Job 29 ~ Иов 29


1 T hen Job spoke again and said,

И продолжил Иов свое рассуждение:

2 If only I could be now as I was in the months past when God watched over me!

– Как я томлюсь по прошедшим месяцам, по тем дням, когда Бог хранил меня,

3 H is lamp shined over my head then and by His light I walked through darkness.

и светильник Его сиял над моей головой, и при свете Его я шел сквозь тьму!

4 T hose days were my best days when God was my friend watching over my tent.

О, это были мои лучшие годы, когда Божья дружба хранила мой шатер,

5 T he All-powerful was still with me, and my children were around me.

когда Всемогущий еще был со мной, а дети – вокруг меня,

6 M y path was washed with milk, and the rock poured out rivers of oil for me.

когда молочные реки текли мне под ноги, и скалы источали масло.

7 W hen I went to the city gate and took my place with the leaders of the city,

Выходил ли я к городским воротам, и садился на площади,

8 t he young men saw me and let me go by. The old men rose and stood.

меня завидев, юноши отступали, и поднимались старцы;

9 T he leaders stopped talking, and put their hands on their mouths.

властители удерживались от слов и прикрывали рты руками;

10 T he voices of the rulers were quiet. Their tongues held to the roof of their mouths.

голоса знатных стихали, прилипали у них языки к нёбу.

11 T hose who heard me, honored me. Those who saw me, respected me,

Кто меня слышал – превозносил меня кто меня видел – меня хвалил,

12 b ecause I helped the poor man when he cried for help and the child without parents who had no one to help him.

ведь я спасал кричащего бедняка и беспомощного сироту.

13 G ood came to me from the man who was dying. And I made the heart of the woman whose husband had died sing for joy.

Умирающий благословлял меня и сердце вдовы наполнял я радостной песней.

14 I put on what was right and good, and it clothed me. The right things done were my coat and head-covering.

Праведность я надевал, как одежду; справедливость, как мантию и тюрбан.

15 I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the man who could not walk.

Слепому я был глазами, и хромому – ногами.

16 I was a father to those in need. And I helped those I did not know who had a need.

Я был отцом для бедняков; я разбирал дело странника.

17 I broke the jaws of the sinful, and took from their teeth what they had taken.

Я сокрушал челюсти беззаконных и спасал жертвы из их зубов.

18 T hen I thought, ‘I will die in my nest. My days will be as many as the sand.

Я думал: «Скончаюсь в своем гнезде, и дни мои будут многочисленны, как песок.

19 M y roots go to the water. As the water is on the grass in the early morning, it will be all night on my branches.

Как дерево, чьи корни достигают воды, на чьи ветви ложится роса,

20 M y honor is always new to me, and my bow is new in my hand.’

не стареет слава моя, и лук крепок в руке моей».

21 Men listened to me and waited. They were quiet so they could hear my words of wisdom.

Внимали мне, ожидали меня, в молчании слушали мой совет.

22 A fter I spoke, they did not speak again. My words stayed with them.

Когда замолкал я, больше не говорили; они впитывали мои слова как губка.

23 T hey waited for me as for rain. And they opened their mouths as for the spring rain.

Ждали меня, как дождя, и слова мои, как дождь весенний, ртом ловили.

24 I looked at them with joy when they were not sure of themselves, and the light of my face gave them comfort.

Когда я улыбался, не смели верить; света лица моего они не помрачали.

25 I decided the way for them and sat as their leader. I lived as a king among his army, and like one who gives comfort to those in sorrow.

Я путь избирал им, воссев, как вождь; я жил, словно царь посреди войска, словно тот, кто плачущих утешает.