Jude 1 ~ Judas 1


1 T his letter is from Jude, a brother of James. I am a servant owned by Jesus Christ. I am writing to you who have been chosen by God the Father. You are kept for Jesus Christ.

Judas, servo de Jesus Cristo e irmão de Tiago, aos que foram chamados, amados por Deus Pai e guardados por Jesus Cristo:

2 M ay you have much of God’s loving-kindness and peace and love.

Misericórdia, paz e amor lhes sejam multiplicados. O Pecado e o Destino dos Ímpios

3 D ear friends, I have been trying to write to you about what God did for us when He saved us from the punishment of sin. Now I must write to you and tell you to fight hard for the faith which was once and for all given to the holy people of God.

Amados, embora estivesse muito ansioso por lhes escrever acerca da salvação que compartilhamos, senti que era necessário escrever-lhes insistindo que batalhassem pela fé de uma vez por todas confiada aos santos.

4 S ome sinful men have come into your church without anyone knowing it. They are living in sin and they speak of the loving-favor of God to cover up their sins. They have turned against our only Leader and Lord, Jesus Christ. Long ago it was written that these people would die in their sins.

Pois certos homens, cuja condenação já estava sentenciada há muito tempo, infiltraram-se dissimuladamente no meio de vocês. Estes são ímpios, e transformam a graça de nosso Deus em libertinagem e negam Jesus Cristo, nosso único Soberano e Senhor.

5 Y ou already know all this, but think about it again. The Lord saved His people out of the land of Egypt. Later He destroyed all those who did not put their trust in Him.

Embora vocês já tenham conhecimento de tudo isso, quero lembrar-lhes que o Senhor libertou um povo do Egito mas, posteriormente, destruiu os que não creram.

6 A ngels who did not stay in their place of power, but left the place where they were given to stay, are chained in a dark place. They will be there until the day they stand before God to be judged.

E, quanto aos anjos que não conservaram suas posições de autoridade mas abandonaram sua própria morada, ele os tem guardado em trevas, presos com correntes eternas para o juízo do grande Dia.

7 D o you remember about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the towns around them? The people in those cities did the same things. They were full of sex sins and strong desires for sinful acts of the body. Those cities were destroyed by fire. They still speak to us of the fire of hell that lasts forever. What False Teachers Are Like

De modo semelhante a estes, Sodoma e Gomorra e as cidades em redor se entregaram à imoralidade e a relações sexuais antinaturais. Estando sob o castigo do fogo eterno, elas servem de exemplo.

8 I n the same way, these men go on dreaming and sinning against their bodies. They respect no leaders. They speak bad against those who live in the heavens.

Da mesma forma, estes sonhadores contaminam o próprio corpo, rejeitam as autoridades e difamam os seres celestiais.

9 M ichael was one of the head angels. He argued with the devil about the body of Moses. But Michael would not speak sharp words to the devil, saying he was guilty. He said, “The Lord speaks sharp words to you.”

Contudo, nem mesmo o arcanjo Miguel, quando estava disputando com o Diabo acerca do corpo de Moisés, ousou fazer acusação injuriosa contra ele, mas disse: “O Senhor o repreenda!”

10 B ut these men speak against things they do not understand. They are like animals in the way they act. By these things they destroy themselves.

Todavia, esses tais difamam tudo o que não entendem; e as coisas que entendem por instinto, como animais irracionais, nessas mesmas coisas se corrompem.

11 I t is bad for them! They have followed the way of Cain who killed his brother. They have chosen the way of Balaam and think only about making money. They were destroyed as Korah was destroyed who would not show respect to leaders.

Ai deles! Pois seguiram o caminho de Caim, buscando o lucro caíram no erro de Balaão, e foram destruídos na rebelião de Corá.

12 W hen you come together to eat the Christians’ love suppers, these people are like hidden rocks that wreck a ship. They only think of themselves. They are like clouds without rain carried along by the wind and like trees without fruit in the fall of the year. They are pulled out by the roots and are dead now and never can live again.

Esses homens são rochas submersas nas festas de fraternidade que vocês fazem, comendo com vocês de maneira desonrosa. São pastores que só cuidam de si mesmos. São nuvens sem água, impelidas pelo vento; árvores de outono, sem frutos, duas vezes mortas, arrancadas pela raiz.

13 T hey are like the waves of a wild sea. Their sins are like the dirty water along the shore. They look like stars moving here and there. But the darkest place has been kept for them forever.

São ondas bravias do mar, espumando seus próprios atos vergonhosos; estrelas errantes, para as quais estão reservadas para sempre as mais densas trevas.

14 E noch was the head of the seventh family born after Adam. He said this about such people, “The Lord comes with many thousands of His holy ones.

Enoque, o sétimo a partir de Adão, profetizou acerca deles: “Vejam, o Senhor vem com milhares de milhares de seus santos,

15 H e comes to say that all are guilty for all the sin they have done and all the sinful things these sinners have spoken against God.”

para julgar a todos e convencer todos os ímpios a respeito de todos os atos de impiedade que eles cometeram impiamente e acerca de todas as palavras insolentes que os pecadores ímpios falaram contra ele”.

16 T hese men complain and are never happy with anything. They let their desires lead them into sin. When they talk about themselves, they make it sound as if they are great people. They show respect to people only to get something out of them.

Essas pessoas vivem se queixando, descontentes com a sua sorte, e seguem os seus próprios desejos impuros; são cheias de si e adulam os outros por interesse. Um Chamado à Perseverança

17 D ear friends, you must remember the words spoken by the missionaries of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Todavia, amados, lembrem-se do que foi predito pelos apóstolos de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.

18 T hey said, “In the last days there will be men who will laugh at the truth and will be led by their own sinful desires.”

Eles diziam a vocês: “Nos últimos tempos haverá zombadores que seguirão os seus próprios desejos ímpios”.

19 T hey are men who will make trouble by dividing people into groups against each other. Their minds are on the things of the world because they do not have the Holy Spirit.

Estes são os que causam divisões entre vocês, os quais seguem a tendência da sua própria alma e não têm o Espírito.

20 D ear friends, you must become strong in your most holy faith. Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you pray.

Edifiquem-se, porém, amados, na santíssima fé que vocês têm, orando no Espírito Santo.

21 K eep yourselves in the love of God. Wait for life that lasts forever through the loving-kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mantenham-se no amor de Deus, enquanto esperam que a misericórdia de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo os leve para a vida eterna.

22 H ave loving-kindness for those who doubt.

Tenham compaixão daqueles que duvidam;

23 S ave some by pulling them out of the fire. Have loving-kindness for others but also fear them. Be afraid of being led into doing their sins. Hate even the clothes that have touched sinful bodies.

a outros, salvem, arrebatando-os do fogo; a outros ainda, mostrem misericórdia com temor, odiando até a roupa contaminada pela carne. Doxologia

24 T here is One Who can keep you from falling and can bring you before Himself free from all sin. He can give you great joy as you stand before Him in His shining-greatness.

Àquele que é poderoso para impedi-los de cair e para apresentá-los diante da sua glória sem mácula e com grande alegria,

25 H e is the only God. He is the One Who saves from the punishment of sin through Jesus Christ our Lord. May He have shining-greatness and honor and power and the right to do all things. He had this before the world began, He has it now, and He will have this forever. Let it be so.

ao único Deus, nosso Salvador, sejam glória, majestade, poder e autoridade, mediante Jesus Cristo, nosso Senhor, antes de todos os tempos, agora e para todo o sempre! Amém.