1 A nd when we had torn ourselves away from them and withdrawn, we set sail and made a straight run to Cos, and on the following to Rhodes and from there to Patara.
E assim aconteceu que, separando-nos deles, navegamos e, correndo em direitura, chegamos a Cós, e no dia seguinte a Rodes, e dali a Pátara.
2 T here we found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia; so we went aboard and sailed away.
Achando um navio que seguia para a Fenícia, embarcamos e partimos.
3 A fter we had sighted Cyprus, leaving it on our left we sailed on to Syria and put in at Tyre, for there the ship was to unload her cargo.
E quando avistamos Chipre, deixando-a á esquerda, navegamos para a Síria e chegamos a Tiro, pois o navio havia de ser descarregado ali.
4 A nd having looked up the disciples there, we remained with them for seven days. Prompted by the Spirit, they kept telling Paul not to set foot in Jerusalem.
Havendo achado os discípulos, demoramo-nos ali sete dias; e eles pelo Espírito diziam a Paulo que não subisse a Jerusalém.
5 B ut when our time there was ended, we left and proceeded on our journey; and all of them with their wives and children accompanied us on our way till we were outside the city. There we knelt down on the beach and prayed.
Depois de passarmos ali aqueles dias, saímos e seguimos a nossa viagem, acompanhando-nos todos, com suas mulheres e filhos, até fora da cidade; e, postos de joelhos na praia, oramos,
6 T hen when we had told one another farewell, we went on board the ship, and they returned to their own homes.
e despedindo-nos uns dos outros, embarcamos, e eles voltaram para casa.
7 W hen we had completed the voyage from Tyre, we landed at Ptolemais, where we paid our respects to the brethren and remained with them for one day.
Concluída a nossa viagem de Tiro, chegamos a Ptolemaida; e, havendo saudado os irmãos, passamos um dia com eles.
8 O n the morrow we left there and came to Caesarea; and we went into the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the Seven, and stayed with him.
Partindo no dia seguinte, fomos a Cesaréia; e entrando em casa de Felipe, o evangelista, que era um dos sete, ficamos com ele.
9 A nd he had four maiden daughters who had the gift of prophecy.
Tinha este quatro filhas virgens que profetizavam.
10 W hile we were remaining there for some time, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.
Demorando-nos ali por muitos dias, desceu da Judéia um profeta, de nome Ágabo;
11 A nd coming to us, he took Paul’s belt and with it bound his own feet and hands and said, Thus says the Holy Spirit: The Jews at Jerusalem shall bind like this the man who owns this belt, and they shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles (heathen).
e vindo ter conosco, tomou a cinta de Paulo e, ligando os seus próprios pés e mãos, disse: Isto diz o Espírito Santo: Assim os judeus ligarão em Jerusalém o homem a quem pertence esta cinta, e o entregarão nas mãos dos gentios.
12 W hen we heard this, both we and the residents of that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem.
Quando ouvimos isto, rogamos-lhe, tanto nós como os daquele lugar, que não subisse a Jerusalém.
13 T hen Paul replied, What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart like this? For I hold myself in readiness not only to be arrested and bound and imprisoned at Jerusalem, but also to die for the name of the Lord Jesus.
Então Paulo resppondeu: Que fazeis chorando e magoando-me o coração? Porque eu estou pronto não só a ser ligado, mas ainda a morrer em Jerusalém pelo nome do Senhor Jesus.
14 A nd when he would not yield to persuading, we stopped, saying, The Lord’s will be done!
E, como não se deixasse persuadir, dissemos: Faça-se a vontade do Senhor; e calamo-nos.
15 A fter these days we packed our baggage and went up to Jerusalem.
Depois destes dias, havendo feito os preparativos, fomos subindo a Jerusalém.
16 A nd some of the disciples from Caesarea came with us, conducting us to the house of Mnason, a man from Cyprus, one of the disciples of long standing, with whom we were to lodge.
E foram também conosco alguns discípulos de Cesaréia, levando consigo um certo Mnáson, cíprio, discípulo antigo, com quem nos havíamos de hospedar.
17 W hen we arrived in Jerusalem, the brethren received and welcomed us gladly.
E chegando nós a Jerusalém, os irmãos nos receberam alegremente.
18 O n the next day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders of the church were present.
No dia seguinte Paulo foi em nossa companhia ter com Tiago, e compareceram todos os anciãos.
19 A fter saluting them, Paul gave a detailed account of the things God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.
E, havendo-os saudado, contou-lhes uma por uma as coisas que por seu ministério Deus fizera entre os gentios.
20 A nd upon hearing it, they adored and exalted and praised and thanked God. And they said to, You see, brother, how many thousands of believers there are among the Jews, and all of them are enthusiastic upholders of the Law.
Ouvindo eles isto, glorificaram a Deus, e disseram-lhe: Bem vês, irmãos, quantos milhares há entre os judeus que têm crido, e todos são zelosos da lei; gregos, ouviram a palavra do
21 N ow they have been informed about you that you continually teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn back from and forsake Moses, advising them not to circumcise their children or pay any attention to the observance of the customs.
e têm sido informados a teu respeito que ensinas todos os judeus que estão entre os gentios a se apartarem de Moisés, dizendo que não circuncidem seus filhos, nem andem segundo os costumes da lei.
