2 Samuel 21 ~ 2 Samuel 21


1 W hile David was king there was a time without food for three years. David went to the Lord. The Lord said, “It is because of Saul and his house of blood, for he put the Gibeonites to death.”

Nos dias de Davi houve uma fome de três anos consecutivos; pelo que Davi consultou ao Senhor; e o Senhor lhe disse: E por causa de Saul e da sua casa sanguinária, porque matou os gibeonitas.

2 S o the king called the Gibeonites. (Now the Gibeonites were not of the sons of Israel, but of the people who were left of the Amorites. The sons of Israel had made an agreement with them. But Saul had wanted to kill them because he thought so much of the sons of Israel and Judah.)

Então o rei chamou os gibeonitas e falou com eles (ora, os gibeonitas não eram dos filhos de Israel, mas do restante dos amorreus; e os filhos de Israel tinham feito pacto com eles; porém Saul, no seu zelo pelos filhos de Israel e de Judá, procurou feri-los);

3 D avid said to the Gibeonites, “What should I do for you? How can I pay for the sin, so you may bring good to the land of the Lord?”

perguntou, pois, Davi aos gibeonitas: Que quereis que eu vos faça. e como hei de fazer expiação, para que abençoeis a herança do Senhor?

4 T he Gibeonites said to him, “We will take no silver or gold from Saul or his family. And it is not for us to put any man to death in Israel.” David said, “I will do for you whatever you say.”

Então os gibeonitas lhe disseram: Não é por prata nem ouro que temos questão com Saul e com a sua casa; nem tampouco cabe a nós matar pessoa alguma em Israel. Disse-lhes Davi: Que quereis que vos faça?

5 S o they said to the king, “Saul destroyed us and planned to keep us from staying in any land of Israel.

Responderam ao rei: Quanto ao homem que nos consumia, e procurava destruir-nos, de modo que não pudéssemos subsistir em termo algum de Israel,

6 L et seven men from his sons be given to us. We will hang them before the Lord at Gibeon on the Lord’s mountain.” And the king said, “I will give them.”

de seus filhos se nos dêem sete homens, para que os enforquemos ao Senhor em Gibeá de Saul, o eleito do Senhor. E o rei disse: Eu os darei.

7 B ut the king kept alive Mephibosheth, the son of Saul’s son Jonathan, because David had made a promise to Saul’s son Jonathan before the Lord.

O rei, porém, poupou a Mefibosete, filho de Jônatas, filho de Saul, por causa do juramento do Senhor que entre eles houvera, isto é, entre Davi e Jônatas, filho de Saul.

8 T he king took the two sons of Aiah’s daughter Rizpah, Armoni and Mephibosheth, whom she had born to Saul. And he took the five sons of Saul’s daughter Merab, whom she had born to Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite.

Mas o rei tomou os dois filhos de Rizpa, filha de Aías, que ela tivera de Saul, a saber, a Armoni e a Mefibosete, como também os cinco filhos de Merabe, filha de Saul, que ela tivera de Adriel, filho de Barzilai, meolatita,

9 H e gave them to the Gibeonites, and they hanged them on the mountain before the Lord. The seven of them died together. They were put to death in the first days of gathering time, when the barley was ready to gather.

e os entregou na mão dos gibeonitas, os quais os enforcaram no monte, perante o Senhor; e os sete caíram todos juntos. Foi nos primeiros dias da sega que foram mortos, no princípio a sega da cevada.

10 A iah’s daughter Rizpah spread cloth made from hair on the rock for herself to lie upon, from the beginning of gathering time until the rain fell from the sky upon the bodies. She would not let the birds of the sky rest on them during the day, or the animals of the field during the night.

Então Rizpa, filha de Aías, tomando um pano de cilício, estendeu-o para si sobre uma pedra e, desde o princípio da sega até que a água caiu do céu sobre os corpos, não deixou que se aproximassem deles as aves do céu de dia, nem os animais do campo de noite:

11 D avid was told what Aiah’s daughter Rizpah, Saul’s woman, had done.

Quando foi anunciado a Davi o que fizera Rizpa, filha de Aías, concubina de Saul,

12 T hen he went and took the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan from the men of Jabesh-gilead. They had stolen them from the open space in the center of Bethshan. That was where the Philistines had hanged them on the day they killed Saul in Gilboa.

ele foi e tomou os ossos de Saul e os de Jônatas seu filho, aos homens de Jabes-Gileade, que os haviam furtado da praça de Bete-Sã, onde os filisteus os tinham pendurado quando mataram a Saul em Gilboa;

13 D avid brought the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan. They gathered the bones of those who had been hanged.

e trouxe dali os ossos de Saul e os de Jônatas seu filho; e ajuntaram a eles também os ossos dos enforcados.

14 A nd they buried the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan in the country of Benjamin in Zela, in the grave of Kish his father. They did all that the king told them to do. After that, God heard and answered when they prayed for the land.

Enterraram os ossos de Saul e de Jônatas seu filho, na terra de Benjamim, em Zela, na sepultura de Quis, seu pai; e fizeram tudo o que o rei ordenara. Depois disto Deus se aplacou para com a terra.

15 T he Philistines were at war again with Israel. David went down with his servants and they fought the Philistines. And David became tired.

De novo tiveram os filisteus uma guerra contra Israel. E desceu Davi, e com ele os seus servos; e tanto pelejara contra os filisteus, que Davi se cansou.

16 T hen Ishbi-benob wanted to kill David. He was one of the sons of the very tall and strong people. His spear weighed as much as 300 pieces of brass, and he had a new sword.

E Isbi-Benobe, que era dos filhos do gigante, cuja lança tinha o peso de trezentos, siclos de bronze, e que cingia uma espada nova, intentou matar Davi.

17 B ut Zeruiah’s son Abishai helped David and killed the Philistine. Then David’s men promised him, “You will not go out again with us to battle. You might put out the lamp of Israel.”

Porém, Abisai, filho de Zeruia, o socorreu; e, ferindo ao filisteu, o matou. Então os homens de Davi lhe juraram, dizendo: Nunca mais sairás conosco ã batalha, para que não apagues a lâmpada de Israel.

18 A fter this there was war again with the Philistines at Gob. Then Sibbecai the Hushathite killed Saph, who was one of the sons of the very tall and strong people.

Aconteceu depois disto que houve em Gobe ainda outra peleja contra os filisteus; então Sibecai, o husatita, matou Safe, que era dos filhos do gigante.

19 T here was war with the Philistines again at Gob. And Elhanan the son of Jaare-oregim the Bethlehemite killed Goliath the Gittite. Goliath’s spear was like the heavy piece of wood used by a cloth-maker.

Houve mais outra peleja contra os filisteus em Gobe; e El-Hanã, filho de Jaaré-Oregim, o belemita, matou Golias, o giteu, de cuja lança a haste era como órgão de tecelão.

20 T here was war at Gath again. There was a very tall man there who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number. He was one of the sons of the very tall and strong people also.

Houve ainda também outra peleja em Gate, onde estava um homem de alta estatura, que tinha seis dedos em cada mão, e seis em cada pé, vinte e quatro por todos; também este era descendente do gigante.

21 W hen he spoke against Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimei, David’s brother, killed him.

Tendo ele desafiado a Israel, Jônatas, filho de Simei, irmão de Davi, o matou.

22 T hese four were sons of the very tall and strong people in Gath. They were killed by David and his servants.

Estes quatro nasceram ao gigante em Gate; e caíram pela mão de Davi e pela mão de seus servos.