1 B ut now the Lord Who made you, O Jacob, and He Who made you, O Israel, says, “Do not be afraid. For I have bought you and made you free. I have called you by name. You are Mine!
Así dice ahora el Señor, quien te creó y te formó: «No temas, Jacob, porque yo te redimí; yo te di tu nombre, Israel, y tú me perteneces.
2 W hen you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not flow over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The fire will not destroy you.
Cuando pases por las aguas, yo estaré contigo; cuando cruces los ríos, no te anegarán. Cuando pases por el fuego, no te quemarás, ni las llamas arderán en ti.
3 F or I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, Who saves you. I have given Egypt as pay for your life, and have traded Cush and Seba for you.
Yo soy el Señor, tu Dios. Yo soy tu salvador, el Santo de Israel. Ya he pagado por tu rescate a Egipto, Etiopía y Sebá.
4 Y ou are of great worth in My eyes. You are honored and I love you. I will give other men in your place. I will trade other people for your life.
Ante mis ojos tú eres grandemente estimado y digno de honra. Yo te amo, y por ti y por tu vida daré hombres y naciones.
5 D o not fear, for I am with you. I will bring your children from the east, and I will gather you from the west.
No temas, que yo estoy contigo. Del oriente traeré a tus descendientes, y del occidente volveré a juntarte.
6 I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring My sons from far away, and My daughters from the ends of the earth.
Al norte le diré “Entrégamelos”, y al sur le diré “No retengas más a mis hijos; trae a mis hijas de los confines de la tierra,
7 B ring every one who is called by My name, for I have made him for My honor, yes, I made him.”
a todos los que llevan mi nombre. Yo los he creado. Yo los formé y los hice para gloria mía.”
8 B ring out the people who are blind, even though they have eyes, and those who cannot hear, even though they have ears.
»Saquen al pueblo ciego que tiene ojos, y a los sordos que tienen oídos.
9 A ll the nations have gathered together so the people may be together. Who among them can make this known, and tell us what has happened before? Let them bring people who can show us that they are right. Let them hear and say, “It is true.”
Júntense a la vez todas las naciones; reúnanse todos los pueblos. ¿Quién de ellos puede hacernos saber esto? ¿Quién puede darnos a saber los primeros sucesos? ¡Que presenten sus testigos, y que reclamen justicia! ¡Que oigan y digan que es verdad!
10 “ You can speak for Me,” says the Lord. “You are My servant whom I have chosen so that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. No God was made before Me, and there will be none after Me.
Ustedes son mis testigos. Son el siervo que yo escogí, para que ustedes me conozcan y crean y entiendan que yo soy el Señor. No ha habido ningún dios antes de mí, ni lo habrá después. —Palabra del Señor.
11 I , even I, am the Lord. There is no one who saves except Me.
»Sólo yo soy el Señor, y fuera de mí no hay quien salve.
12 I have spoken and saved and have made things known, and there was no strange god among you. You can speak for Me,” says the Lord, “and I am God.
Yo anuncié, yo salvé, yo di a saber. Nunca hubo entre ustedes un dios ajeno. Así que ustedes son mis testigos de que yo soy Dios. —Palabra del Señor.
13 I am God and always will be. No one is able to take anything out of My hand. I do something, and who can change it?” God’s Loving-Kindness—Israel Not Faithful
»Yo soy Dios desde el principio. Nadie puede librar a nadie de mi mano. Lo que yo hago, ¿quién puede impedirlo?»
14 T he Lord Who bought you and sets you free, the Holy One of Israel, says, “Because of you I have sent to Babylon, and will bring down all their leaders, even the Babylonians, into the ships in which they find joy.
Así dice el Señor, el Santo de Israel y Redentor de ustedes: «Yo enviaré por ustedes a Babilonia, y haré que todos ellos, incluso los caldeos, emprendan la huida en los barcos que eran su alegría.
15 I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Maker of Israel, your King.”
Yo soy el Señor, su Dios Santo, el Creador y Rey de Israel.»
16 T his is what the Lord says, Who makes a way through the sea and a path through the powerful waters,
Así dice el Señor, el que abre un camino en medio del mar, una senda entre las aguas impetuosas;
17 W ho brings out the war-wagon and the horse, the army and the strong man, (They will lie down together and will not rise again. They are destroyed, put out like the fire of a little light):
el que lleva juntos carros y caballos, ejércitos y fuerzas, a caer para no levantarse; a morir, como mechas que se apagan:
18 “ Do not remember the things that have happened before. Do not think about the things of the past.
«Ya no se acuerden de las cosas pasadas; no hagan memoria de las cosas antiguas.
19 S ee, I will do a new thing. It will begin happening now. Will you not know about it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Fíjense en que yo hago algo nuevo, que pronto saldrá a la luz. ¿Acaso no lo saben? Volveré a abrir un camino en el desierto, y haré que corran ríos en el páramo.
20 T he wild animals will honor Me, the wild dogs and the ostriches. For I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My chosen people.
Recibiré la honra de las fieras salvajes, de los chacales y de los pollos del avestruz, porque haré que brote agua en el desierto y ríos en el páramo, para que beba mi pueblo escogido.
21 T he people whom I made for Myself will make known My praise.
A este pueblo lo he creado para mí, y este pueblo proclamará mis alabanzas.
22 “ Yet you have not called on Me, O Jacob! You have become tired of Me, O Israel!
»Pero tú, Jacob, no me invocaste; tú, Israel, te cansaste de mí.
23 Y ou have not brought the sheep of your burnt gifts to Me in worship. You have not honored Me with your gifts on the altar. I have not made you bring gifts or special perfume to Me.
No me ofreciste los animales de tus holocaustos, ni me honraste con tus sacrificios; no te pedi que me presentaras ofrendas, ni te molesté pidiéndote incienso.
24 Y ou have not bought Me any sweet smelling plants with money. And you have not given Me the fat of your gifts on the altar. Instead you have put the weight of your sins upon Me. You have made Me tired with your wrong-doing.
No gastaste tu dinero en comprar para mí caña aromática, ni me saciaste con la grasa de tus sacrificios. Al contrario, lo que me ofreciste fue el peso de tus pecados, y me molestaste con tus maldades.
25 “ I, even I, am the One Who takes away your sins because of Who I am. And I will not remember your sins.
»Yo, y nadie más, soy el que borra tus rebeliones, porque así soy yo, y no volveré a acordarme de tus pecados.
26 M ake Me remember, and let us talk together. Make your cause known, that you may be shown not to be guilty.
Refréscame la memoria. Entremos en juicio al mismo tiempo. Toma la palabra y defiéndete.
27 Y our first father sinned, and those who have spoken for you have sinned against Me.
Tu primer padre pecó contra mí, lo mismo que tus maestros.
28 S o I will make unclean the leaders of the holy place. I will give Jacob over to be destroyed, and Israel to sharp words of shame.
Por eso yo dejé de respetar a los príncipes del santuario, y entregué a Jacob, que es Israel, a la destrucción más vergonzosa.