolemaida, y después de saludar a los hermanos, nos quedamos con ellos un día.

8 T he next day we left and came to the city of Caesarea. We went to the house of Philip and stayed with him. He was a preacher who goes from town to town and was one of the seven church leaders.

Al día siguiente partimos y llegamos a Cesarea, y entrando en la casa de Felipe, el evangelista, que era uno de los siete (diáconos), nos quedamos con él.

9 P hilip had four daughters who were not married. They spoke the Word of God.

Este tenía cuatro hijas vírgenes que profetizaban.

10 W hile we were there a few days, a man who speaks for God named Agabus came down from the country of Judea.

Y deteniéndonos allí varios días, descendió de Judea cierto profeta llamado Agabo,

11 H e came to see us. Then he took Paul’s belt and used it to tie his own feet and hands. He said, “This is what the Holy Spirit says, ‘The Jews at Jerusalem will tie the man who owns this belt. Then they will hand him over to the people who are not Jews.’”

quien vino a ver nos, y tomando el cinto de Pablo, se ató las manos y los pies, y dijo: “Así dice el Espíritu Santo: ‘Así atarán los Judíos en Jerusalén al dueño de este cinto, y lo entregarán en manos de los Gentiles.’”

12 W hen we heard this, we and all the people living there begged Paul not to go up to Jerusalem.

Al escuchar esto, tanto nosotros como los que vivían allí le rogábamos que no subiera a Jerusalén.

13 T hen Paul said, “What do you mean by crying and breaking my heart? I am ready to be put in chains in Jerusalem. I am also ready to die for the name of the Lord Jesus.”

Entonces Pablo respondió: “¿Qué hacen, llorando y quebrantándome el corazón? Porque listo estoy no sólo a ser atado, sino también a morir en Jerusalén por el nombre del Señor Jesús.”

14 P aul would not listen to us. So we stopped begging him and said, “May whatever God wants be done.” Paul Is in Jerusalem

Como no se dejaba persuadir, dejamos de insistir, diciéndo nos: “Que se haga la voluntad del Señor.”

15 A fter this, we got ready and started up to Jerusalem.

Después de estos días nos preparamos y comenzamos a subir hacia Jerusalén.

16 S ome of the followers in Caesarea went with us. They took us to Mnason’s house. He was one of the first followers from Cyprus. We stayed with him.

Nos acompañaron también algunos de los discípulos de Cesarea, quienes nos condujeron a Mnasón, de Chipre, un antiguo discípulo con quien deberíamos hospedarnos. Pablo en Jerusalén

17 W hen we got to Jerusalem, the Christians were glad to see us.

Cuando llegamos a Jerusalén, los hermanos nos recibieron con regocijo.

18 T he next day we went with Paul to see James. All the church leaders came also.

Al día siguiente Pablo fue con nosotros a ver a Jacobo (Santiago, hermano de Jesús), y todos los ancianos estaban presentes.

19 A fter saying hello to them, Paul told of what God had done through his work for the people who were not Jews.

Después de saludarlos, comenzó a referirles una por una las cosas que Dios había hecho entre los Gentiles mediante su ministerio.

20 W hen they heard this, they thanked the Lord. Then they said to him, “You see, brother, how many thousands of Christians there are among the Jews. They all obey the Law of Moses.

Ellos, cuando lo oyeron, glorificaban a Dios y le dijeron: “Hermano, ya ves cuántos miles hay entre los Judíos que han creído, y todos son celosos de la Ley (Mosaica).

21 T hey have heard about you. They have heard you teach the Jews who live among people who are not Jews. They have heard you teach them to break away from the Law of Moses. They say you are telling them not to do the religious act of becoming a Jew and not to follow old religious ways of worship.

Se les ha contado acerca de ti, que enseñas a todos los Judíos entre los Gentiles que se aparten de Moisés, diciéndoles que no circunciden a sus hijos ni observen las tradiciones.

22 W hat should we do about it? They will hear that you have come.

Entonces, ¿qué es lo que se debe hacer ? Porque sin duda la multitud se reunirá pues oirán que has venido.

23 Y ou must do what we tell you. We have four men with us who have made a promise to God.

“Por tanto, haz esto que te decimos. Tenemos cuatro hombres que han hecho un voto;

24 T ake these four men and go through the religious worship of washing with them. You pay to have their hair cut off. Then everybody will know what they have heard about you is not true. They will know you are careful to obey the Law of Moses.

tómalos y purifícate junto con ellos, y paga sus gastos para que se rasuren la cabeza. Así todos sabrán que no hay nada cierto en lo que se les ha dicho acerca de ti, sino que tú también vives (andas) ordenadamente, guardando la Ley.

25 A s for the people who are not Jews, we wrote to them. We said that they must keep away from everything that has been given to gods. They must not eat blood or meat from animals that have been killed in ways against the Law. They must keep away from sex sins.”

