1 T endo Jesus dito isto, saiu com seus discípulos para o outro lado do ribeiro de Cedrom, onde havia um jardim, e com eles ali entrou.
When Jesus had said these things, He went with His followers across the small river Kidron. He and His followers went to a garden there.
2 O ra, Judas, que o traía, também conhecia aquele lugar, porque muitas vezes Jesus se reunira ali com os discípulos.
Judas, who was handing Him over to the leaders, knew the place also. Jesus and His followers had met there many times.
3 T endo, pois, Judas tomado a coorte e uns guardas da parte dos principais sacerdotes e fariseus, chegou ali com lanternas archotes e armas.
Judas led some soldiers and some men who had been sent by the head religious leaders of the Jews and the proud religious law-keepers to the garden. They carried lamps and sticks that were burning and swords.
4 S abendo, pois, Jesus tudo o que lhe havia de suceder, adiantou-se e perguntou-lhes: A quem buscais?
Jesus knew what was going to happen to Him. He went out and asked them, “Who are you looking for?”
5 R esponderam-lhe: A Jesus, o nazareno. Disse-lhes Jesus: Sou eu. E Judas, que o traía, também estava com eles.
The soldiers answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said, “I am Jesus.” Judas, who was handing Him over, was with them also.
6 Q uando Jesus lhes disse: Sou eu, recuaram, e cairam por terra.
When He said to them, “I am Jesus,” they stepped back and fell to the ground.
7 T ornou-lhes então a perguntar: A quem buscais? e responderam: A Jesus, o nazareno.
He asked them again, “Who are you looking for?” They said again, “Jesus of Nazareth.”
8 R eplicou-lhes Jesus: Já vos disse que sou eu; se, pois, é a mim que buscais, deixai ir estes;
He said, “I have told you that I am Jesus. If you are looking for Me, let these men go their way.”
9 p ara que se cumprisse a palavra que dissera: Dos que me tens dado, nenhum deles perdi.
He said this so the words He spoke might happen, “I have not lost one of those You gave Me.”
10 E ntão Simão Pedro, que tinha uma espada, desembainhou-a e feriu o servo do sumo sacerdote, cortando-lhe a orelha direita. O nome do servo era Malco.
Simon Peter had a sword. He took it and hit a servant who was owned by the head religious leader and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.
11 D isse, pois, Jesus a Pedro: Mete a tua espada na bainha; não hei de beber o cálice que o Pai me deu?
Then Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back where it belongs. Am I not to go through what My Father has given Me to go through?” Jesus Stands in Front of Annas
12 E ntão a coorte, e o comandante, e os guardas dos judeus prenderam a Jesus, e o maniataram.
Then the soldiers and their captain and the men sent by the Jewish religious leaders took Jesus and tied Him.
13 E conduziram-no primeiramente a Anás; pois era sogro de Caifás, sumo sacerdote naquele ano.
They took Him to Annas first. He was the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Caiaphas was the head religious leader that year.
14 O ra, Caifás era quem aconselhara aos judeus que convinha morrer um homem pelo povo.
Caiaphas had talked to the Jews. He told them it would be a good thing if one man should die for the people. Peter Lies about Jesus
15 S imão Pedro e outro discípulo seguiam a Jesus. Este discípulo era conhecido do sumo sacerdote, e entrou com Jesus no pátio do sumo sacerdote,
Simon Peter and another follower came behind Jesus. This other follower was known to the head religious leader. He went with Jesus to the head religious leader’s house.
16 e nquanto Pedro ficava da parte de fora, ã porta. Saiu, então, o outro discípulo que era conhecido do sumo sacerdote, falou ã porteira, e levou Pedro para dentro.
Peter stood outside at the gate. The other follower, who was known by the head religious leader, went out and talked to the servant-girl who watched the gate. Then he took Peter inside.
17 E ntão a porteira perguntou a Pedro: Não és tu também um dos discípulos deste homem? Respondeu ele: Não sou.
The servant-girl who watched the door said to Peter, “Are you not a follower of this Man?” He said, “I am not!”
18 O ra, estavam ali os servos e os guardas, que tinham acendido um braseiro e se aquentavam, porque fazia frio; e também Pedro estava ali em pé no meio deles, aquentando-se.
The servants who were owned by someone and the soldiers had made a fire because it was cold. They were getting warm by the fire. Peter was standing with them getting warm. Jesus Stands in Front of Caiaphas
19 E ntão o sumo sacerdote interrogou Jesus acerca dos seus discípulos e da sua doutrina.
The head religious leader of the Jews asked Jesus about His followers. He asked Jesus about His teaching.
20 R espondeu-lhe Jesus: Eu tenho falado abertamente ao mundo; eu sempre ensinei nas sinagogas e no templo, onde todos os judeus se congregam, e nada falei em oculto.
Jesus said, “I have spoken very plain words to the world. I have always taught in the Jewish place of worship and in the house of God. It is where the Jews go all the time. My words have not been said in secret.
21 P or que me perguntas a mim? pergunta aos que me ouviram o que é que lhes falei; eis que eles sabem o que eu disse.
Why do you ask Me? Ask those who have heard what I said to them. They know what I said.”
