Judges 3 ~ Juízes 3


1 T hese are the nations the Lord left to test Israel. They were left to test all those who had not fought in any of the wars in Canaan.

Estas são as nações que o Senhor deixou ficar para, por meio delas, provar a Israel, a todos os que não haviam experimentado nenhuma das guerras de Canaã;

2 S o the children of the people of Israel who had not fought in wars might be taught about war.

tão-somente para que as gerações dos filhos de Israel delas aprendessem a guerra, pelo menos os que dantes não tinham aprendido.

3 T hese nations are: the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites who lived on Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal-hermon as far as Lebo-hamath.

Estas nações eram: cinco chefes dos filisteus, todos os cananeus, os sidônios, e os heveus que habitavam no monte Líbano, desde o monte Baal-Hermom até a entrada de Hamate.

4 T hey were left to test Israel, to find out if Israel would obey the Laws the Lord gave their fathers through Moses.

Estes, pois, deixou ficar, a fim de de por eles provar os filhos de Israel, para saber se dariam ouvidos aos mandamentos do Senhor, que ele tinha ordenado a seus pais por intermédio de Moisés.

5 T he people of Israel lived among the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites.

Habitando, pois, os filhos de Israel entre os cananeus, os heteus, os amorreus, os perizeus, os heveus e os jebuseus.

6 T hey married their daughters. They gave their own daughters to their sons, and they worshiped their gods.

tomaram por mulheres as filhas deles, e deram as suas filhas aos filhos dos mesmos, e serviram aos seus deuses.

7 T he people of Israel did what was sinful in the eyes of the Lord. They forgot the Lord their God and served the Baals and the Asheroth.

Assim os filhos de Israel fizeram o que era mau aos olhos do Senhor, esquecendo-se do Senhor seu Deus e servindo aos baalins e

8 S o the anger of the Lord was against Israel. He sold them into the hand of Cushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia. The people of Israel worked for Cushan-rishathaim for eight years.

Pelo que a ira do Senhor se acendeu contra Israel, e ele os vendeu na mão de cusã-Risataim, rei da Mesopotâmia; e os filhos de Israel serviram a Cusã-Risataim oito anos.

9 B ut the people of Israel cried to the Lord. And the Lord gave the people of Israel someone who would save them. He gave them Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother.

Mas quando os filhos de Israel clamaram ao Senhor, o Senhor suscitou-lhes um libertador, que os livrou: Otniel, filho de Quenaz, o irmão mais moço de Calebe.

10 T he Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he led Israel. When he went out to war, the Lord gave Cushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand. He was stronger than Cushan-rishathaim.

Veio sobre ele o Espírito do Senhor, e ele julgou a Israel; saiu ã peleja, e o Senhor lhe entregou Cusã-Risataim, rei da Mesopotâmia, contra o qual prevaleceu a sua mao:

11 T he land had rest for forty years. Then Othniel the son of Kenaz died.

Então a terra teve sossego por quarenta anos; e Otniel, filho de Quenaz, morreu.

12 T he people of Israel sinned in the eyes of the Lord again. So the Lord gave Eglon king of Moab strength against Israel, because they had sinned in the eyes of the Lord.

Os filhos de Israel tornaram a fazer o que era mau aos olhos do Senhor; então o Senhor fortaleceu a Eglom, rei de Moabe, contra Israel, por terem feito o que era mau aos seus olhos.

13 E glon gathered together with the people of Ammon and Amalek. They went and won the war against Israel. And they took the city of Jericho.

Eglom, unindo a si os amonitas e os amalequitas, foi e feriu a Israel, tomando a cidade das palmeiras.

14 T he people of Israel worked for Eglon the king of Moab for eighteen years.

E os filhos de Israel serviram a Eglom, rei de Moabe, dezoito anos.

15 B ut when the people of Israel cried to the Lord, the Lord gave them someone to save them. He gave them Ehud the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a left-handed man. The people of Israel sent taxes by him to Eglon the king of Moab.

Mas quando os filhos de Israel clamaram ao Senhor, o Senhor suscitou-lhes um libertador, Eúde, filho de Gêra, benjamita, homem canhoto. E, por seu intermédio, os filhos de Israel enviaram tributo a Eglom, rei de Moabe.

16 E hud made a sword for himself with two sharp sides, almost as long as an arm. He tied it to the top part of his right leg, under his coat.

