1 S e, pois, fostes ressuscitados juntamente com Cristo, buscai as coisas que são de cima, onde Cristo está assentado ã destra de Deus.
If then you have been raised with Christ, keep looking for the good things of heaven. This is where Christ is seated on the right side of God.
2 P ensai nas coisas que são de cima, e não nas que são da terra;
Keep your minds thinking about things in heaven. Do not think about things on the earth.
3 p orque morrestes, e a vossa vida está escondida com Cristo em Deus.
You are dead to the things of this world. Your new life is now hidden in God through Christ.
4 Q uando Cristo, que é a nossa vida, se manifestar, então também vós vos manifestareis com ele em glória.
Christ is our life. When He comes again, you will also be with Him to share His shining-greatness. The Old Person Put Aside
5 E xterminai, pois, as vossas inclinações carnais; a prostituição, a impureza, a paixão, a vil concupiscência, e a avareza, que é idolatria;
Destroy the desires to sin that are in you. These desires are: sex sins, anything that is not clean, a desire for sex sins, and wanting something someone else has. This is worshiping a god.
6 p elas quais coisas vem a ira de Deus sobre os filhos da desobediência;
It is because of these sins that the anger of God comes down on those who do not obey Him.
7 n as quais também em outro tempo andastes, quando vivíeis nelas;
You used to do these sins when you lived that kind of life.
8 m as agora despojai-vos também de tudo isto: da ira, da cólera, da malícia, da maledicência, das palavras torpes da vossa boca;
Put out of your life these things also: anger, bad temper, bad feelings toward others, talk that hurts people, speaking against God, and dirty talk.
9 n ão mintais uns aos outros, pois que já vos despistes do homem velho com os seus feitos,
Do not lie to each other. You have put out of your life your old ways.
10 e vos vestistes do novo, que se renova para o pleno conhecimento, segundo a imagem daquele que o criou;
You have now become a new person and are always learning more about Christ. You are being made more like Christ. He is the One Who made you.
11 o nde não há grego nem judeu, circuncisão nem incircuncisão, bárbaro, cita, escravo ou livre, mas Cristo é tudo em todos.
There is no difference in men in this new life. Greeks and Jews are the same. The man who has gone through the religious act of becoming a Jew and the one who has not are the same. There is no difference between nations. Men who are servants and those who are free are the same. Christ is everything. He is in all of us.
12 R evestí-vos, pois, como eleitos de Deus, santos e amados, de coração compassivo, de benignidade, humildade, mansidão, longanimidade,
God has chosen you. You are holy and loved by Him. Because of this, your new life should be full of loving-pity. You should be kind to others and have no pride. Be gentle and be willing to wait for others.
13 s uportando-vos e perdoando-vos uns aos outros, se alguém tiver queixa contra outro; assim como o Senhor vos perdoou, assim fazei vós também.
Try to understand other people. Forgive each other. If you have something against someone, forgive him. That is the way the Lord forgave you.
14 E , sobre tudo isto, revestí-vos do amor, que é o vínculo da perfeição.
And to all these things, you must add love. Love holds everything and everybody together and makes all these good things perfect.
15 E a paz de Cristo, para a qual também fostes chamados em um corpo, domine em vossos corações; e sede agradecidos.
Let the peace of Christ have power over your hearts. You were chosen as a part of His body. Always be thankful.
16 A palavra de Cristo habite em vós ricamente, em toda a sabedoria; ensinai-vos e admoestai-vos uns aos outros, com salmos, hinos e cânticos espirituais, louvando a Deus com gratidão em vossos corações.
Let the teaching of Christ and His words keep on living in you. These make your lives rich and full of wisdom. Keep on teaching and helping each other. Sing the Songs of David and the church songs and the songs of heaven with hearts full of thanks to God.
17 E tudo quanto fizerdes por palavras ou por obras, fazei-o em nome do Senhor Jesus, dando por ele graças a Deus Pai.
Whatever you say or do, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to God the Father through the Lord Jesus. How Families Should Live
18 V ós, mulheres, sede submissas a vossos maridos, como convém no Senhor.
Wives, obey your husbands. This is what the Lord wants you to do.
19 V ós, maridos, amai a vossas mulheres, e não as trateis asperamente.
Husbands, love your wives. Do not hold hard feelings against them.
20 V ós, filhos, obedecei em tudo a vossos pais; porque isto é agradável ao Senhor.
Children, obey your parents in everything. The Lord is pleased when you do.
21 V ós, pais, não irriteis a vossos filhos, para que não fiquem desanimados.
Fathers, do not be so hard on your children that they will give up trying to do what is right.
22 V ós, servos, obedecei em tudo a vossos senhores segundo a carne, não servindo somente ã vista como para agradar aos homens, mas em singeleza de coração, temendo ao Senhor.
You who are servants who are owned by someone, obey your owners. Work hard for them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Work for them as you would for the Lord because you honor God.
23 E tudo quanto fizerdes, fazei-o de coração, como ao Senhor, e não aos homens,
Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord and not for men.
24 s abendo que do Senhor recebereis como recompensa a herança; servi a Cristo, o Senhor.
Remember that you will get your reward from the Lord. He will give you what you should receive. You are working for the Lord Christ.
25 P ois quem faz injustiça receberá a paga da injustiça que fez; e não há acepção de pessoas.
If anyone does wrong, he will suffer for it. God does not respect one person more than another.