1 S omeone has told me about a sex sin among you. It is so bad that even the people who do not know God would not do it. I have been told that one of the men is living with his father’s wife as if she were his wife.
para que a recebais no Senhor, de um modo digno dos santos, imoralidade que nem mesmo entre os gentios se vê, a ponto de haver quem vive com a mulher de seu pai.
2 I nstead of being sorry, you are proud of yourselves. The man who is living like that should be sent away from you.
E vós estais inchados? e nem ao menos pranteastes para que fosse tirado do vosso meio quem praticou esse mal?
3 I am far from you. Even if I am not there, my spirit is with you. I have already said that the man is guilty of this sin. I am saying this as if I were there with you.
Eu, na verdade, ainda que ausente no corpo, mas presente no espírito, já julguei, como se estivesse presente, aquele que cometeu este ultraje.
4 C all a meeting of the church. I will be with you in spirit. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by His power,
Em nome de nosso Senhor Jesus, congregados vós e o meu espírito, pelo poder de nosso Senhor Jesus,
5 h and this person over to the devil. His body is to be destroyed so his spirit may be saved on the day the Lord comes again.
seja entregue a Satanás para destruição da carne, para que o espírito seja salvo no dia do Senhor Jesus.
6 I t is not good for you to be proud of the way things are going in your church. You know a little yeast makes the whole loaf of bread rise.
Não é boa a vossa jactância. Não sabeis que um pouco de fermento leveda a massa toda?
7 C lean out the old yeast. Then you will be new bread with none of the old yeast in you. The Jews killed lambs when they left Egypt. Christ is our lamb. He has already been killed as a gift on the altar to God for us.
Expurgai o fermento velho, para que sejais massa nova, assim como sois sem fermento. Porque Cristo, nossa páscoa, já foi sacrificado.
8 B read with yeast in it is like being full of sin and hate. Let us eat this supper together with bread that has no yeast in it. This bread is pure and true.
Pelo que celebremos a festa, não com o fermento velho, nem com o fermento da malícia e da corrupção, mas com os ázimos da sinceridade e da verdade.
9 I told you in my letter not to keep on being with people who do any kind of sex sins.
Já por carta vos escrevi que não vos comunicásseis com os que se prostituem;
10 I was not talking about people doing sex sins who are bad people of this world. I was not talking about people of this world who always want to get more or those who get things in a wrong way or those who worship false gods. To get away from people like that you would have to leave this world!
com isso não me referia ã comunicação em geral com os devassos deste mundo, ou com os avarentos, ou com os roubadores, ou com os idólatras; porque então vos seria necessário sair do mundo.
11 W hat I wrote was that you should not keep on being with a person who calls himself a Christian if he does any kind of sex sins. You should not even eat with a person who says he is a Christian but always wants to get more of everything or uses bad language or who gets drunk or gets things in a wrong way.
Mas agora vos escrevo que não vos comuniqueis com aquele que, dizendo-se irmão, for devasso, ou avarento, ou idólatra, ou maldizente, ou beberrão, ou roubador; com esse tal nem sequer comais.
12 I t is not for me to judge those outside the church. You are to judge those who belong to the church.
Pois, que me importa julgar os que estão de fora? Não julgais vós os que estão de dentro?
13 G od will judge those outside the church. So you must put that sinful person out of your church.
Mas Deus julga os que estão de fora. Tirai esse iníquo do meio de vós.