Ezra 8 ~ Esdras 8


1 T hese are the leaders of family groups and the family names of those who went up with me from Babylon during the rule of King Artaxerxes:

Estes são os chefes das famílias e dos que com eles foram registrados, os quais saíram comigo da Babilônia durante o reinado do rei Artaxerxes:

2 t here was Gershom of the sons of Phinehas, Daniel of the sons of Ithamar, and from the house of David, Hattush,

dos descendentes de Finéias, Gérson; dos descendentes de Itamar, Daniel; dos descendentes de Davi, Hatus;

3 t he son of Shecaniah. There was Zechariah of the sons of Parosh, and with him were 150 men whose family names were written down.

dos descendentes de Secanias, dos descendentes de Parós, Zacarias, sendo registrados com ele 150 homens;

4 O f the sons of Pahath-moab, there was Eliehoenai the son of Zerahiah, and 200 men with him.

dos descendentes de Paate-Moabe, Elioenai, filho de Zeraías, e com ele 200 homens;

5 O f the sons of Zattu, there was Shecaniah the son of Jahaziel, and 300 men with him.

dos descendentes de Zatu, Secanias, filho de Jaaziel, e com ele 300 homens;

6 O f the sons of Adin, there was Ebed the son of Jonathan, and fifty men with him.

dos descendentes de Adim, Ebede, filho de Jônatas, e com ele 50 homens;

7 O f the sons of Elam, there was Jeshaiah the son of Athaliah, and seventy men with him.

dos descendentes de Elão, Jesaías, filho de Atalias, e com ele 70 homens;

8 O f the sons of Shephatiah, there was Zebadiah the son of Michael, and eighty men with him.

dos descendentes de Sefatias, Zebadias, filho de Micael, e com ele 80 homens;

9 O f the sons of Joab, there was Obadiah the son of Jehiel, and 218 men with him.

dos descendentes de Joabe, Obadias, filho de Jeiel, e com ele 218 homens;

10 O f the sons of Shelomith there was the son of Josiphiah, and 160 men with him.

dos descendentes de Bani, Selomite, filho de Josifias, e com ele 160 homens;

11 O f the sons of Bebai, there was Zechariah the son of Bebai, and twenty-eight men with him.

dos descendentes de Bebai, Zacarias, filho de Bebai, e com ele 28 homens;

12 O f the sons of Azgad, there was Johanan the son of Hakkatan, and 110 men with him.

dos descendentes de Azgade, Joanã, filho de Hacatã, e com ele 110 homens;

13 O f the sons of Adonikam, the last to come, there were Eliphelet, Jeuel, and Shemaiah, and sixty men with them.

dos descendentes de Adonicão, os últimos que chegaram, Elifelete, Jeiel e Semaías, e com eles 60 homens;

14 O f the sons of Bigvai, there were Uthai and Zabbud, and seventy men with them. Ezra Finds Levites for the House of God

dos descendentes de Bigvai, Utai e Zabude, e com eles 70 homens. O Retorno a Jerusalém

15 I gathered them at the river that flows to Ahava, where we had our camp for three days. When I saw the people and the religious leaders, I did not find any Levites there.

Eu os reuni junto ao canal que corre para Aava e acampamos ali por três dias. Quando passei em revista o povo e os sacerdotes, não encontrei nenhum levita.

16 S o I sent for Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, who were leaders, and for Joiarib and Elnathan, who were teachers.

Por isso convoquei Eliézer, Ariel, Semaías, Elnatã, Jaribe, Elnatã, Natã, Zacarias e Mesulão, que eram líderes, e Joiaribe e Natã, que eram homens sábios,

17 I sent them to Iddo, the leader at Casiphia. I told them what to say to Iddo and his brothers, servants in the house of worship at Casiphia. They were to bring men to us to care for the house of our God.

e os enviei a Ido, o líder de Casifia. Eu lhes falei o que deveriam dizer a Ido e a seus parentes, os servidores do templo, em Casifia, para que nos trouxessem servidores para o templo de nosso Deus.

18 A nd by the good hand of our God upon us, they brought us a man of wisdom, of the sons of Mahli, the son of Levi, the son of Israel. His name is Sherebiah, and with him came his sons and brothers, eighteen men.

Como a bondosa mão de Deus estava sobre nós, eles nos trouxeram Serebias, homem capaz, dentre os descendentes de Mali, filho de Levi, neto de Israel, e os filhos e irmãos de Serebias, dezoito homens;

19 T hey also brought Hashabiah and Jeshaiah of the sons of Morari, with his brothers and their sons, twenty men.

e também Hasabias, acompanhado de Jesaías, dentre os descendentes de Merari, e seus irmãos e filhos, vinte homens.

20 T hey brought 220 men to work in the house of God, whom David and the leaders had chosen to help the Levites. All of them were chosen by name. The People Pray

Trouxeram ainda duzentos e vinte dos servidores do templo, um grupo que Davi e os seus oficiais tinham formado para ajudar os levitas. Todos eles tinham seus nomes registrados.

