Isaiah 16 ~ Isaías 16


1 S end lambs as taxes to the ruler of the land, from Sela by the way of the desert to the mountain of the people of Zion.

Envíen el cordero del tributo al gobernante de la tierra, Desde Sela en el desierto al monte de la hija de Sion.

2 T hen, like birds driven from their nest, the people of Moab will be where the Arnon River can be crossed.

Entonces como aves fugitivas o nidada dispersa, Serán las hijas de Moab en los vados del Arnón.

3 Give us words of wisdom. Do what is right for us. Make your shadow like night at noonday. Hide those who have been sent away. Do not go against those who are running for their lives.

“Danos consejo, toma una decisión. Da tu sombra como la noche en pleno mediodía; Esconde a los desterrados, no entregues al fugitivo.

4 L et those of Moab who have been sent away stay with you. Hide them from the one who destroys.” For the one who uses sinful power has come to an end, and trouble has stopped. Those who make it hard for the people have gone from the land.

Quédense contigo los desterrados de Moab; Sé para ellos escondedero ante el destructor.” Porque ha llegado a su fin el explotador, ha cesado la destrucción, Han desaparecido los opresores de la tierra.

5 A throne will be set up in loving-kindness. A faithful judge will sit on it from the family of David. He will be fair as he judges, and will be quick to do what is right and good.

Un trono se establecerá en la misericordia, Y en él se sentará con fidelidad (verdad), en la tienda de David, Un juez que busque lo justo Y esté presto a la justicia.

6 W e have heard of the pride of Moab, how very proud he is. We have heard of how proud he is of himself and of his anger. His proud words are false.

Hemos oído del orgullo de Moab, un orgullo extremado, De su arrogancia, de su orgullo y de su furor; Son falsas sus vanas jactancias.

7 S o Moab will cry out. Everyone of Moab will cry out. You will cry for the dried-grape cakes of Kir-hareseth, as if you were in the worst trouble.

Por tanto Moab gemirá por Moab; todo él gemirá. Por las tortas de pasas de Kir Hareset se lamentarán, Abatidos por completo.

8 T he fields of Heshbon and the vines of Sibmah have dried up. The lords of the nations have crushed under foot its best vines, which went as far as Jazer and the desert. They spread themselves out and passed over the sea.

Porque los campos de Hesbón se han marchitado, también las vides de Sibma. Los señores de las naciones pisotearon sus mejores racimos, Hasta Jazer alcanzaban y se extendían por el desierto; Sus sarmientos se extendían y pasaban el mar.

9 S o I will cry with much sorrow for Jazer and for the vines of Sibmah. I will make you wet with my tears, O Heshbon and Elealeh, because there is nothing to gather from your summer fruits.

Por eso lloraré amargamente por Jazer, por la viña de Sibma. Te bañaré con mis lágrimas, oh Hesbón y Eleale, Porque sobre tus frutos de verano y sobre tu cosecha se ha extinguido el clamor,

10 H appiness and joy are taken away from the field that gives much fruit. No songs are sung in the grape-fields. No one crushes grapes to make wine, for I have stopped the cry of joy.

Y se han retirado la alegría y el regocijo del campo fértil. En las viñas nadie canta de júbilo ni grita de alegría. El pisador no pisa vino en los lagares, Pues he hecho cesar el clamor.

11 S o my heart cries with sorrow for Moab like a harp. Inside myself I cry for Kir-hareseth.

Por eso mis entrañas vibran por Moab como un arpa, Y mi interior por Kir Hareset.

12 W hen Moab goes to his high place, he will only become tired. When he goes to his holy place to pray, it will do him no good.

Y sucederá que cuando Moab se presente, Cuando se fatigue sobre su lugar alto, Y venga a su santuario para orar, No prevalecerá.”

13 T his is the word which the Lord spoke before about Moab.

Esta es la palabra que el Señor habló antes acerca de Moab.

14 B ut now the Lord says, “In three years, as a servant would count them, the shining-greatness of Moab and all his many people will be hated. And those left alive will be very few and weak.”

Pero ahora el Señor dice: “Dentro de tres años, como los contaría un jornalero, la gloria de Moab será despreciada con toda su gran muchedumbre, y su remanente será muy pequeño y débil.”