Acts 16 ~ Hechos 16


1 P aul went down to the cities of Derbe and Lystra. There was a follower there named Timothy. His mother was a Jewish Christian and his father was a Greek.

Después, Pablo llegó a Derbe y a Listra. Allí había un discípulo llamado Timoteo, que era hijo de una judía cristiana y de padre griego.

2 T he Christians in the city of Lystra and Iconium respected Timothy.

Los hermanos que estaban en Listra y en Iconio hablaban muy bien de él,

3 P aul wanted Timothy to go with him as a missionary. He took him and had Timothy go through the religious act of becoming a Jew because of the Jews who were in those places. Everyone knew his father was a Greek.

así que Pablo quiso que Timoteo lo acompañara. Para evitar problemas con los judíos que había en aquellos lugares, Pablo hizo que Timoteo se circuncidara, pues todos sabían que su padre era griego.

4 T hey went from city to city and told the Christians what the missionaries and the church leaders in Jerusalem had written for the Christians to do.

Cuando ellos pasaban por las ciudades, entregaban las reglas que los apóstoles y los ancianos en Jerusalén habían acordado que se pusieran en práctica.

5 T he churches were made stronger in the faith. More people were added each day. Paul Is Called to Macedonia in a Dream

Y así las iglesias eran confirmadas en la fe, y su número aumentaba cada día. La visión del varón macedonio

6 T hey went through the countries of Phrygia and Galatia. The Holy Spirit kept them from preaching the Word of God in the countries of Asia.

Como el Espíritu Santo no les permitió proclamar la palabra en Asia, ellos se limitaron a atravesar Frigia y la provincia de Galacia.

7 W hen they came to the city of Mysia, they tried to go on to the city of Bithynia but the Holy Spirit would not let them go.

Cuando llegaron a Misia, intentaron ir a Bitinia, pero el Espíritu tampoco se lo permitió.

8 F rom Mysia they went down to the city of Troas.

Entonces dejaron de lado a Misia y llegaron a Troas.

9 T hat night Paul had a dream. A man was standing in front of him crying out, “Come over to the country of Macedonia and help us!”

Allí, una noche Pablo tuvo una visión, en la que veía ante él a un varón macedonio, que suplicante le decía: «Pasa a Macedonia, y ayúdanos.»

10 A fter he had seen this, we agreed that God told us to go to Macedonia to tell them the Good News. Lydia, the First Christian in Europe

Después de que Pablo tuvo la visión, enseguida nos dispusimos a partir hacia Macedonia, pues estábamos seguros de que Dios nos estaba llamando a anunciarles el evangelio. En la cárcel de Filipos

11 W e took a ship from the city of Troas to the city of Samothracia. The next day we went to the city of Neapolis.

Nos embarcamos en Troas, y fuimos directamente a Samotracia; al día siguiente proseguimos a Neápolis,

12 F rom there we went to the city of Philippi. This was an important city in Macedonia. It was ruled by the leaders of the country of Rome. We stayed here for some days.

y de allí fuimos a Filipos, que es una colonia y la ciudad principal de la provincia de Macedonia; en esa ciudad estuvimos algunos días.

13 O n the Day of Rest we went outside the city to a place down by the river. We thought people would be gathering there for prayer. Some women came and we sat down and talked to them.

Un día de reposo salimos de la ciudad y llegamos al río, donde se hacía la oración; allí nos sentamos y trabamos conversación con las mujeres allí reunidas.

14 O ne of the women who listened sold purple cloth. She was from the city of Thyatira. Her name was Lydia and she was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to hear what Paul said.

Entre las que nos oían estaba una mujer llamada Lidia, que vendía telas de púrpura en la ciudad de Tiatira. Lidia adoraba a Dios, y el Señor tocó su corazón para que diera cabida a lo que Pablo decía.

15 W hen she and her family had been baptized, she said to us, “If you think I am faithful to the Lord, come and stay at my house.” She kept on asking. Then we went with her. Paul Heals a Girl with a Demon

Cuando ella y su familia fueron bautizadas, suplicante nos dijo: «Si ustedes consideran que soy fiel al Señor, vengan a mi casa y hospédense allí.» Y nos sentimos obligados a quedarnos allí.

16 O ne day as we were going to the place to pray, we met a servant-girl who could tell what was going to happen in the future by a demon she had. Her owner made much money from her power.

Pero sucedió que, mientras nos dirigíamos al lugar de oración, una joven adivina salió a nuestro encuentro; por su capacidad de adivinación, ella era para sus amos una fuente de muchas ganancias.

17 S he followed Paul and us crying out, “These are servants of the Highest God. They are telling you how to be saved from the punishment of sin.”

La joven venía tras nosotros, y a voz en cuello gritaba: «Estos hombres son siervos del Dios Altísimo, y les anuncian el camino de salvación.»

18 S he did this many days. Paul was troubled. Then he turned and said to the demon in her, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak to you. Come out of her!” At once it left her. Paul and Silas in Jail

Esto lo repitió durante muchos días; pero Pablo se molestó mucho y, finalmente, se dio vuelta y le dijo a ese espíritu: «¡En el nombre de Jesucristo, te ordeno que salgas de ella!» Y al instante el espíritu la abandonó.