21 T hen I set apart a time there at the river of Ahava when we would not eat any food. This was so we might put away our pride before our God, and pray that He would keep us and our children and all our things safe as we traveled.

Ali, junto ao canal de Aava, proclamei jejum para que nos humilhássemos diante do nosso Deus e lhe pedíssemos uma viagem segura para nós e nossos filhos, com todos os nossos bens.

22 F or I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to keep us safe from those who hate us on the way, because we had said to the king, “The hand of our God brings good to all who look for Him. But His power and His anger are against all who turn away from Him.”

Tive vergonha de pedir soldados e cavaleiros ao rei para nos protegerem dos inimigos na estrada, pois lhe tínhamos dito: “A mão bondosa de nosso Deus está sobre todos os que o buscam, mas o seu poder e a sua ira são contra todos os que o abandonam”.

23 S o we did not eat, and prayed to God about this. And He listened to our prayer. Gifts for the House of God

Por isso jejuamos e suplicamos essa bênção ao nosso Deus, e ele nos atendeu.

24 T hen I set apart twelve of the head religious leaders: Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their brothers.

Depois separei doze dos principais sacerdotes, a saber, Serebias, Hasabias e dez dos seus irmãos,

25 A nd I weighed and gave to them the silver, the gold and the dishes and objects, which had been given for the house of our God by the king and his wise men and leaders, and all the people of Israel who were there.

e pesei diante deles a oferta de prata e de ouro e os utensílios que o rei, seus conselheiros, seus oficiais e todo o Israel ali presente tinham doado para a casa de nosso Deus.

26 I gave them silver weighing as much as 650 men, silver dishes and objects weighing as much as 100 men, and gold weighing as much as 100 men.

Pesei e entreguei-lhes vinte e dois mil e setecentos e cinqüenta quilos de prata, três toneladas e meia de utensílios de prata, três toneladas e meia de ouro,

27 I gave them twenty deep, gold dishes, worth 1, 000 gold-pieces, and two pots of fine shining brass, worth as much as gold.

vinte tigelas de ouro pesando oito quilos e meio, e dois utensílios finos de bronze polido, tão valiosos como se fossem de ouro.

28 T hen I said to them, “You are holy to the Lord, and these objects are holy. The silver and the gold are a free-will gift to the Lord God of your fathers.

E eu lhes disse: Tanto vocês como estes utensílios estão consagrados ao Senhor. A prata e o ouro são uma oferta voluntária ao Senhor, o Deus dos seus antepassados.

29 W atch and keep them until you weigh them in front of the head religious leaders, the Levites, and the heads of the family groups of Israel at Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord.”

Guardem-nos bem até que os pesem nas salas do templo do Senhor em Jerusalém diante dos sacerdotes principais, dos levitas e dos chefes das famílias de Israel.

30 S o the religious leaders and the Levites took the weight of silver and gold and objects, to bring them to the house of our God at Jerusalem.

Então os sacerdotes e os levitas receberam a prata, o ouro e os utensílios sagrados, depois de pesados, para levá-los a Jerusalém, ao templo do nosso Deus.

31 T hen we left the river Ahava on the twelfth day of the first month to go to Jerusalem. And God helped us and kept us safe from those who hated us and from those who hid waiting to fight us on the way.

No décimo segundo dia do primeiro mês nós partimos do canal de Aava e fomos para Jerusalém. A mão do nosso Deus esteve sobre nós, e ele nos protegeu do ataque de inimigos e assaltantes pelo caminho.

32 W e came to Jerusalem and stayed there for three days.

Assim chegamos a Jerusalém, e ficamos descansando três dias.

33 O n the fourth day the silver and gold and objects were weighed in the house of our God and given to Meremoth the son of Uriah the religious leader. With him was Eleazar the son of Phinehas. And with them were the Levites, Jozabad the son of Jeshua and Noadiah the son of Binnui.

No quarto dia, no templo do nosso Deus, pesamos a prata, o ouro e os utensílios sagrados, e os demos a Meremote, filho do sacerdote Urias. Estavam com ele Eleazar, filho de Finéias, e os levitas Jozabade, filho de Jesua, e Noadias, filho de Binui.

34 E verything was numbered and weighed, and all the weight was written down.

Tudo foi contado e pesado, e o peso total foi registrado naquela mesma hora.

35 T he people who had returned from Babylon gave burnt gifts in worship to the God of Israel. They gave 12 bulls for all Israel, 96 rams, 77 lambs, and 12 male goats for a sin gift. All this was a burnt gift to the Lord.

Então os exilados que tinham voltado do cativeiro sacrificaram holocaustos ao Deus de Israel: doze touros em favor de todo o Israel, noventa e seis carneiros, setenta e sete cordeiros e, como oferta pelo pecado, doze bodes — tudo oferecido como holocausto ao Senhor.

36 T hen they let the king’s rulers and leaders in the lands on the other side of the River know what the king said for them to do. And they helped the people and the house of God.

Eles também entregaram as ordens do rei aos sátrapas e aos governadores do território a oeste do Eufrates, e ajudaram o povo na obra do templo de Deus.