Marcos 14 ~ Mark 14


1 O ra, dali a dois dias era a páscoa e a festa dos pães ázimos; e os principais sacerdotes e os escribas andavam buscando como prender Jesus a traição, para o matarem.

It was now two days before the supper of the special religious gathering to remember how the Jews left Egypt and the supper of bread without yeast. The religious leaders and the teachers of the Law tried to trap Jesus. They tried to take Him so they could put Him to death.

2 P ois eles diziam: Não durante a festa, para que não haja tumulto entre o povo.

These men said, “This must not happen on the day of the special supper. The people would be against it and make much trouble.” Mary of Bethany Puts Special Perfume on Jesus

3 E stando ele em Betânia, reclinado ã mesa em casa de Simão, o leproso, veio uma mulher que trazia um vaso de alabastro cheio de bálsamo de nardo puro, de grande preço; e, quebrando o vaso, derramou-lhe sobre a cabeça o bálsamo.

Jesus was in the town of Bethany eating in the house of Simon. Simon was a man with a very bad skin disease. A woman came with a jar of special perfume. She had given much money for this. She broke the jar and poured the special perfume on the head of Jesus.

4 M as alguns houve que em si mesmos se indignaram e disseram: Para que se fez este desperdício do bálsamo?

Some of them were angry. They said, “Why was this special perfume wasted?

5 P ois podia ser vendido por mais de trezentos denários que se dariam aos pobres. E bramavam contra ela.

This perfume could have been sold for much money and given to poor people.” They spoke against her.

6 J esus, porém, disse: Deixai-a; por que a molestais? Ela praticou uma boa ação para comigo.

Jesus said, “Let her alone. Why are you giving her trouble? She has done a good thing to Me.

7 P orquanto os pobres sempre os tendes convosco e, quando quiserdes, podeis fazer-lhes bem; a mim, porém, nem sempre me tendes.

You will have poor people with you all the time. Whenever you want, you can do something good for them. You will not have Me all the time.

8 e la fez o que pode; antecipou-se a ungir o meu corpo para a sepultura.

She did what she could. She put this perfume on My body to make Me ready for the grave.

9 E m verdade vos digo que, em todo o mundo, onde quer que for pregado o evangelho, também o que ela fez será contado para memória sua.

For sure, I tell you, wherever this Good News is preached in all the world, this woman will be remembered for what she has done.” Judas Hands Jesus Over to Be Killed

10 E ntão Judas Iscariotes, um dos doze, foi ter com os principais sacerdotes para lhes entregar Jesus.

Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve followers. He went to the head religious leaders of the Jews to talk about how he might hand Jesus over to them.

11 O uvindo-o eles, alegraram-se, e prometeram dar-lhe dinheiro. E buscava como o entregaria em ocasião oportuna.

When the leaders heard it, they were glad. They promised to give Judas money. Then he looked for a way to hand Jesus over. Getting Ready for the Special Supper

12 O ra, no primeiro dia dos pães ázimos, quando imolavam a páscoa, disseram-lhe seus discípulos: Aonde queres que vamos fazer os preparativos para comeres a páscoa?

The first day of the supper of bread without yeast was the day to kill an animal. It was for the special religious gathering to remember how the Jews left Egypt. His followers said to Jesus, “What place do You want us to make ready for You to eat this special supper?”

13 E nviou, pois, dois dos seus discípulos, e disse-lhes: Ide ã cidade, e vos sairá ao encontro um homem levando um cântaro de água; seguí-o;

Jesus sent two of His followers on ahead and said to them, “Go into the city. There a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him.

14 e , onde ele entrar, dizei ao dono da casa: O Mestre manda perguntar: Onde está o meu aposento em que hei de comer a páscoa com os meus discípulos?

He will go into a house. You say to the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher asks, “Where is the room you keep for friends, where I can eat this special supper with My followers?”’

15 E ele vos mostrará um grande cenáculo mobiliado e pronto; aí fazei-nos os preparativos.

He will take you to a large room on the second floor with everything in it. Make it ready for us.”

