Hebrews 9 ~ Hebreus 9


1 T here were special ways of worship and a special holy place made by man for the Old Way of Worship.

Ora, a primeira aliança tinha regras para a adoração e também um tabernáculo terreno.

2 A big tent was built and set up. It was called the holy place. It had a light and a table, and the holy bread was on the table.

Foi levantado um tabernáculo; na parte da frente, chamada Lugar Santo, estavam o candelabro, a mesa e os pães da Presença.

3 B ehind the second curtain there was another tent. This was called the Holiest Place of All.

Por trás do segundo véu havia a parte chamada Santo dos Santos,

4 I n the inside tent there was an altar where special perfume was burned. There was also a large box made of wood called the box of the Way of Worship. Both of these were covered with gold inside and out. Inside the box was a pot made of gold with the bread from heaven. It also had in it Aaron’s stick that once started to grow. The stones on which the Law of Moses was written were in it.

onde se encontravam o altar de ouro para o incenso e a arca da aliança, totalmente revestida de ouro. Nessa arca estavam o vaso de ouro contendo o maná, a vara de Arão que floresceu e as tábuas da aliança.

5 A bove the box were the cherubim of honor. Their wings were spread up and over and met in the center. On the top of the box and under the shadow of their wings was the mercy-seat. We cannot tell anymore about these things now.

Acima da arca estavam os querubins da Glória, que com sua sombra cobriam a tampa da arca. A respeito dessas coisas não cabe agora falar detalhadamente.

6 W hen everything was finished, the Jewish religious leaders went in and out of the outside tent to do the things which had to be done to worship God.

Estando tudo assim preparado, os sacerdotes entravam regularmente no Lugar Santo do tabernáculo, para exercer o seu ministério.

7 O nce each year the head religious leader would go into the inside tent alone. He would not go in without blood. He gave this blood to God as a gift in worship for his own sins and for the sins of all the people who sinned without knowing it.

No entanto, somente o sumo sacerdote entrava no Santo dos Santos, apenas uma vez por ano, e nunca sem apresentar o sangue do sacrifício, que ele oferecia por si mesmo e pelos pecados que o povo havia cometido por ignorância.

8 A nd so the Holy Spirit is teaching that, with the Old Way of Worship, the people could not go into the Holiest Place of All as long as the outside tent and its Old Way of Worship were being used.

Dessa forma, o Espírito Santo estava mostrando que ainda não havia sido manifestado o caminho para o Santo dos Santos enquanto permanecia o primeiro tabernáculo.

9 T he outside tent is a picture of that day. With the Old Way of Worship, animals killed and gifts given in worship to God could not take away the guilty feeling of sin.

Isso é uma ilustração para os nossos dias, indicando que as ofertas e os sacrifícios oferecidos não podiam dar ao adorador uma consciência perfeitamente limpa.

10 T he Old Way of Worship was made up of Laws about what to eat and drink. These Laws told how to wash and other things to do with the body. These things had to be done until Christ came to bring a better way of worship. The New Way of Worship Has a Better Gift

Eram apenas prescrições que tratavam de comida e bebida e de várias cerimônias de purificação com água; essas ordenanças exteriores foram impostas até o tempo da nova ordem. O Sangue de Cristo

11 B ut Christ came as the Head Religious Leader of the good things God promised. He made the way for man to go to God. He was a greater and more perfect tent. He was not made by human hands and was not a part of this earth.

Quando Cristo veio como sumo sacerdote dos benefícios agora presentes, ele adentrou o maior e mais perfeito tabernáculo, não feito pelo homem, isto é, não pertencente a esta criação.

12 C hrist went into the Holiest Place of All one time for all people. He did not take the blood of goats and young cows to give to God as a gift in worship. He gave His own blood. By doing this, He bought us with His own blood and made us free from sin forever.

Não por meio de sangue de bodes e novilhos, mas pelo seu próprio sangue, ele entrou no Santo dos Santos, de uma vez por todas, e obteve eterna redenção.