19 T he girl’s owners saw that they could not make money with her anymore. Then they took hold of Paul and Silas and dragged them to the leaders. This happened in the center of town where people gather.

Pero al ver sus amos que iban a perder sus ganancias, aprehendieron a Pablo y a Silas, y los presentaron ante las autoridades, en la plaza pública.

20 A fter they brought them in front of the leaders, they said, “These men are Jews and are making a lot of trouble in our city.

Allí, ante los magistrados, dijeron: «Estos judíos andan alborotando a nuestra ciudad,

21 T hey are teaching a religion that we Romans are not allowed to follow.”

y enseñan costumbres que nosotros, como romanos, no podemos aceptar ni practicar.»

22 M any people had gathered around Paul and Silas. They were calling out things against them. The leaders had the clothes of Paul and Silas taken off and had them beaten with sticks.

La gente se agolpó contra ellos; los magistrados les rasgaron las ropas, y ordenaron que se les azotara con varas.

23 A fter they had hit them many times, they put Paul and Silas in prison. The soldiers told the man who watched the prison to be sure to keep them from getting away.

Después de darles muchos azotes, los arrojaron en la cárcel y le ordenaron al carcelero que los mantuviera constantemente vigilados.

24 B ecause of this, they were put in the inside room of the prison and their feet were put in pieces of wood that held them.

Al recibir esta orden, el carcelero los metió hasta el último calabozo, y les sujetó los pies en el cepo.

25 A bout midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing songs of thanks to God. The other men in prison were listening to them.

A la medianoche, Pablo y Silas oraban y cantaban himnos a Dios, mientras los presos los escuchaban.

26 A ll at once the earth started to shake. The stones under the prison shook and the doors opened. The chains fell off from everyone.

De pronto hubo un terremoto, tan violento que los cimientos de la cárcel se estremecieron. Al instante se abrieron todas las puertas, y las cadenas de todos se soltaron.

27 T he man who watched the prison woke up. He saw the prison doors wide open and thought the men in prison had gotten away. At once he pulled out his sword to kill himself.

El carcelero despertó, y cuando vio abiertas las puertas de la cárcel, sacó su espada y quiso matarse, pues pensaba que los presos habían huido.

28 B ut Paul called to him, “Do not hurt yourself. We are all here!”

Pero con fuerte voz Pablo le dijo: «¡No te hagas ningún daño, que todos estamos aquí!»

29 T he man who watched the prison called for a light. Then he ran in and got down in front of Paul and Silas. He was shaking with fear.

Entonces el carcelero pidió una luz y, temblando de miedo, corrió hacia dentro y se echó a los pies de Pablo y de Silas;

30 A s he took them outside, he said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

luego los sacó y les preguntó: «Señores, ¿qué debo hacer para salvarme?»

31 T hey said, “Put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your family will be saved from the punishment of sin.”

Ellos le dijeron: «Cree en el Señor Jesucristo, y se salvarán tú y tu familia.»

32 T hen Paul spoke the Word of God to him and his family.

Y les hablaron de la palabra del Señor a él y a toda su familia.

33 I t was late at night, but the man who watched the prison took Paul and Silas in and washed the places on their bodies where they were hurt. Right then he and his family were baptized.

A esas horas de la noche el carcelero los tomó y les lavó las heridas, y luego él y toda su familia fueron bautizados;

34 H e took Paul and Silas to his house and gave them food. He and all his family were full of joy for having put their trust in God. Paul and Silas Are Allowed to Go Free

después los llevó a su casa y les sirvió de comer, y él y toda su casa se alegraron mucho de haber creído en Dios.

35 W hen it was day, the leaders sent a soldier to say, “Let these men go free.”

Al día siguiente, los magistrados enviaron unos alguaciles a decirle: «Suelta a esos hombres.»

36 T he man who watched the prison told this to Paul. He said, “The leaders have sent word to let you go free. Come out now and go without any trouble.”

El carcelero le dijo a Pablo: «Los magistrados mandan a decir que los deje libres; así que salgan y váyanse tranquilos.»

37 P aul said, “No! They have beaten us in front of many people without a trial. We are Roman citizens and they have put us in prison. Now do they think they can send us away without anyone knowing? No! They must come themselves and take us out.”

Pero Pablo dijo: «Después de que nos azotaron públicamente, nos echaron en la cárcel sin una sentencia judicial, ¿ahora nos van a liberar en secreto? ¡De ninguna manera! Nosotros somos ciudadanos romanos. ¡Que vengan ellos mismos a sacarnos!»

38 T he soldiers told this to the leaders. Then the leaders were afraid when they heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens.

Los alguaciles fueron a decir a los magistrados lo que Pablo había dicho; y éstos se asustaron al enterarse de que eran ciudadanos romanos.

39 T hey went themselves and told Paul and Silas they were sorry. Then they took them out and asked them to leave their city.

Entonces fueron a la cárcel, y con ruegos les pidieron que salieran y se fueran de la ciudad.

40 P aul and Silas went to Lydia’s house after they left the prison. They met with the Christians and gave them comfort. Then they went away from the city.

Al salir de la cárcel, se dirigieron a la casa de Lidia y, luego de ver a los hermanos, los consolaron y se fueron.