Êxodo 36 ~ Exodus 36


1 A ssim trabalharão Bezaleel e Aoliabe, e todo homem hábil, a quem o Senhor deu sabedoria e entendimento, para saberem exercer todo ofício para o serviço do santuário, conforme tudo o que o Senhor tem ordenado.

“Bezalel and Oholiab will do the work, together with every workman whom the Lord has made able and understands how to do all the work in the building of the holy place. They will do all that the Lord has said.” The People Bring More Than Enough

2 E ntão Moisés chamou a Bezaleel e a Aoliabe, e a todo homem hábil, em cujo coração Deus tinha posto sabedoria, isto é, a todo aquele cujo coração o moveu a se chegar ã obra para fazê-la;

Then Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every workman whom the Lord had made able, every one whose heart moved him to come to do the work.

3 e receberam de Moisés toda a oferta alçada, que os filhos de Israel tinham do para a obra do serviço do santuário, para fazê-la; e ainda eles lhe traziam cada manhã ofertas voluntárias.

They received from Moses all the gifts the people of Israel had brought for the work of building the holy place. And they kept bringing gifts because they wanted to every morning.

4 E ntão todos os sábios que faziam toda a obra do santuário vieram, cada um da obra que fazia,

All the able workmen came who were doing all the work on the holy place. Each man came from the work he had been doing.

5 e disseram a Moisés: O povo traz muito mais do que é necessário para o serviço da obra que o Senhor ordenou se fizesse.

They said to Moses, “The people are bringing much more than enough for the work the Lord told us to do.”

6 P elo que Moisés deu ordem, a qual fizeram proclamar por todo o arraial, dizendo: Nenhum homem, nem mulher, faça mais obra alguma para a oferta alçada do santuário. Assim o povo foi proibido de trazer mais.

So Moses made it be known to all the people, saying, “No man or woman is to give any more gifts for the holy place.” So the people were kept from bringing any more.

7 P orque o material que tinham era bastante para toda a obra, e ainda sobejava.

For the things they had were enough for doing all the work. There was more than enough. Building of the Tent

8 A ssim todos os homens hábeis, dentre os que trabalhavam na obra, fizeram o tabernáculo de dez cortinas de linho fino torcido, de azul, de púrpura e de carmesim, com querubins, obra de artífice.

All the able men among those who were doing the work made the meeting tent with ten curtains. They made them of fine linen and blue, purple and red cloth, with cherubim sewed into them by an able workman. Bezalel made them.

9 O comprimento de cada cortina era de vinte e oito côvados, e a largura de quatro côvados; todas as cortinas eram da mesma medida.

Each curtain was as long as fourteen long steps and as wide as two long steps, all of them the same.

10 L igaram cinco cortinas uma com outra; e as outras cinco da mesma maneira.

He joined five curtains to each other. And the other five curtains he joined to each other.

11 F izeram laçadas de azul na orla da última cortina do primeiro grupo; assim, também fizeram na orla da primeira cortina do segundo grupo.

He took small pieces of blue cloth, longer than they were wide. He sewed both ends to the side of the last curtain in the first row. Then he did the same on the side of the last curtain in the second row.

12 C inqüenta laçadas fizeram na orla de uma cortina, e cinquenta laçadas na orla da outra, do segundo grupo; as laçadas eram contrapostas uma ã outra.

He put fifty of these pieces on the one curtain. And he put fifty on the side of the other curtain, so that the pieces met each other.

13 T ambém fizeram cinqüenta colchetes de ouro, e com estes colchetes uniram as cortinas, uma com outra; e o tabernáculo veio a ser um todo.

He made fifty hooks of gold. Then he joined the curtains together with the hooks so the meeting tent was as one.

14 F izeram também cortinas de pelos de cabras para servirem de tenda sobre o tabernáculo; onze cortinas fizeram.

He made curtains of goat hair for a covering over the meeting tent. He made eleven curtains in all.

15 O comprimento de cada cortina era de trinta côvados, e a largura de quatro côvados; as onze cortinas eram da mesma medida.

Each curtain was as long as fifteen long steps, and as wide as two long steps, all of them the same.

16 u niram cinco destas cortinas ã parte, e as outras seis ã parte.

He joined five curtains by themselves and six curtains by themselves.

17 F izeram cinqüenta laçadas na orla da última cortina do primeiro grupo, e cinqüenta laçadas na orla da primeira cortina do segundo grupo.

He took fifty small pieces of cloth, longer than they were wide. He sewed both ends of each to the side of the last curtain in the first row. Then he sewed fifty pieces onto the side of the last curtain in the second row.

