Psalm 69 ~ Salmos 69


1 S ave me, O God, for the waters have almost taken my life.

Sálvame, oh Dios, Porque las aguas me han llegado hasta el alma.

2 I have gone down into deep mud and there is no place to put my feet. I have come into deep waters and a flood comes over me.

Me he hundido en cieno profundo, y no hay donde apoyar el pie; He llegado a lo profundo de las aguas, y la corriente me cubre.

3 I have cried until I am tired. My mouth is dry. My eyes become weak while I wait for my God.

Cansado estoy de llorar; reseca está mi garganta; Mis ojos desfallecen mientras espero a mi Dios.

4 T hose who hate me, without a reason, are more than the hairs on my head. Those who want to destroy me are powerful. I am made to return things that I did not steal.

Más que los cabellos de mi cabeza son los que sin causa me aborrecen; Poderosos son los que quieren destruirme, Sin razón son mis enemigos, Me hacen devolver aquello que no robé.

5 O God, You know how foolish I am. My sins are not hidden from You.

Oh Dios, Tú conoces mi insensatez, Y mis transgresiones no Te son ocultas.

6 M ay those who wait for You not be put to shame because of me, O Lord God of All. May those who look for You not lose respect because of me, O God of Israel.

¡No se avergüencen de mí los que en Ti esperan, oh Señor, Dios de los ejércitos! ¡No sean humillados por mí los que Te buscan, oh Dios de Israel!

7 I have been put to shame because of You. Shame has covered my face.

Pues por amor de Ti he sufrido insultos; La ignominia ha cubierto mi rostro.

8 I have become a stranger to my brothers, a stranger to my mother’s sons.

Me he convertido en extraño para mis hermanos, Y en extranjero para los hijos de mi madre.

9 F or the strong desire for Your house has burned me up. And the bad things said about You have fallen on me.

Porque el celo por Tu casa me ha consumido, Y los insultos de los que Te injurian han caído sobre mí.

10 W hen I cried and went without food, I was put to shame.

Cuando lloraba afligiendo con ayuno mi alma, Eso se convirtió en afrenta para mí.

11 W hen I put on clothes made from hair, they made fun of me.

Cuando hice de cilicio mi vestido, Me convertí en proverbio para ellos.

12 T hose who sit by the gate talk about me. And I am the song of those who drink too much.

Hablan de mí los que se sientan a la puerta, Y soy la canción de los borrachos.

13 B ut as for me, my prayer is to You at the right time, O Lord. Answer me with Your saving truth in Your great loving-kindness, O God.

Pero yo elevo a Ti mi oración, oh Señor, en tiempo propicio; Oh Dios, en la grandeza de Tu misericordia, Respóndeme con Tu verdad salvadora.

14 T ake me out of the mud and do not let me go down in it. Take me away from those who hate me and from the deep waters.

Sácame del cieno y no dejes que me hunda; Sea yo librado de los que me odian, y de lo profundo de las aguas.

15 K eep the flood water from covering me. Do not let the sea swallow me up. Do not let the deep hole close its mouth over me.

No me cubra la corriente de las aguas, Ni me trague el abismo, Ni el pozo cierre sobre mí su boca.

16 A nswer me, O Lord, for Your loving-kindness is good. Turn to me because of Your great loving-pity.

Respóndeme, oh Señor, pues buena es Tu misericordia; Vuélvete a mí, conforme a Tu inmensa compasión,

17 D o not hide Your face from Your servant, for I am in trouble. Hurry to answer me.

Y no escondas Tu rostro de Tu siervo, Porque estoy en angustia; respóndeme pronto.

18 C ome near to me and save me. Pay the price to set me free from those who hate me.

Acércate a mi alma y redímela; Por causa de mis enemigos, rescátame.

19 Y ou know how I have been put to shame by the bad things said about me. All those who hate me are before You.

Tú conoces mi afrenta, mi vergüenza y mi ignominia; Todos mis adversarios están delante de Ti.

20 B eing put to shame has broken my heart, and I feel very sick. I looked for pity but there was none. I looked for someone to comfort me but there was no one.

La afrenta ha quebrantado mi corazón, y estoy enfermo; Esperé compasión, pero no la hubo; Busqué consoladores, pero no los hallé.

21 T hey gave me bitter drink in my food. And because I was thirsty they gave me sour wine.

Y por comida me dieron hiel, Y para mi sed me dieron a beber vinagre.

22 M ay their table in front of them become a net. May it become a trap when they are in peace.

Que la mesa delante de ellos se convierta en lazo, Y cuando estén en paz, se vuelva una trampa.

23 M ay their eyes grow dark so they cannot see. And may their backs always shake.

Núblense sus ojos para que no puedan ver, Y haz que sus lomos tiemblen continuamente.

24 P our out Your anger on them. May Your burning anger catch up with them.

Derrama sobre ellos Tu indignación, Y que el ardor de Tu ira los alcance.

25 M ay their place of living be empty and may no one live in their tents.

Sea desolado su campamento, Y nadie habite en sus tiendas.

26 F or they have made it hard for the one You have punished. And they talk about the pain of those You have hurt.

Porque han perseguido al que ya Tú has herido, Y cuentan del dolor de aquéllos que Tú has traspasado.

27 L et their sins add up, and may they not become right with You.

Añade iniquidad a su iniquidad, Y que no entren en Tu justicia.

28 M ay they be taken out of the book of life, and not be written down with those who are right with You.

Sean borrados del Libro de la Vida, Y no sean inscritos con los justos.

29 B ut I am suffering and in pain. O God, may You save me and set me up on high.

Pero yo estoy afligido y adolorido; Tu salvación, oh Dios, me ponga en alto.

30 I will praise the name of God with song. And I will give Him great honor with much thanks.

Con cántico alabaré el nombre de Dios, Y con acción de gracias Lo exaltaré.

31 T his will please the Lord more than any ox or young bull with horns and hoofs.

Y esto agradará al Señor más que el sacrificio de un buey O de un novillo con cuernos y pezuñas.

32 T hose without pride will see it and be glad. You who look for God, let your heart receive new strength.

Esto han visto los humildes y se alegran. Viva su corazón, ustedes los que buscan a Dios.

33 F or the Lord hears those who are in need, and does not hate His people in prison.

Porque el Señor oye a los necesitados Y no desprecia a los suyos que están presos.

34 L et heaven and earth and the seas and all the things that move in them give thanks to Him.

Alábenle los cielos y la tierra, Los mares y todo lo que en ellos se mueve.

35 F or God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah. Then His people may live there and have it for their own.

Porque Dios salvará a Sion y edificará las ciudades de Judá, Para que ellos moren allí y la posean.

36 A nd the children of those who obey Him will have it given to them. Those who love His name will live there.

Y la descendencia de Sus siervos la heredará, Y los que aman Su nombre morarán en ella.