1 С лед известно време Той пак влезе в Капернаум; и се разчу, че бил в къщата.
And Jesus having returned to Capernaum, after some days it was rumored about that He was in the house.
2 И мнозина се събраха, така че и около вратата не можаха да се поберат; и Той им говореше Словото.
And so many people gathered together there that there was no longer room, not even around the door; and He was discussing the Word.
3 Д ойдоха и донесоха при Него един паралитик. Носеха го четирима.
Then they came, bringing a paralytic to Him, who had been picked up and was being carried by four men.
4 И като не можаха да се приближат до Него поради народа, разкриха покрива на къщата, където беше, пробиха го и пуснаха постелката, на която лежеше паралитикът.
And when they could not get him to a place in front of Jesus because of the throng, they dug through the roof above Him; and when they had scooped out an opening, they let down the '> thickly padded] quilt or mat upon which the paralyzed man lay.
5 А Исус, като видя вярата им, каза на паралитика: Синко, прощават ти се греховете.
And when Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, Son, your sins are forgiven and put away '> penalty is remitted, the sense of guilt removed, and you are made upright and in right standing with God].
6 А там имаше някои от книжниците, които седяха и размишляваха в сърцата си:
Now some of the scribes were sitting there, holding a dialogue with themselves as they questioned in their hearts,
7 Т ози защо говори така? Той богохулства. Кой може да прощава грехове освен единствено Бог?
Why does this Man talk like this? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins '> remove guilt, remit the penalty, and bestow righteousness instead] except God alone?
8 И сус, като разбра веднага с духа Си, че така размишляват в себе си, им каза: Защо размишлявате това в сърцата си?
And at once Jesus, becoming fully aware in His spirit that they thus debated within themselves, said to them, Why do you argue (debate, reason) about all this in your hearts?
9 К ое е по-лесно - да кажа на паралитика: Прощават ти се греховете, или да кажа: Стани, вдигни постелката си и ходи?
Which is easier: to say to the paralyzed man, Your sins are forgiven and put away, or to say, Rise, take up your sleeping pad or mat, and start walking about '> keep on walking]?
10 Н о за да познаете, че Човешкият Син има власт на земята да прощава грехове (каза на паралитика):
But that you may know positively and beyond a doubt that the Son of Man has right and authority and power on earth to forgive sins—He said to the paralyzed man,
11 Н а тебе казвам: Стани, вдигни постелката си и си иди у дома.
I say to you, arise, pick up and carry your sleeping pad or mat, and be going on home.
12 И той стана веднага, вдигна си постелката и излезе пред всички; така че всички се зачудиха и славеха Бога, и казваха: Никога не сме виждали такова нещо. Призоваването на бирника Левий и общуването с грешници
And he arose at once and picked up the sleeping pad or mat and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed and recognized and praised and thanked God, saying, We have never seen anything like this before!
13 И Исус пак излезе край езерото; и цялото множество идваше при Него и Той ги поучаваше.
went out again along the seashore; and all the multitude kept gathering about Him, and He kept teaching them.
14 К ато минаваше, видя Левий Алфеев, който седеше в бирничеството, и му каза: Върви след Мен. И той стана и отиде след Него.
And as He was passing by, He saw Levi (Matthew) son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office, and He said to him, Follow Me! '> joined to Me as a disciple, side with My party!] And he arose and joined Him as His disciple and sided with His party and accompanied Him.
15 И когато Исус седеше на трапезата в къщата му, заедно с Него и учениците Му насядаха и много бирници и грешници; защото бяха мнозина и вървяха след Него.
And as Jesus, together with His disciples, sat at table in his house, many tax collectors and persons '> definitely stained] with sin were dining with Him, for there were many who walked the same road (followed) with Him.
16 Т огава книжниците, които бяха от фарисеите, като видяха, че Той яде с грешниците и бирниците, казаха на учениците Му: Защо яде и пие с бирниците и грешниците?
And the scribes of the Pharisees, when they saw that He was eating with '> definitely known to be especially wicked] sinners and tax collectors, said to His disciples, Why does He eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?
17 А Исус, като чу това, им каза: Здравите нямат нужда от лекар, а болните; не съм дошъл да призова праведните, а грешниците (към покаяние). Относно поста и съботата
And when Jesus heard it, He said to them, Those who are strong and well have no need of a physician, but those who are weak and sick; I came not to call the righteous ones to repentance, but sinners (the erring ones and all those not free from sin).
18 А Йоановите ученици и фарисеите постеха; и дойдоха и Му казаха: Защо Йоановите и фарисейските ученици постят, а Твоите не постят?
Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were observing a fast; and came and asked Jesus, Why are John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fasting, but Your disciples are not doing so?
19 А Исус им каза: Могат ли сватбарите да постят, докато младоженецът е с тях? Дотогава, докато младоженецът е с тях, не могат да постят.
Jesus answered them, Can the wedding guests fast (abstain from food and drink) while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.
20 Н о ще дойдат дни, когато младоженецът ще им бъде отнет, и тогава, през онези дни, ще постят.
But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and they will fast in that day.
21 Н икой не пришива кръпка от нетепан плат на вехта дреха; защото онова, което трябва да запълни скъсаното, отдира от нея - новото от вехтото, и съдраното става по-грозно.
No one sews a patch of unshrunken (new) goods on an old garment; if he does, the patch tears away from it, the new from the old, and the rent (tear) becomes bigger and worse.
22 И никой не налива ново вино в стари мехове; защото виното ще спука меховете и ще се изхабят и виното, и меховете; но наливат ново вино в нови мехове.
And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the bottles destroyed; but new wine is to be put in new (fresh) wineskins.
23 И в една събота, когато минаваше през посевите, учениците Му, като вървяха по пътя, започнаха да късат класове.
One Sabbath He was going along beside the fields of standing grain, and as they made their way, His disciples began to pick off the grains.
24 И фарисеите Му казаха: Виж! Защо вършат в събота нещо, което не е позволено?
And the Pharisees said to Him, Look! Why are they doing what is not permitted or lawful on the Sabbath?
25 А Той им отговори: Не сте ли чели какво направи Давид, когато беше в нужда и огладня, както и мъжете, които бяха с него?
And He said to them, Have you never read what David did when he was in need and was hungry, he and those who were accompanying him?—
26 К ак влезе в Божия дом, когато Авиатар беше първосвещеник, и изяде присъствените хлябове, които не е позволено на никого да яде освен на свещениците, като даде и на онези, които бяха с него?
How he went into the house of God when Abiathar was the high priest, and ate the sacred loaves set forth, which it is not permitted or lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave to those who were with him?
27 И им каза: Съботата е направена за човека, а не човекът за съботата;
And Jesus said to them, The Sabbath was made on account and for the sake of man, not man for the Sabbath;
28 т ака че Човешкият Син е господар и на съботата.
So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.