Job 41 ~ Job 41


1 Can you pull the crocodile out with a fish-hook? Can you tie his tongue down with a rope?

“¿Sacarás tú a Leviatán (al monstruo marino) con anzuelo, O sujetarás con cuerda su lengua?

2 C an you put a rope in his nose, or put a hook through his jaw?

¿Pondrás una soga en su nariz, O perforarás su quijada con gancho ?

3 W ill he beg you to be good to him? Will he speak soft words to you?

¿Acaso te hará muchas súplicas, O te hablará palabras sumisas?

4 W ill he make an agreement with you to take him and make him your servant forever?

¿Hará un pacto contigo? ¿Lo tomarás como siervo para siempre?

5 W ill you play with him as if he were a bird? Or will you put him on a rope for your young women?

¿Jugarás con él como con un pájaro, O lo atarás para tus doncellas?

6 W ill traders talk about buying and selling him? Will they divide him among the store-keepers?

¿Traficarán con él los comerciantes ? ¿Lo repartirán entre los mercaderes?

7 C an you fill his skin or his head with fish spears?

¿Podrás llenar su piel de arpones, O de lanzas de pescar su cabeza?

8 L ay your hand on him, and remember the battle. You will not do it again!

Pon tu mano sobre él; Te acordarás de la batalla y no lo volverás a hacer.

9 S ee, the hope of man is false. One is laid low even when seeing him.

Falsa es tu esperanza; Con sólo verlo serás derribado.

10 N o one is so powerful that he would wake him. Who then can stand before Me?

Nadie hay tan audaz que lo despierte; ¿Quién, pues, podrá estar delante de Mí?

11 W ho has given Me everything, that I should pay him back? Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine.

¿Quién Me ha dado algo para que Yo se lo restituya ? Cuanto existe debajo de todo el cielo es Mío.

12 I will not keep quiet about his legs, or his powerful strength, or the good way he is made.

No dejaré de hablar de sus miembros, Ni de su gran poder, ni de su agraciada figura.

13 W ho can take off his outside clothing? Who can get through his hard skin?

¿Quién lo desnudará de su armadura exterior ? ¿Quién penetrará su doble malla ?

14 W ho can open the doors of his mouth? Around his teeth is much fear.

¿Quién abrirá las puertas de sus fauces ? Alrededor de sus dientes hay terror.

15 H is hard covering is his pride. He is shut up as with a lock.

Sus fuertes escamas son su orgullo, Cerradas como con apretado sello.

16 O ne piece of his hard skin is so close to another that no air can come between them.

La una está tan cerca de la otra Que el aire no puede penetrar entre ellas.

17 T hey are joined one to another. They hold on to each other and cannot be separated.

Unidas están una a la otra; Se traban entre sí y no pueden separarse.

18 H is breath gives out light. And his eyes are like those of the first light of day.

Sus estornudos dan destellos de luz, Y sus ojos son como los párpados del alba.

19 B urning light goes out of his mouth. Fire comes out.

De su boca salen antorchas, Chispas de fuego saltan.

20 S moke goes out of his nostrils, as from a boiling pot and burning grass.

De sus narices sale humo, Como de una olla que hierve sobre juncos encendidos.

21 H is breath sets fire to coals. A fire goes out of his mouth.

Su aliento enciende carbones, Y una llama sale de su boca.

22 S trength is in his neck, and fear jumps in front of him.

En su cuello reside el poder, Y salta el desaliento delante de él.

23 T he folds of his flesh are joined together. They are set in place and cannot be moved.

Unidos están los pliegues de su carne, Firmes están en él e inconmovibles.

24 H is heart is as hard as a stone, even as hard as a grinding-stone.

Su corazón es duro como piedra, Duro como piedra de molino.

25 W hen he raises himself up, the powerful are afraid. They are troubled because of his noise.

Cuando él se levanta, los poderosos tiemblan; A causa del estruendo quedan confundidos.

26 T he sword that hits him cannot cut. And spears are of no use.

La espada que lo alcance no puede prevalecer, Ni la lanza, el dardo, o la jabalina.

27 H e thinks of iron as straw, and brass as soft wood.

Estima el hierro como paja, El bronce como madera carcomida.

28 T he arrow cannot make him run away. Stones thrown at him are like dry grass to him.

No lo hace huir la flecha; En hojarasca se convierten para él las piedras de la honda.

29 H e thinks of heavy sticks as dry grass. He laughs at the noise of the spear.

Como hojarasca son estimados los mazos; Se ríe del blandir de la jabalina.

30 T he parts under him are like sharp pieces of a pot. He spreads out like a grain crusher on the mud.

Por debajo tiene como tiestos puntiagudos; Se extiende como trillo sobre el lodo.

31 H e makes the sea boil like a pot. He makes the sea like a jar of oil.

Hace hervir las profundidades como olla; Hace el mar como un recipiente de ungüento.

32 H e makes his way shine behind him. One would think that the sea has white hair.

Detrás de sí hace brillar una estela; Se diría que el abismo es blanca cabellera.

33 N othing on earth is like him, one made without fear.

Nada en la tierra es semejante a él, Que fue hecho sin temer a nada.

34 H e looks on everything that is high. He is king over all that are proud.”

Desafía a todo ser altivo; él es rey sobre todos los orgullosos.”