16 P artindo, pois, os discípulos, foram ã cidade, onde acharam tudo como ele lhes dissera, e prepararam a páscoa.

The followers went from there and came into the city. They found everything as Jesus had said. They made things ready for the special supper.

17 A o anoitecer chegou ele com os doze.

In the evening He came with the twelve followers.

18 E , quando estavam reclinados ã mesa e comiam, disse Jesus: Em verdade vos digo que um de vós, que comigo come, há de trair-me.

They sat at the table and ate. Jesus said, “For sure, I tell you, one of you will hand Me over to be killed. He is eating with Me.”

19 A o que eles começaram a entristecer-se e a perguntar-lhe um após outro: Porventura sou eu?

They were very sad. They said to Him one after the other, “Is it I?”

20 R espondeu-lhes: É um dos doze, que mete comigo a mão no prato.

He said to them, “It is one of the twelve followers. It is the one who is putting his hand with mine into the same dish.

21 P ois o Filho do homem vai, conforme está escrito a seu respeito; mas ai daquele por quem o Filho do homem é traído! bom seria para esse homem se não houvera nascido.

The Son of Man is going away as it is written of Him. But it will be bad for that man who hands the Son of Man over to be killed! It would have been better if he had not been born!” The First Lord’s Supper

22 E nquanto comiam, Jesus tomou pão e, abençoando-o, o partiu e deu-lho, dizendo: Tomai; isto é o meu corpo.

As they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread. He gave thanks and broke it in pieces. He gave it to them and said, “Take, eat, this is My body.”

23 E tomando um cálice, rendeu graças e deu-lho; e todos beberam dele.

Then He took the cup and gave thanks. He gave it to them and they all drank from it.

24 E disse-lhes: Isto é o meu sangue, o sangue do pacto, que por muitos é derramado.

He said to them, “This is My blood of the New Way of Worship which is given for many.

25 E m verdade vos digo que não beberei mais do fruto da videira, até aquele dia em que o beber, novo, no reino de Deus.

For sure, I tell you, that I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the holy nation of God.”

26 E , tendo cantado um hino, saíram para o Monte das Oliveiras.

After they sang a song, they went out to the Mount of Olives. Jesus Tells How Peter Will Lie about Him

27 D isse-lhes então Jesus: Todos vós vos escandalizareis; porque escrito está: Ferirei o pastor, e as ovelhas se dispersarão.

Jesus said to them, “All of you will be ashamed of Me and leave Me tonight. For it is written, ‘I will kill the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will spread everywhere.’

28 T odavia, depois que eu ressurgir, irei adiante de vós para a Galiléia.

After I am raised from the dead, I will go before you into the country of Galilee.”

29 A o que Pedro lhe disse: Ainda que todos se escandalizem, nunca, porém, eu.

Peter said to Him, “Even if all men are ashamed of You and leave You, I never will.”

30 R eplicou-lhe Jesus: Em verdade te digo que hoje, nesta noite, antes que o galo cante duas vezes, três vezes tu me negarás.

Jesus said to him, “For sure, I tell you, that today, even tonight, before a rooster crows two times, you will say three times you do not know Me.”

31 M as ele repetia com veemência: Ainda que me seja necessário morrer contigo, de modo nenhum te negarei. Assim também diziam todos.

Peter spoke with strong words, “Even if I have to die with You, I will never say that I do not know You.” All the followers said the same thing. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

32 E ntão chegaram a um lugar chamado Getsêmane, e disse Jesus a seus discípulos: Sentai-vos aqui, enquanto eu oro.

They came to a place called Gethsemane. Jesus said to His followers, “You sit here while I pray.”

33 E levou consigo a Pedro, a Tiago e a João, e começou a ter pavor e a angustiar-se;

He took Peter and James and John with Him. He began to have much sorrow and a heavy heart.

34 e disse-lhes: A minha alma está triste até a morte; ficai aqui e vigiai.

He said to them, “My soul is very sad. My soul is so full of sorrow I am ready to die. You stay here and watch.”

35 E adiantando-se um pouco, prostrou-se em terra; e orava para que, se fosse possível, passasse dele aquela hora.

He went a little farther and got down with His face on the ground. He prayed that this time of suffering might pass from Him if it could.

