1 T he Lord said to Moses,
O Senhor disse a Moisés:
2 “ Punish the Midianites for the people of Israel. After that you will be buried with your people.”
“Vingue-se dos midianitas pelo que fizeram aos israelitas. Depois disso você será reunido aos seus antepassados”.
3 T hen Moses said to the people, “Take men from among you and make them ready for war against Midian. They will punish Midian for the Lord.
Então Moisés disse ao povo: “Armem alguns dos homens para irem à guerra contra os midianitas e executarem a vingança do Senhor contra eles.
4 S end to the war 1, 000 men from each of all the family groups of Israel.”
Enviem à batalha mil homens de cada tribo de Israel”.
5 S o 1, 000 men came from each of the family groups of the thousands of Israel. There were 12, 000 ready for war.
Doze mil homens armados para a guerra, mil de cada tribo, foram mandados pelos clãs de Israel.
6 M oses sent them, 1, 000 from each family group, to the war. Phinehas the son of Eleazar the religious leader went to the war with them. In his hand were the holy objects and the horns for blowing the sound of coming danger.
Moisés os enviou à guerra, mil de cada tribo, juntamente com Finéias, filho do sacerdote Eleazar, que levou consigo objetos do santuário e as cornetas para o toque de guerra.
7 S o the men made war against Midian, just as the Lord had told Moses, and they killed every male.
Lutaram então contra Midiã, conforme o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés, e mataram todos os homens.
8 T hey killed the five kings of Midian with the sword also, Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba. And they also killed Balaam the son of Beor with the sword.
Entre os mortos estavam os cinco reis de Midiã: Evi, Requém, Zur, Hur e Reba. Também mataram à espada Balaão, filho de Beor.
9 T he people of Israel took the women of Midian and their little ones, and all their cattle, all their flocks, and all the good things that belonged to them.
Os israelitas capturaram as mulheres e as crianças midianitas e tomaram como despojo todos os rebanhos e bens dos midianitas.
10 T hen they burned all their cities where they lived and all their tents.
Queimaram todas as cidades em que os midianitas haviam se estabelecido, bem como todos os seus acampamentos.
11 T hey took all that was left of both man and animal.
Tomaram todos os despojos, incluindo pessoas e animais,
12 A nd they brought the people they had taken and the animals and whatever belonged to them to Moses, and to Eleazar the religious leader, and to the people of Israel. Their tents were on the plains of Moab by the Jordan near Jericho.
e levaram os prisioneiros, homens e mulheres, e os despojos a Moisés, ao sacerdote Eleazar e à comunidade de Israel, em seu acampamento, nas campinas de Moabe, frente a Jericó.
13 M oses and Eleazar the religious leader and all the leaders of the people went out from the tents to meet them.
Moisés, o sacerdote Eleazar e todos os líderes da comunidade saíram para recebê-los fora do acampamento.
14 M oses was angry with the leaders of the army, the heads of thousands and the heads of hundreds, who had fought in the war.
Mas Moisés indignou-se contra os oficiais do exército que voltaram da guerra, os líderes de milhares e os líderes de centenas.
15 H e said to them, “Have you allowed all the women to live?
“Vocês deixaram todas as mulheres vivas?”, perguntou-lhes.
16 S ee, these women listened to Balaam and caused the people of Israel to sin against the Lord in what happened at Peor. So the very bad disease came to the people of the Lord.
“Foram elas que seguiram o conselho de Balaão e levaram Israel a ser infiel ao Senhor no caso de Peor, de modo que uma praga feriu a comunidade do Senhor.
17 N ow kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has had a man.
Agora matem todos os meninos. E matem também todas as mulheres que se deitaram com homem,
18 B ut keep alive for yourselves all the girls who have not had a man.
mas poupem todas as meninas virgens.
19 S tay away from the tents for seven days. If you have killed any person or have touched any dead body, you must make yourself and those you have taken clean, on the third day and on the seventh day.
“Todos vocês que mataram alguém ou que tocaram em algum morto ficarão sete dias fora do acampamento. No terceiro e no sétimo dia vocês deverão purificar-se a si mesmos e aos seus prisioneiros.
20 Y ou must clean every piece of clothing, everything made of leather, everything made of goats’ hair, and everything made of wood.”
Purifiquem toda roupa e também tudo o que é feito de couro, de pêlo de bode ou de madeira.”
21 T hen Eleazar the religious leader said to the men of war who had gone to battle, “This is the Law which the Lord has told Moses.
Depois o sacerdote Eleazar disse aos soldados que tinham ido à guerra: “Esta é a exigência da lei que o Senhor ordenou a Moisés:
22 T ake the gold, silver, brass, iron, tin and lead,
Ouro, prata, bronze, ferro, estanho, chumbo
23 e verything that can last through fire. Pass it through the fire, and it will be clean. But it must be made pure with the water for cleaning. Whatever cannot last through fire you must pass through the water.
e tudo o que resista ao fogo, vocês terão que passar pelo fogo para purificá-los, mas também deverão purificá-los com a água da purificação. E tudo o que não resistir ao fogo terá que passar pela água.
24 Y ou must wash your clothes on the seventh day, and you will be clean. Then you may come among the tents.”
No sétimo dia lavem as suas roupas, e vocês ficarão puros. Depois poderão entrar no acampamento”. A Divisão dos Despojos
25 T he Lord said to Moses,
O Senhor disse a Moisés:
26 “ You and Eleazar the religious leader and the heads of the fathers’ houses of the people should number all that was taken from the battle, both of man and animal.