Pero en cuanto a los Gentiles que han creído, nosotros les hemos escrito, habiendo decidido que deben abstenerse de todo lo que ha sido sacrificado a los ídolos, de sangre y de comer carne de animales estrangulados y de fornicación.”

26 T he next day Paul took the men. He went through the religious worship of washing with them. They went into the house of God to tell when their religious worship of washing would be finished. Then the gift for each one of them would be given as an act of worship.

Entonces Pablo tomó consigo a los hombres, y al día siguiente, purificándose junto con ellos, fue al templo, notificando de la terminación de los días de purificación, hasta que el sacrificio se ofreciera por cada uno de ellos. El Tumulto en el Templo

27 T he seven days were almost finished. Jews from the countries of Asia saw Paul in the house of God. They made the people turn against him. Then they took hold of him.

Cuando estaban para cumplirse los siete días, los Judíos de Asia (provincia occidental de Asia Menor), al verlo en el templo alborotaron a todo el pueblo y le echaron mano,

28 T hey cried out, “You who are Jews, help us! This is the man who is teaching against our people and our Law and this house of God. Also he has brought Greek people into the house of God. This has made this holy place unclean.”

gritando: “¡Hombres de Israel, ayúdennos! Este es el hombre que enseña a todos, por todas partes, contra nuestro pueblo, la Ley y este lugar. Además, incluso ha traído Griegos al templo, y ha profanado este lugar santo.”

29 T hey had seen him before in the city with Trophimus who was from the city of Ephesus. They thought Paul had brought him into the house of God also.

Pues anteriormente habían visto a Trófimo el Efesio con él en la ciudad, y pensaban que Pablo lo había traído al templo.

30 A ll the people in the city were crying out with loud voices. The people pushed and moved together. They took Paul and dragged him out of the house of God. Then the doors were shut.

Se alborotó toda la ciudad, y llegó el pueblo corriendo de todas partes. Apoderándose de Pablo lo arrastraron fuera del templo, y al instante cerraron las puertas.

31 T hey were getting ready to kill him. The captain of the soldiers heard there was trouble over all Jerusalem.

Mientras procuraban matarlo, llegó aviso al comandante de la compañía (tropa) Romana que toda Jerusalén estaba en confusión.

32 A t once the captain called his soldiers and they ran down to the people. When the people saw the captain and his soldiers, they stopped beating Paul. Paul Is Tied with Chains

Inmediatamente tomó consigo algunos soldados y centuriones, y corrió hacia ellos; cuando el pueblo vio al comandante y a los soldados, dejaron de golpear a Pablo.

33 T he captain came and took hold of Paul. He told his soldiers to tie Paul with two chains. Then he asked who he was and what he had done.

Entonces el comandante llegó y lo arrestó, y ordenó que lo ataran con dos cadenas, y preguntaba quién era y qué había hecho.

34 S ome of the people called out one thing and some another. The captain was not able to find out what had happened. He told his men to take Paul into the soldiers’ building.

Pero entre la muchedumbre unos gritaban una cosa y otros otra, y como él no pudo averiguar con certeza los hechos, debido al tumulto, ordenó que llevaran a Pablo al cuartel.

35 T he people cried out so loud and pushed so hard that Paul had to be carried up the steps by the soldiers.

Cuando Pablo llegó a las gradas, los soldados tuvieron que cargarlo por causa de la violencia de la turba;

36 A ll the people kept pushing and calling out, “Kill him!”

porque la multitud del pueblo lo seguía, gritando: “¡Muera!” Defensa de Pablo en Jerusalén

37 P aul was brought into the soldiers’ building. He said to the captain, “May I say something to you?” The captain said, “Can you speak the Greek language?

Cuando estaban para meterlo en el cuartel, Pablo dijo al comandante: “¿Puedo decirte algo?” Y él dijo: “¿Sabes Griego?

38 A re you not the man from the country of Egypt who made trouble against our country? That man led 4, 000 fighting men into the desert.”

¿Entonces tú no eres el Egipcio que hace tiempo levantó una revuelta y sacó los 4, 000 hombres de los asesinos al desierto ?”

39 P aul said, “No! I am a Jew and a citizen of a large city. I am from Tarsus in the country of Cilicia. I ask you to let me speak to the people.”

Pablo respondió: “Yo soy Judío de Tarso de Cilicia, ciudadano de una ciudad no sin importancia. Te suplico que me permitas hablar al pueblo.”

40 T he captain told Paul to speak. So Paul stood on the steps and held up his hand. When there was no more noise, he spoke to them in the language of the Jews.

Cuando el comandante le concedió el permiso, Pablo, de pie sobre las gradas, hizo señal al pueblo con su mano, y cuando hubo gran silencio, les habló en el idioma Hebreo: