Salmos 65 ~ Psalm 65


1 A ti, ó Deus, é devido o louvor em Sião; e a ti se pagará o voto.

All will be quiet before You, and praise belongs to You, O God, in Zion. And our promise to You will be kept.

2 Ó tu que ouves a oração! a ti virá toda a carne.

O You Who hears prayer, to You all men come.

3 P revalecem as iniqüidades contra mim; mas as nossas transgressões, tu as perdoarás.

My sins are strong against me. But You forgive our sins.

4 B em-aventurado aquele a quem tu escolhes, e fazes chegar a ti, para habitar em teus átrios! Nós seremos satisfeitos com a bondade da tua casa, do teu santo templo.

Happy is the man You choose and bring near to You to live in Your holy place. We will be filled with the good things of Your house, Your holy house.

5 C om prodígios nos respondes em justiça, ó Deus da nossa salvação, a esperança de todas as extremidades da terra, e do mais remoto mar;

O God Who saves us, You answer us in the way that is right and good by Your great works that make people stand in fear. You are the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas.

6 t u que pela tua força consolidas os montes, cingido de poder;

You have built the mountains by Your strength. You are dressed with power.

7 q ue aplacas o ruído dos mares, o ruído das suas ondas, e o tumulto dos povos.

You quiet the storm of the seas, the sound of their waves, and the noise of the people.

8 O s que habitam os confins da terra são tomados de medo ã vista dos teus sinais; tu fazes exultar de júbilo as saídas da manhã e da tarde.

Those who live far away are afraid of Your great works. You make morning and evening call out for joy.

9 T u visitas a terra, e a regas; grandemente e enriqueces; o rio de Deus está cheio d'água; tu lhe dás o trigo quando assim a tens preparado;

You visit the earth and water it. You make it very rich. The river of God is full of water. You give the people grain when You have made the earth ready.

10 e nches d'água os seus sulcos, aplanando-lhes as leivas, amolecendo-a com a chuva, e abençoando as suas novidades.

You water where the plow has been used. You cover the seeds with earth. You make it soft with rain. And You make the plants grow well.

11 C oroas o ano com a tua bondade, e as tuas veredas destilam gordura;

You crown the year with Your good gifts. There is more than enough where You have been.

12 d estilam sobre as pastagens do deserto, e os outeiros se cingem de alegria.

The fields of the desert are filled with water. And the hills dress themselves with joy.

13 A s pastagens revestem-se de rebanhos, e os vales se cobrem de trigo; por isso eles se regozijam, por isso eles cantam.

The grass lands are covered with birds. And the valleys are covered with grain. They call out for joy and sing.