“Você, o sacerdote Eleazar e os chefes das famílias da comunidade deverão contar todo o povo e os animais capturados.
27 D ivide what was taken between the men of war who went to battle and all the people.
Dividam os despojos entre os guerreiros que participaram da batalha e o restante da comunidade.
28 T hen take a tax for the Lord from the men of war who went out to battle. Take one out of 500 of the persons and the cattle and the donkeys and the sheep.
Daquilo que os guerreiros trouxeram da guerra, separem como tributo ao Senhor um de cada quinhentos, sejam pessoas, bois, jumentos, ovelhas ou bodes.
29 T ake this from their half and give it to Eleazar the religious leader, as a gift to the Lord.
Tomem esse tributo da metade que foi dada como porção a eles e entreguem-no ao sacerdote Eleazar como a porção do Senhor.
30 F rom the half belonging to the people of Israel, take one out of every fifty of the persons and cattle and donkeys and sheep and all the animals. Give them to the Levites who take care of the meeting tent of the Lord.”
Da metade dada aos israelitas, escolham um de cada cinqüenta, sejam pessoas, bois, jumentos, ovelhas ou bodes. Entreguem-nos aos levitas, encarregados de cuidar do tabernáculo do Senhor ”.
31 M oses and Eleazar the religious leader did just as the Lord had told Moses.
Moisés e o sacerdote Eleazar fizeram como o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés.
32 W hat was left from that which the men of war had taken was 675, 000 sheep,
Os despojos que restaram da presa tomada pelos soldados foram 675. 000 ovelhas,
33 7 2, 000 cattle,
72. 000 cabeças de gado,
34 6 1, 000 donkeys,
61. 000 jumentos
35 a nd 32, 000 persons in all, of women who had never had a man.
e 32. 000 mulheres virgens.
36 T he half taken by those who went out to war was 337, 500 sheep.
A metade dada aos que lutaram na guerra foi esta: 337. 500 ovelhas,
37 T he Lord’s tax was 675 sheep.
das quais o tributo para o Senhor foram 675;
38 T here were 36, 000 cattle, from which the Lord’s tax was seventy-two.
36. 000 cabeças de gado, das quais o tributo para o Senhor foram 72;
39 T here were 30, 500 donkeys, from which the Lord’s tax was sixty-one.
30. 500 jumentos, dos quais o tributo para o Senhor foram 61;
40 A nd there were 16, 000 persons, from whom the Lord’s tax was thirty-two.
16. 000 pessoas, das quais o tributo para o Senhor foram 32.
41 M oses gave the tax, which was the Lord’s gift, to Eleazar the religious leader, just as the Lord had told Moses.
Moisés deu o tributo ao sacerdote Eleazar como contribuição ao Senhor, conforme o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés.
42 M oses divided the people of Israel’s half from the men who had gone to war.
A outra metade, pertencente aos israelitas, Moisés separou da dos combatentes;
43 T he people’s half was 337, 500 sheep,
essa era a metade pertencente à comunidade, com 337. 500 ovelhas,
44 3 6, 000 cattle,
36. 000 cabeças de gado,
45 3 0, 500 donkeys,
30. 500 jumentos
46 a nd 16, 000 persons.
e 16. 000 pessoas.
47 M oses took one out of every fifty of both man and animal from the people of Israel’s half. He gave them to the Levites, who took care of the meeting tent of the Lord, just as the Lord had told Moses.
Da metade pertencente aos israelitas, Moisés escolheu um de cada cinqüenta, tanto de pessoas como de animais, conforme o Senhor lhe tinha ordenado, e os entregou aos levitas, encarregados de cuidar do tabernáculo do Senhor.
48 T hen the leaders of the thousands of the army, the heads of thousands and the heads of hundreds, came to Moses.
Então os oficiais que estavam sobre as unidades do exército, os líderes de milhares e os líderes de centenas foram a Moisés
49 T hey said to him, “Your servants have numbered the men of war whom we lead. Not one man is missing from us.
e lhe disseram: “Seus servos contaram os soldados sob o nosso comando, e não está faltando ninguém.
50 W e have brought as a gift to the Lord what each man found, objects of gold, things to be worn on the arms and fingers and ears and necks. They are to pay for our sins before the Lord.”
Por isso trouxemos como oferta ao Senhor os artigos de ouro dos quais cada um de nós se apossou: braceletes, pulseiras, anéis-selo, brincos e colares; para fazer propiciação por nós perante o Senhor ”.
51 M oses and Eleazar the religious leader took the gold from them, all the objects made of beaten gold.
Moisés e o sacerdote Eleazar receberam deles todas as jóias de ouro.
52 A ll the gold of the gift they gave to the Lord from the heads of thousands and the heads of hundreds was worth 16, 750 gold pieces.
Todo o ouro dado pelos líderes de milhares e pelos líderes de centenas que Moisés e Eleazar apresentaram como contribuição ao Senhor pesou duzentos quilos.
53 F or the men of war had taken things from the battle, every man for himself.
Cada soldado tinha tomado despojos para si mesmo.
54 S o Moses and Eleazar the religious leader took the gold from the heads of thousands and of hundreds. They brought it to the meeting tent so that the people of Israel would be remembered before the Lord.
Moisés e o sacerdote Eleazar receberam o ouro dado pelos líderes de milhares e pelos líderes de centenas e o levaram para a Tenda do Encontro como memorial, para que o Senhor se lembrasse dos israelitas.