13 W ith the Old Way of Worship, the blood and ashes of animals could make men clean after they had sinned.

Ora, se o sangue de bodes e touros e as cinzas de uma novilha espalhadas sobre os que estão cerimonialmente impuros os santificam, de forma que se tornam exteriormente puros,

14 H ow much more the blood of Christ will do! He gave Himself as a perfect gift to God through the Spirit that lives forever. Now your heart can be free from the guilty feeling of doing work that is worth nothing. Now you can work for the living God.

quanto mais o sangue de Cristo, que pelo Espírito eterno se ofereceu de forma imaculada a Deus, purificará a nossa consciência de atos que levam à morte, para que sirvamos ao Deus vivo!

15 C hrist is the One Who gave us this New Way of Worship. All those who have been called by God may receive life that lasts forever just as He promised them. Christ bought us with His blood when He died for us. This made us free from our sins which we did under the Old Way of Worship.

Por essa razão, Cristo é o mediador de uma nova aliança para que os que são chamados recebam a promessa da herança eterna, visto que ele morreu como resgate pelas transgressões cometidas sob a primeira aliança.

16 W hen a man wants to give his money to someone after he dies, he writes it all down on paper. But that paper is worth nothing until the man is dead.

No caso de um testamento, é necessário que se comprove a morte daquele que o fez;

17 T hat piece of paper means nothing as long as he is alive. It is good only when he dies.

pois um testamento só é validado no caso de morte, uma vez que nunca vigora enquanto está vivo quem o fez.

18 T he Old Way of Worship had to have a death to make it good. The blood of an animal was used.

Por isso, nem a primeira aliança foi sancionada sem sangue.

19 M oses told the people all the things they had to obey in the Law. Then he took the blood of animals together with water and put it on the Book of the Law and on all the people. He used special branches and red wool as he put it on them.

Quando Moisés terminou de proclamar todos os mandamentos da Lei a todo o povo, levou sangue de novilhos e de bodes, e também água, lã vermelha e ramos de hissopo, e aspergiu o próprio livro e todo o povo, dizendo:

20 M oses said, “This is the blood of the Way of Worship which God said you must obey.”

“Este é o sangue da aliança que Deus ordenou que vocês obedeçam”.

21 I n the same way, Moses put the blood on the tent and on all the things used in worship.

Da mesma forma, aspergiu com o sangue o tabernáculo e todos os utensílios das suas cerimônias.

22 T he Law says that almost everything is made clean by blood. Sins are not forgiven unless blood is given. One Perfect Gift

De fato, segundo a Lei, quase todas as coisas são purificadas com sangue, e sem derramamento de sangue não há perdão.

23 T he tent to worship in and the things inside to worship with were like the things in heaven. They were made clean by putting blood on them. But the things in heaven were made clean by a much better gift of worship.

Portanto, era necessário que as cópias das coisas que estão nos céus fossem purificadas com esses sacrifícios, mas as próprias coisas celestiais com sacrifícios superiores.

24 F or Christ did not go into the Holiest Place of All that was made by men, even if it was like the true one in heaven. He went to heaven itself and He is before God for us.

Pois Cristo não entrou em santuário feito por homens, uma simples representação do verdadeiro; ele entrou nos céus, para agora se apresentar diante de Deus em nosso favor;

25 C hrist has not given Himself many times, as the head religious leader here on earth went into the Holiest Place of All each year with blood that was not his own.

não, porém, para se oferecer repetidas vezes, à semelhança do sumo sacerdote que entra no Santo dos Santos todos os anos, com sangue alheio.

26 F or then Christ would have had to die many times since the world began. But He came once at the end of the Old Way of Worship. He gave Himself once for all time. He gave Himself to destroy sin.

Se assim fosse, Cristo precisaria sofrer muitas vezes, desde o começo do mundo. Mas agora ele apareceu uma vez por todas no fim dos tempos, para aniquilar o pecado mediante o sacrifício de si mesmo.

27 I t is in the plan that all men die once. After that, they will stand before God and be judged.

Da mesma forma, como o homem está destinado a morrer uma só vez e depois disso enfrentar o juízo,

28 I t is the same with Christ. He gave Himself once to take away the sins of many. When He comes the second time, He will not need to give Himself again for sin. He will save all those who are waiting for Him.

assim também Cristo foi oferecido em sacrifício uma única vez, para tirar os pecados de muitos; e aparecerá segunda vez, não para tirar o pecado, mas para trazer salvação aos que o aguardam.