22 W hat then should be done? A multitude will come together, for they will surely hear that you have arrived.
Que se há de fazer, pois? Certamente saberão que és chegado.
23 T herefore do just what we tell you. With us are four men who have taken a vow upon themselves.
Faze, pois, o que te vamos dizer: Temos quatro homens que fizeram voto;
24 T ake these men and purify yourself along with them and pay their expenses, so that they may have their heads shaved. Thus everybody will know that there is no truth in what they have been told about you, but that you yourself walk in observance of the Law.
toma estes contigo, e santifica-te com eles, e faze por eles as despesas para que rapem a cabeça; e saberão todos que é falso aquilo de que têm sido informados a teu respeito, mas que também tu mesmo andas corretamente, guardando a lei.
25 B ut with regard to the Gentiles who have believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ), we have sent them a letter with our decision that they should keep themselves free from anything that has been sacrificed to idols and from blood and which have been strangled and from all impurity and sexual immorality.
Todavia, quanto aos gentios que têm crido já escrevemos, dando o parecer que se abstenham do que é sacrificado a os ídolos, do sangue, do sufocado e da prostituição.
26 T hen Paul took the men with him and the following day purifying himself along with them. And they entered the temple to give notice when the days of purification (the ending of each vow) would be fulfilled and the usual offering could be presented on behalf of each of them.
Então Paulo, no dia seguinte, tomando consigo aqueles homens, purificou-se com eles e entrou no templo, notificando o cumprimento dos dias da purificação, quando seria feita a favor de cada um deles a respectiva oferta.
27 W hen the seven days were drawing to a close, some of the Jews from Asia, who had caught sight of Paul in the temple, incited all the rabble and laid hands on him,
Mas quando os sete dias estavam quase a terminar, os judeus da Ásia, tendo-o visto no templo, alvoroçaram todo o povo e agarraram-no,
28 S houting, Men of Israel, help! This is the man who is teaching everybody everywhere against the people and the Law and this place! Moreover, he has also brought Greeks into the temple; he has desecrated and polluted this holy place!
clamando: Varões israelitas, acudi; este é o homem que por toda parte ensina a todos contra o povo, contra a lei, e contra este lugar; e ainda, além disso, introduziu gregos no templo, e tem profanado este santo lugar.
29 F or they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with Paul and they supposed that he had brought the man into the temple.
Porque tinham visto com ele na cidade a Trófimo de Éfeso, e pensavam que Paulo o introduzira no templo.
30 T hen the whole city was aroused and thrown into confusion, and the people rushed together; they laid hands on Paul and dragged him outside the temple, and immediately the gates were closed.
Alvoroçou-se toda a cidade, e houve ajuntamento do povo; e agarrando a Paulo, arrastaram-no para fora do templo, e logo as portas se fecharam.
31 N ow while they were trying to kill him, word came to the commandant of the regular Roman garrison that the whole of Jerusalem was in a state of ferment.
E, procurando eles matá-lo, chegou ao comandante da coorte o aviso de que Jerusalém estava toda em confusão;
32 S o immediately he took soldiers and centurions and hurried down among them; and when the people saw the commandant and the troops, they stopped beating Paul.
o qual, tomando logo consigo soldados e centuriões, correu para eles; e quando viram o comandante e os soldados, cessaram de espancar a Paulo.
33 T hen the commandant approached and arrested Paul and ordered that he be secured with two chains. He then inquired who he was and what he had done.
Então aproximando-se o comandante, prendeu-o e mandou que fosse acorrentado com duas cadeias, e perguntou quem era e o que tinha feito.
34 S ome in the crowd kept shouting back one thing and others something else, and since he could not ascertain the facts because of the furor, he ordered that Paul be removed to the barracks.
E na multidão uns gritavam de um modo, outros de outro; mas, não podendo por causa do alvoroço saber a verdade, mandou conduzí-lo ã fortaleza.
35 A nd when came to mount the steps, he was actually being carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the mob;
E sucedeu que, chegando
36 F or the mass of the people kept following them, shouting, Away with him!
Pois a multidão o seguia, gritando: Mata-o!
37 J ust as Paul was about to be taken into the barracks, he asked the commandant, May I say something to you? And the man replied, Can you speak Greek?
Quando estava para ser introduzido na fortaleza, disse Paulo ao comandante: É-me permitido dizer-te alguma coisa? Respondeu ele: Sabes o grego?
38 A re you not then the Egyptian who not long ago stirred up a rebellion and led those 4, 000 men who were cutthroats out into the wilderness (desert)?
Não és porventura o egípcio que há poucos dias fez uma sedição e levou ao deserto os quatro mil sicários?
39 P aul answered, I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant or undistinguished city. I beg you, allow me to address the people.
Mas Paulo lhe disse: Eu sou judeu, natural de Tarso, cidade não insignificante da Cilícia; rogo-te que me permitas falar ao povo.
40 A nd when the man had granted him permission, Paul, standing on the steps, gestured with his hand to the people; and there was a great hush. Then he spoke to them in the Hebrew dialect, saying:
E, havendo-lho permitido o comandante, Paulo, em pé na escada, fez sinal ao povo com a mão; e, feito grande silêncio, falou em língua hebraica, dizendo: