Proverbs 9 ~ Proverbios 9


1 W isdom has built her house. She has made seven pillars to hold it up.

La sabiduría ha edificado su casa; la ha afirmado con siete columnas labradas,

2 S he has cooked her food, and has mixed her wine, and she has set her table.

ha sacrificado los animales para el banquete, ha mezclado el vino y preparado la mesa.

3 S he has sent out the young women who work for her. She calls from the highest places of the city,

Ahora llama desde lo alto de la ciudad, luego de haber enviado a sus criadas.

4 Whoever is easy to fool, let him turn in here!” She says to the one without understanding,

Invita a los ingenuos a acercarse; les dice a los faltos de cordura:

5 Come and eat my food, and drink the wine I have mixed.

«¡Vengan y coman de mi pan! ¡Beban del vino que he mezclado!

6 T urn from your foolish way, and live. Walk in the way of understanding.”

¡Déjense de tonterías, y vivan! ¡Sigan el camino de la inteligencia!

7 H e who speaks strong words to the man who laughs at the truth brings shame upon himself. He who speaks strong words to a sinful man gets hurt.

»Corrige al blasfemo y recibirás afrentas; reprende al impío y te ganarás insultos.

8 D o not speak strong words to a man who laughs at the truth, or he will hate you. Speak strong words to a wise man, and he will love you.

No reprendas al blasfemo, y no te aborrecerá; corrige al sabio, y te amará.

9 G ive teaching to a wise man and he will be even wiser. Teach a man who is right and good, and he will grow in learning.

Dale al sabio, y se hará más sabio; enseña al justo, y aumentará su saber.

10 T he fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. To learn about the Holy One is understanding.

El principio de la sabiduría es el temor del Señor; el conocimiento de lo santo es inteligencia.

11 F or by me your days will grow in number, and years will be added to your life.

Yo haré que vivas mucho tiempo; ¡te daré muchos años de vida!

12 I f you are wise, your wisdom is a help to you. If you laugh at the truth, you alone will suffer for it.

Si te haces sabio, el provecho es tuyo; si te vuelves blasfemo, sufrirás las consecuencias.»

13 A foolish woman makes much noise. She is open to sin, and knows nothing.

La mujer insensata es provocativa; es insulsa e ignorante.

14 S he sits at the door of her house or on a seat in the high places of the city.

Se entroniza a la puerta de su casa, o en los lugares más altos de la ciudad,

15 S he calls to those who pass by and are making their paths straight,

y llama a los que pasan por ahí, a los que van por el camino recto.

16 Whoever is easy to fool, let him turn in here!” She says to the one without understanding,

Invita a los ingenuos a acercarse, y les dice a los faltos de cordura:

17 Stolen water is sweet. And bread eaten in secret is pleasing.”

«¡Qué dulce es el agua robada! ¡Qué sabroso es el pan comido a escondidas!»

18 B ut he does not know that the dead are there, and that the ones who visit her are in the bottom of hell.

Y ellos no saben que sus invitados terminan muertos en el fondo del sepulcro.