Jeremiah 30 ~ Jeremías 30


1 T he word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,

Palabra que vino a Jeremías de parte del Señor:

2 This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Write in a book all the words which I have spoken to you.

“Así dice el Señor, Dios de Israel: ‘Escribe en un libro todas las palabras que te he hablado.

3 F or the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘when I will bring back My people Israel and Judah from where they are held.’ The Lord says, ‘I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers before them, and it will be theirs.’”

Porque, vienen días,’ declara el Señor, ‘cuando restauraré el bienestar (haré volver a los cautivos) de Mi pueblo, Israel y Judá.’ El Señor dice: ‘También los haré volver a la tierra que di a sus padres y la poseerán.’”

4 T hese are the words which the Lord spoke about Israel and Judah:

Estas son las palabras que el Señor habló acerca de Israel y de Judá:

5 The Lord says, ‘I have heard cries of much trouble, of being afraid, and there is no peace.

“Porque así dice el Señor: ‘He oído voces de terror, De pánico, y no de paz.

6 A sk now and see, can a man give birth to a child? Why do I see every man with his hands on his body like a woman giving birth? Why have all faces turned white?

Pregunten ahora, y vean Si el varón da a luz. ¿Por qué veo a todos los hombres Con las manos sobre sus caderas, como mujer de parto ? ¿Y por qué se han puesto pálidos todos los rostros?

7 T hat day will be very bad! There is none like it. It is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he will be saved out of it.

¡Ay! Porque grande es aquel día, No hay otro semejante a él. Es tiempo de angustia para Jacob, Mas de ella será librado.

8 O n that day,’ says the Lord of All, ‘I will break the cross-bar off from their neck, and will tear off their chains. Strangers will no longer make them their servants.

En aquel día,’ declara el Señor de los ejércitos, ‘quebraré el yugo de su cuello y romperé sus coyundas, y extranjeros no lo esclavizarán más,

9 B ut they will serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.

sino que servirán al Señor su Dios, y a David su rey, a quien Yo levantaré para ellos.

10 S o do not be afraid, O Jacob My servant,’ says the Lord, ‘and do not be troubled, O Israel, for see, from far away I will save you and your children from the land where they are being held. Jacob will return and have quiet rest, and no one will make him afraid.

Así que tú no temas, Jacob, siervo Mío,’ declara el Señor, ‘ni te atemorices, Israel; Porque te salvaré de lugar remoto, Y a tu descendencia de la tierra de su cautiverio. Y volverá Jacob, y estará tranquilo Y seguro, y nadie lo atemorizará.

11 F or I am with you to save you,’ says the Lord. ‘I will make a complete end of all the nations where I have sent you. I will not make a complete end of you, but I will give you the right punishment. I will not let you go without being punished.’

Porque Yo estoy contigo,’ declara el Señor ‘para salvarte; Pues acabaré con todas las naciones entre las que te he esparcido, Pero no acabaré contigo, Sino que te castigaré con justicia. De ninguna manera te dejaré sin castigo.’

12 For the Lord says, ‘Your hurt cannot be healed. Your hurt is very bad.

Porque así dice el Señor: ‘Incurable es tu quebranto, Y grave tu herida.

13 T here is no one to ask for you in your cause, no help for your hurt, no healing for you.

No hay quien defienda tu causa; No hay cura para tu llaga, No hay mejoría para ti.

14 A ll your lovers have forgotten you. They do not care about you. For I have hurt you as if you were hurt by one who hates you. You have been punished without pity, because you have much guilt. You have done many sins.

Todos tus amantes te han olvidado, Ya no te buscan; Porque con herida de enemigo te han herido, Con castigo de hombre cruel, Por lo grande de tu iniquidad Y lo numeroso de tus pecados.

15 W hy do you cry out because of your hurt? Your pain cannot be healed. Because you have much guilt and have done many sins, I have done these things to you.

¿Por qué gritas a causa de tu quebranto? Tu dolor es incurable. Por lo grande de tu iniquidad Y lo numeroso de tus pecados, Te he hecho esto.

16 B ut all who destroy you will be destroyed. Every one of those who hate you will be taken away against their will. Those who rob you will be robbed, and all who hurt you will be hurt.

Por tanto, todos los que te devoran serán devorados, Y todos tus adversarios, todos ellos, irán al cautiverio. Todos los que te saquean serán saqueados, Y a todos los que te despojan los daré al despojo.

17 F or I will heal you. I will heal you where you have been hurt,’ says the Lord, ‘because they have said that you are not wanted. They have said, “It is Zion. No one cares for her.”’

Porque Yo te devolveré la salud, Y te sanaré de tus heridas,’ declara el Señor, ‘porque te han llamado la Desechada, diciendo: “Esta es Sion, nadie se preocupa por ella.”’

18 The Lord says, ‘I will bring the tents of Jacob back from Babylon, and will have pity on his houses. The city will be built up again on its broken walls. And the king’s house will stand where it used to be.

Así dice el Señor: ‘Restauraré el bienestar de las tiendas de Jacob, Y tendré misericordia de sus moradas. La ciudad será reedificada sobre sus ruinas, Y el palacio se asentará como estaba.

19 T he people who live there will give much thanks and happy voices will be heard. And I will add to their numbers. They will not be made less. I will honor them, and they will be important.

Saldrá de ellos el canto de acción de gracias Y la voz de los que se divierten. Los multiplicaré y no disminuirán, Los honraré y no serán despreciados.

20 T heir children will be as they were before. They will be a strong people before Me. And I will punish all those who make it hard for them.

Y serán sus hijos como antes, Su congregación delante de Mí será confirmada, Y castigaré a todos sus opresores.

21 T heir leader will be one of them. Their ruler will come from among them. I will bring him near, and he will come close to Me. For who would have the strength of heart to come near Me on his own?’ says the Lord.

Uno de ellos será su guía, De en medio de ellos saldrá su gobernante. Lo haré acercarse y él se llegará a Mí; Porque ¿quién se atrevería a arriesgar su vida para llegarse a Mí ?’ declara el Señor.

22 And you will be My people, and I will be your God.’”

Ustedes serán Mi pueblo, Y Yo seré su Dios.’”

23 S ee the storm of the Lord! Anger has gone out, a very bad storm. It will break upon the heads of the sinful.

La tempestad del Señor Ha salido con furor; Una tempestad devastadora Descargará sobre la cabeza de los malvados.

24 T he burning anger of the Lord will not turn back until He has done what He has planned in His heart to do. In days to come you will understand this.

La ardiente ira del Señor no se aplacará Hasta que haya hecho y cumplido Los propósitos de Su corazón. En los postreros días ustedes entenderán esto.