36 E dizia: Aba, Pai, tudo te é possível; afasta de mim este cálice; todavia não seja o que eu quero, mas o que tu queres.

He said, “Father, You can do all things. Take away what must happen to Me. Even so, not what I want, but what You want.”

37 V oltando, achou-os dormindo; e disse a Pedro: Simão, dormes? não pudeste vigiar uma hora?

Then Jesus came to the followers and found them sleeping. He said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Were you not able to watch one hour?

38 V igiai e orai, para que não entreis em tentação; o espírito, na verdade, está pronto, mas a carne é fraca.

Watch and pray so that you will not be tempted. Man’s spirit wants to do this, but the body does not have the power to do it.”

39 R etirou-se de novo e orou, dizendo as mesmas palavras.

Again Jesus went away and prayed saying the same words.

40 E voltando outra vez, achou-os dormindo, porque seus olhos estavam carregados; e não sabiam o que lhe responder.

He came back and found them sleeping again. Their eyes were heavy. They did not know what to say to Him.

41 A o voltar pela terceira vez, disse-lhes: Dormi agora e descansai. - Basta; é chegada a hora. Eis que o Filho do homem está sendo entregue nas mãos dos pecadores.

He came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough! Listen, the time has come when the Son of Man will be handed over to sinners.

42 L evantai-vos, vamo-nos; eis que é chegado aquele que me trai.

Get up and let us go. See! The man who will hand Me over to the head religious leader is near.” Jesus Handed Over to Sinners

43 E logo, enquanto ele ainda falava, chegou Judas, um dos doze, e com ele uma multidão com espadas e varapaus, vinda da parte dos principais sacerdotes, dos escribas e dos anciãos.

At once, while Jesus was talking, Judas came. He was one of the twelve followers. He came with many other men who had swords and sticks. They came from the head religious leaders of the Jews and the teachers of the Law and the leaders of the people.

44 O ra, o que o traía lhes havia dado um sinal, dizendo: Aquele que eu beijar, esse é; prendei-o e levai-o com segurança.

The man who was going to hand Jesus over gave the men something to look for. He said, “The Man I kiss is the One. Take hold of Him and take Him away.”

45 E , logo que chegou, aproximando-se de Jesus, disse: Rabi! E o beijou.

At once Judas went straight to Jesus and said, “Teacher!” and kissed Him.

46 A o que eles lhes lançaram as mãos, e o prenderam.

Then they put their hands on Him and took Him.

47 M as um dos que ali estavam, puxando da espada, feriu o servo do sumo sacerdote e cortou-lhe uma orelha.

One of the followers of Jesus who stood watching took his sword. He hit the servant owned by the head religious leader and cut off his ear.

48 D isse-lhes Jesus: Saístes com espadas e varapaus para me prender, como a um salteador?

Jesus said to them, “Have you come with swords and sticks to take Me as if I were a robber?

49 T odos os dias estava convosco no templo, a ensinar, e não me prendestes; mas isto é para que se cumpram as Escrituras.

I have been with you every day teaching in the house of God. You never took hold of Me. But this has happened as the Holy Writings said it would happen.”

50 N isto, todos o deixaram e fugiram.

Then all His followers left Him and ran away.

51 O ra, seguia-o certo jovem envolto em um lençol sobre o corpo nu; e o agarraram.

A young man was following Him with only a piece of cloth around his body. They put their hands on the young man.

52 M as ele, largando o lençol, fugiu despido.

Leaving the cloth behind, he ran away with no clothes on. Jesus Stands in Front of the Head Religious Leaders

53 L evaram Jesus ao sumo sacerdote, e ajuntaram-se todos os principais sacerdotes, os anciãos e os escribas.

They led Jesus away to the head religious leader. All the religious leaders and other leaders and the teachers of the Law were gathered there.

54 E Pedro o seguiu de longe até dentro do pátio do sumo sacerdote, e estava sentado com os guardas, aquentando-se ao fogo.