E Eúde fez para si uma espada de dois gumes, de um côvado de comprimento, e cingiu-a ã coxa direita, por baixo das vestes.

17 T hen he brought the taxes to Eglon king of Moab. Now Eglon was a very fat man.

E levou aquele tributo a Eglom, rei de Moabe. Ora, Eglom era muito gordo:

18 W hen Ehud had finished paying the taxes, he sent away the people who had carried the taxes.

Quando Eúde acabou de entregar o tributo, despediu a gente que o trouxera.

19 B ut he himself turned around at the stone gods of Gilgal and returned to Eglon, saying, “I have secret news for you, O king.” Eglon said, “Keep quiet.” And all who stood by him went away from him.

Ele mesmo, porém, voltou das imagens de escultura que estavam ao pé de Gilgal, e disse: Tenho uma palavra para dizer-te em segredo, ó rei. Disse o rei: Silêncio! E todos os que lhe assistiam saíram da sua presença.

20 E hud came to him while Eglon was sitting alone in his summer room. And Ehud said, “I have news from God for you.” The king got up from his seat.

Eúde aproximou-se do rei, que estava sentado a sós no seu quarto de verão, e lhe disse: Tenho uma palavra da parte de Deus para dizer-te. Ao que o rei se levantou da sua cadeira.

21 E hud put out his left hand, took the sword from his right leg, and pushed it into Eglon’s stomach.

Então Eúde, estendendo a mão esquerda, tirou a espada de sobre a coxa direita, e lha cravou no ventre.

22 T he whole sword went into his stomach and the fat closed over it. For he did not pull the sword out of his stomach. The insides of Eglon’s stomach ran out.

O cabo também entrou após a lâmina, e a gordura encerrou a lâmina, pois ele não tirou a espada do ventre:

23 T hen Ehud went out the back way. He closed the doors of the summer room behind him, and locked them.

Então Eúde, saindo ao pórtico, cerrou as portas do quarto e as trancou.

24 W hen Ehud had gone out, Eglon’s servants came. They saw that the doors of the summer room were locked. So they said, “He is only resting in there away from the heat.”

Tendo ele saído vieram os servos do rei; e olharam, e eis que as portas do quarto estavam trancadas. Disseram: Sem dúvida ele está aliviando o ventre na privada do seu quarto.

25 T hey waited until they were afraid because Eglon did not open the doors of the summer room. So they opened the lock and looked in the doors. And they found their owner lying dead on the floor.

Assim esperaram até ficarem alarmados, mas ainda não abria as portas do quarto. Então, tomando a chave, abriram-nas, e eis seu senhor estendido morto por terra.

26 E hud got away while they were waiting. He passed the stone gods and got away to Seirah.

Eúde escapou enquanto eles se demoravam e, tendo passado pelas imagens de escultura, chegou a Seirá.

27 W hen he got there, he blew the horn in the hill country of Ephraim. Then the people of Israel went down with him from the hill country. Ehud went in front of them.

E assim que chegou, tocou a trombeta na região montanhosa de Efraim; e os filhos de Israel, com ele ã frente, desceram das montanhas.

28 H e said to them, “Go after them. For the Lord has given into your hands the Moabites who hate you.” So they went down after him. They took over the crossing places of the Jordan beside Moab. And they did not let anyone cross.

E disse-lhes: Segui-me, porque o Senhor vos entregou nas mãos os vossos inimigos, os moabitas. E desceram após ele, tomaram os vaus do Jordão contra os moabitas, e não deixaram passar a nenhum deles.

29 A t that time they killed about 10, 000 Moabites, all strong men with strength of heart. No one got away.

E naquela ocasião mataram dos moabitas cerca de dez mil homens, todos robustos e valentes; e não escapou nenhum.

30 S o Moab was crushed under the power of Israel that day. And the land had rest for eighty years.

Assim foi subjugado Moabe naquele dia debaixo da mão de Israel; e a terra teve sossego por oitenta anos.

31 A fter Ehud, Shamgar the son of Anath became the leader. He killed 600 Philistines with a stick used to push cattle, and he also saved Israel.

Depois dele levantou-se Sangar, filho de Anate, que matou seiscentos homens dos filisteus com uma aguilhada de bois; ele também libertou a Israel.