1 D epois, passados catorze anos, subi outra vez a Jerusalém com Barnabé, levando também comigo a Tito.
Fourteen years later I went again to Jerusalem. This time I took Barnabas. Titus went with us also.
2 E subi devido a uma revelação, e lhes expus o evangelho que prego entre os gentios, mas em particular aos que eram de destaque, para que de algum modo não estivesse correndo ou não tivesse corrido em vão.
God showed me in a special way I should go. I spoke to them about the Good News that I preach among the people who are not Jews. First of all, I talked alone to the important church leaders. I wanted them to know what I was preaching. I did not want that which I was doing or would be doing to be wasted.
3 M as nem mesmo Tito, que estava comigo, embora sendo grego, foi constrangido a circuncidar-se;
Titus was with me. Even being a Greek, he did not have to go through the religious act of becoming a Jew.
4 e isto por causa dos falsos irmãos intrusos, os quais furtivamente entraram a espiar a nossa liberdade, que temos em Cristo Jesus, para nos escravizar;
Some men who called themselves Christians asked about this. They got in our meeting without being asked. They came there to find out how free we are who belong to Christ. They tried to get us to be chained to the Law.
5 a os quais nem ainda por uma hora cedemos em sujeição, para que a verdade do evangelho permanecesse entre vós.
But we did not listen to them or do what they wanted us to do so the truth of the Good News might be yours.
6 O ra, daqueles que pareciam ser alguma coisa (quais outrora tenham sido, nada me importa; Deus não aceita a aparência do homem), esses, digo, que pareciam ser alguma coisa, nada me acrescentaram;
Those who seemed to be important church leaders did not help me. They did not teach me anything new. What they were, I do not care. God looks on us all as being the same.
7 a ntes, pelo contrário, quando viram que o evangelho da incircuncisão me fora confiado, como a Pedro o da circuncisão
Anyway, they saw how I had been given the work of preaching the Good News to the people who are not Jews, as Peter had been given the work of preaching the Good News to the Jews.
8 ( porque aquele que operou a favor de Pedro para o apostolado da circuncisão, operou também a meu favor para com os gentios),
For God helped Peter work with the Jews. He also helped me work with those who are not Jews.
9 e quando conheceram a graça que me fora dada, Tiago, Cefas e João, que pareciam ser as colunas, deram a mim e a Barnabé as destras de comunhão, para que nós fôssemos aos gentios, e eles ã circuncisão;
James and Peter and John were thought of as being the head church leaders. They could see that God’s loving-favor had been given to me. Barnabas and I were joined together with them by shaking hands. Then we were sent off to work with the people who are not Jews. They were to work with the Jews.
10 r ecomendando-nos somente que nos lembrássemos dos pobres; o que também procurei fazer com diligência.
They asked us to do only one thing. We were to remember to help poor people. I think this is important also.
11 Q uando, porém, Cefas veio a Antioquia, resisti-lhe na cara, porque era repreensível.
But when Peter came to Antioch, I had to stand up against him because he was guilty.
12 P ois antes de chegarem alguns da parte de Tiago, ele comia com os gentios; mas quando eles chegaram, se foi retirando e se apartava deles, temendo os que eram da circuncisão.
Peter had been eating with the people who are not Jews. But after some men came who had been with James, he kept away from them. He was afraid of those who believe in the religious act of becoming a Jew.
13 E os outros judeus também dissimularam com ele, de modo que até Barnabé se deixou levar pela sua dissimulação.
Then the rest of the Jews followed him because they were afraid to do what they knew they should do. Even Barnabas was fooled by those who pretended to be someone they were not.
14 M as, quando vi que não andavam retamente conforme a verdade do evangelho, disse a Cefas perante todos: Se tu, sendo judeu, vives como os gentios, e não como os judeus, como é que obrigas os gentios a viverem como judeus?
When I saw they were not honest about the truth of the Good News, I spoke to Peter in front of them all. I said, “If you are a Jew, but live like the people who are not Jews, why do you make the people who are not Jews live like the Jews?”
15 N ós, judeus por natureza e não pecadores dentre os gentios,
You and I were born Jews. We were not sinners from among the people who are not Jews.
16 s abendo, contudo, que o homem não é justificado por obras da lei, mas sim, pela fé em Cristo Jesus, temos também crido em Cristo Jesus para sermos justificados pela fé em Cristo, e não por obras da lei; pois por obras da lei nenhuma carne será justificada.
Even so, we know we cannot become right with God by obeying the Law. A man is made right with God by putting his trust in Jesus Christ. For that reason, we have put our trust in Jesus Christ also. We have been made right with God because of our faith in Christ and not by obeying the Law. No man can be made right with God by obeying the Law.
17 M as se, procurando ser justificados em Cristo, fomos nós mesmos também achados pecadores, é porventura Cristo ministro do pecado? De modo nenhum.
As we try to become right with God by what Christ has done for us, what if we find we are sinners also? Does that mean Christ makes us sinners? No! Never!
18 P orque, se torno a edificar aquilo que destruí, constituo-me a mim mesmo transgressor.
But if I work toward being made right with God by keeping the Law, then I make myself a sinner.
19 P ois eu pela lei morri para a lei, a fim de viver para Deus.
The Law has no power over me. I am dead to the Law. Now I can live for God.
20 J á estou crucificado com Cristo; e vivo, não mais eu, mas Cristo vive em mim; e a vida que agora vivo na carne, vivo-a na fé no filho de Deus, o qual me amou, e se entregou a si mesmo por mim.
I have been put up on the cross to die with Christ. I no longer live. Christ lives in me. The life I now live in this body, I live by putting my trust in the Son of God. He was the One Who loved me and gave Himself for me.
21 N ão faço nula a graça de Deus; porque, se a justiça vem mediante a lei, logo Cristo morreu em vão.
I say that we are not to put aside the loving-favor of God. If we could be made right with God by keeping the Law, then Christ died for nothing.