But Peter followed a long way behind as they went to the house of the head religious leader. He sat with the helpers and got warm by the fire. Jesus Stands in Front of the Court

55 O s principais sacerdotes testemunho contra Jesus para o matar, e não o achavam.

The religious leaders and all the court were looking for something against Jesus. They wanted to find something so they could kill Him. But they could find nothing.

56 P orque contra ele muitos depunham falsamente, mas os testemunhos não concordavam.

Many came and told false things about Him, but their words did not agree.

57 L evantaram-se por fim alguns que depunham falsamente contra ele, dizendo:

Some got up and said false things against Him. They said,

58 N ós o ouvimos dizer: Eu destruirei este santuário, construído por mãos de homens, e em três dias edificarei outro, não feito por mãos de homens.

“We have heard Him say, ‘I will destroy the house of God that was made with hands. In three days I will build another that is not made with hands.’”

59 E nem assim concordava o seu testemunho.

Even these who spoke against Him were not able to agree.

60 L evantou-se então o sumo sacerdote no meio e perguntou a Jesus: Não respondes coisa alguma? Que é que estes depõem conta ti?

The head religious leader stood up in front of the people. He asked Jesus, “Have You nothing to say? What about the things these men are saying against You?”

61 E le, porém, permaneceu calado, e nada respondeu. Tornou o sumo sacerdote a interrogá-lo, perguntando-lhe: És tu o Cristo, o Filho do Deus bendito?

Jesus said nothing. Again the head religious leader asked Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Holy One?”

62 R espondeu Jesus: Eu o sou; e vereis o Filho do homem assentado ã direita do Poder e vindo com as nuvens do céu.

Jesus said, “I am! And you will see the Son of Man seated on the right side of the All-powerful God. You will see Him coming again in the clouds of the sky.”

63 E ntão o sumo sacerdote, rasgando as suas vestes, disse: Para que precisamos ainda de testemunhas?

Then the head religious leader tore his clothes apart. He said, “Do we need other people to speak against Him?

64 A cabais de ouvir a blasfêmia; que vos parece? E todos o condenaram como réu de morte.

You have heard Him speak as if He were God! What do you think?” They all said He was guilty of death.

65 E alguns começaram a cuspir nele, e a cobrir-lhe o rosto, e a dar-lhe socos, e a dizer-lhe: Profetiza. E os guardas receberam-no a bofetadas.

Some began to spit on Him. They covered Jesus’ face, and they hit Him. They said, “Tell us what is going to happen.” Soldiers hit Him with their hands. Peter Said He Did Not Know Jesus

66 O ra, estando Pedro em baixo, no átrio, chegou uma das criadas do sumo sacerdote

Peter was outside in the yard. One of the servant-girls of the head religious leader came.

67 e , vendo a Pedro, que se estava aquentando, encarou-o e disse: Tu também estavas com o nazareno, esse Jesus.

She saw Peter getting warm. She looked at him and said, “You were with Jesus of Nazareth.”

68 M as ele o negou, dizendo: Não sei nem compreendo o que dizes. E saiu para o alpendre.

Peter lied, saying, “I do not know Jesus and do not understand what you are talking about.” As he went out, a rooster crowed.

69 E a criada, vendo-o, começou de novo a dizer aos que ali estavam: Esse é um deles.

The servant-girl saw him again. She said to the people standing around, “This man is one of them.”

70 M as ele o negou outra vez. E pouco depois os que ali estavam disseram novamente a Pedro: Certamente tu és um deles; pois és também galileu.

He lied again saying that he did not know Jesus. Later, those who stood around said to Peter again, “For sure you are one of them. You are from the country of Galilee. You talk like they do.”

71 E le, porém, começou a praguejar e a jurar: Não conheço esse homem de quem falais.

He began to say strong words and to swear. He said, “I do not know the Man you are talking about!”

72 N esse instante o galo cantou pela segunda vez. E Pedro lembrou-se da palavra que lhe dissera Jesus: Antes que o galo cante duas vezes, três vezes me negarás. E caindo em si, começou a chorar.

At once a rooster crowed the second time. Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him, “Before a rooster crows two times, you will say three times you do not know Me.” When he thought about it, he cried.