22 E , havendo ele dito isso, um dos guardas que ali estavam deu uma bofetada em Jesus, dizendo: É assim que respondes ao sumo sacerdote?
Then one of the soldiers standing there hit Jesus with his hand. He said, “Is that how You talk to the head religious leaders?”
23 R espondeu-lhe Jesus: Se falei mal, dá testemunho do mal; mas, se bem, por que me feres?
Jesus said, “If I said anything wrong, tell Me what was wrong. If I said what was right, why did you hit Me?”
24 E ntão Anás o enviou, maniatado, a Caifás, o sumo sacerdote.
Then Annas sent Jesus to Caiaphas, the head religious leader. Jesus was still tied up.
25 E Simão Pedro ainda estava ali, aquentando-se. Perguntaram- lhe, pois: Não és também tu um dos seus discípulos? Ele negou, e disse: Não sou.
Simon Peter was standing there and getting warm. They said to him, “Are you not one of His followers also?” He lied and said he did not know Jesus and answered, “I am not!”
26 U m dos servos do sumo sacerdote, parente daquele a quem Pedro cortara a orelha, disse: Não te vi eu no jardim com ele?
A servant who was owned by the head religious leader was there. He was of the family of the man whose ear Peter cut off. The man said, “Did I not see you in the garden with Him?”
27 P edro negou outra vez, e imediatamente o galo cantou.
Again Peter lied and said he did not know Jesus. At once a rooster crowed. Jesus Stands in Front of Pilate
28 D epois conduziram Jesus da presença de Caifás para o pretório; era de manhã cedo; e eles não entraram no pretório, para não se contaminarem, mas poderem comer a páscoa.
They led Jesus from Caiaphas into the court room. It was early in the morning. They did not go inside because their Law said if they did they would become dirty with sin. Then they would not be able to eat the religious supper to remember how the Jews left Egypt.
29 E ntão Pilatos saiu a ter com eles, e perguntou: Que acusação trazeis contra este homem?
So Pilate came out to them. He asked, “What have you to say against the Man?”
30 R esponderam-lhe: Se ele não fosse malfeitor, não to entregaríamos.
The Jews said, “If He had not done wrong, we would not have brought Him to you.”
31 D isse-lhes, então, Pilatos: Tomai-o vós, e julgai-o segundo a vossa lei. Disseram-lhe os judeus: A nós não nos é lícito tirar a vida a ninguém.
Then Pilate said to them, “Take Him yourselves and give Him a trial by your Law.” The Jews said to him, “It is against our Law to put anyone to death.”
32 I sso foi para que se cumprisse a palavra que dissera Jesus, significando de que morte havia de morrer.
This happened as Jesus said it would happen. He had told what kind of death He would die.
33 P ilatos, pois, tornou a entrar no pretório, chamou a Jesus e perguntou-lhe: És tu o rei dos judeus?
Then Pilate went back into the court room. He called for Jesus and said to Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”
34 R espondeu Jesus: Dizes isso de ti mesmo, ou foram outros que to disseram de mim?
Jesus said, “Do you ask Me this yourself, or did others say this to you about Me?”
35 R eplicou Pilatos: Porventura sou eu judeu? O teu povo e os principais sacerdotes entregaram-te a mim; que fizeste?
Pilate said, “Do you think I am a Jew? Your own people and religious leaders have handed You over to me. What have You done?”
36 R espondeu Jesus: O meu reino não é deste mundo; se o meu reino fosse deste mundo, pelejariam os meus servos, para que eu não fosse entregue aos judeus; entretanto o meu reino não é daqui.
Jesus said, “My holy nation does not belong to this world. If My holy nation were of this world, My helpers would fight so I would not be handed over to the Jews. My holy nation is not of this world.”
37 P erguntou-lhe, pois, Pilatos: Logo tu és rei? Respondeu Jesus: Tu dizes que eu sou rei. Eu para isso nasci, e para isso vim ao mundo, a fim de dar testemunho da verdade. Todo aquele que é da verdade ouve a minha voz.
Pilate said to Him, “So You are a King?” Jesus said, “You are right when you say that I am a King. I was born for this reason. I came into the world for this reason. I came to speak about the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Jesus or Barabbas Is to Go Free
38 P erguntou-lhe Pilatos: Que é a verdade? E dito isto, de novo saiu a ter com os judeus, e disse-lhes: Não acho nele crime algum.
Pilate said to Jesus, “What is truth?” After Pilate said this, he went out again to the Jews. He said, “I do not find Him guilty.
39 T endes, porém, por costume que eu vos solte alguém por ocasião da páscoa; quereis, pois, que vos solte o rei dos judeus?
But every year a man who is in prison is allowed to go free at the special religious gathering to remember how the Jews left Egypt. Do you want the King of the Jews to go free?”
40 E ntão todos tornaram a clamar dizendo: Este não, mas Barrabás. Ora, Barrabás era salteador.
Then they spoke with loud voices, “Not this Man, but Barabbas!” Now Barabbas was a robber.