18 F izeram também cinqüenta colchetes de bronze, para ajuntar a tenda, para que viesse a ser um todo.

He made fifty hooks of brass. And he put the hooks through the sewed pieces of cloth and joined the tent together as one.

19 F izeram para a tenda uma cobertura de peles de carneiros tintas de vermelho, e por cima desta uma cobertura de peles de golfinhos.

He made a covering for the tent out of rams’ skins made red, and a covering of badgers’ skins over this.

20 T ambém fizeram, de madeira de acácia, as tábuas para o tabernáculo, as quais foram colocadas verticalmente.

Then he made the pillars of acacia wood for the meeting tent.

21 O comprimento de cada tábua era de dez côvados, e a largura de um côvado e meio.

Each piece of wood was as long as five long steps, and as wide as one step.

22 C ada tábua tinha duas couceiras, unidas uma ã outra; assim fizeram com todas as tábuas do tabernáculo.

He made two joining pieces in each piece of wood for joining them together. He did this for all the pieces of wood of the meeting tent.

23 A ssim, pois, fizeram as tábuas para o tabernáculo; vinte tábuas para o lado que dá para o sul;

He made twenty pieces of wood for the south side of the meeting tent.

24 e fizeram quarenta bases de prata para se pôr debaixo das vinte tábuas: duas bases debaixo de uma tábua para as suas duas couceiras, e duas debaixo de outra, para as duas couceiras dela.

He made forty silver bases under the twenty pieces of wood, two bases under each piece of wood.

25 T ambém para o segundo lado do tabernáculo, o que dá para o norte, fizeram vinte tábuas,

Then he made twenty pieces of wood for the north side of the meeting tent.

26 c om as suas quarenta bases de prata, duas bases debaixo de uma tábua, e duas bases debaixo de outra.

And he made forty silver bases, with two bases under each piece of wood.

27 P ara o lado posterior do tabernáculo, o que dá para o ocidente, fizeram seis tábuas.

He made six pieces of wood for the back or west side of the meeting tent.

28 E para os dois cantos do tabernáculo no lado posterior, fizeram mais duas tábuas.

He made two pieces of wood for the back corners.

29 P or baixo eram duplas, do mesmo modo se estendendo até a primeira argola, em cima; assim fizeram com as duas tábuas nos dois cantos.

They were together at the bottom, and joined at the top with one ring. They were made the same for the two corners.

30 A ssim havia oito tábuas com as suas bases de prata, a saber, dezesseis bases, duas debaixo de cada tábua.

There were eight pieces of wood, with sixteen silver bases, two under each piece of wood.

31 F izeram também travessões de madeira de acácia: cinco travessões para as tábuas de um lado do tabernáculo,

He made long, straight pieces of acacia wood, five for the pieces of wood on one side of the meeting tent,

32 e cinco para as tábuas do outro lado do tabernáculo, e outros cinco para as tábuas do tabernáculo no lado posterior, o que dá para o ocidente.

and five for the pieces of wood on the other side of the meeting tent. Then he made five for the pieces of wood at the back of the meeting tent, the west side.

33 F izeram que o travessão do meio passasse ao meio das tábuas duma extremidade até a outra.

He made the long, straight cross-piece for the center to pass through from end to end.

34 E cobriram as tábuas de ouro, e de ouro fizeram as suas argolas como lugares para os travessoes; também os travessões cobriu de ouro.

He covered the pieces of wood with gold. He made rings of gold to hold the long, straight pieces of wood. And he covered these pieces of wood with gold.

35 F izeram então o véu de azul, púrpura, carmesim e linho fino torcido; com querubins, obra de artífice, o fizeram.

He made the curtain of blue and purple and red cloth and fine linen. He made it with cherubim sewed into it by an able workman.

36 E fizeram-lhe quatro colunas de madeira de acácia e as cobriram de ouro; e seus colchetes fizeram de ouro; e fundiram-lhes quatro bases de prata.

He hung it on four pillars of acacia wood covered with gold. Their hooks were made of gold and he made four silver bases for it.

37 F izeram também para a porta da tenda um reposteiro de azul, púrpura, carmesim e linho fino torcido, obra de bordador,

He made a curtain for the door of the meeting tent out of blue, purple and red cloth and fine linen, the work of an able workman.

38 c om as suas cinco colunas e os seus colchetes; e de ouro cobriu os seus capitéis e as suas faixas; e as suas cinco bases eram de bronze.

He made five pillars with their hooks and covered their tops with gold. But he made their five bases of brass.