Matthew 15 ~ Mateo 15


1 S ome of the teachers of the Law and the proud religious law-keepers from Jerusalem came to Jesus. They asked,

Ciertos escribas y fariseos de Jerusalén se acercaron entonces a Jesús, y le preguntaron:

2 Why do Your followers not obey the teaching that was given to them by our fathers? They do not wash their hands before they eat.”

«¿Por qué tus discípulos quebrantan la tradición de los ancianos? ¡No se lavan las manos cuando comen pan!»

3 J esus said to them, “Why do you break the Law of God by trying to keep their teaching?

Él les respondió: «¿Por qué también ustedes quebrantan el mandamiento de Dios por causa de su tradición?

4 F or God said, ‘Show respect to your father and mother.’ And, ‘He who curses his father or mother will be put to death.’

Porque Dios dijo: “Honra a tu padre y a tu madre”; también: “El que maldiga al padre o a la madre, morirá irremisiblemente”.

5 B ut you say that if a man says to his parents that anything he has, that might have been of help to them, is already given to God,

Pero ustedes dicen: “Cualquiera que diga a su padre o a su madre: ‘Todo aquello con lo que podría ayudarte es mi ofrenda a Dios’,

6 h e does not have to show respect by helping his father and mother. You are putting aside the Word of God to keep their teaching.

ya no tiene que honrar a su padre o a su madre”. Y así, por la tradición de ustedes, invalidan el mandamiento de Dios.

7 Y ou who pretend to be someone you are not, Isaiah told about you. He said,

¡Hipócritas! Bien profetizó de ustedes Isaías, cuando dijo:

8 These people show respect to Me with their mouth, but their heart is far from Me.

“Este pueblo me honra con los labios, Pero su corazón está lejos de mí.

9 T heir worship of Me is worth nothing. They teach what men have made up.’”

No tiene sentido que me honren, si sus enseñanzas son mandamientos humanos.”»

10 J esus called the people to Him and said to them, “Listen and understand this!

Luego, Jesús convocó a la multitud y les dijo: «Escúchenme, y entiendan:

11 I t is not what goes into a man’s mouth that makes his mind and heart sinful. It is what comes out of a man’s mouth that makes him sinful.”

Lo que contamina al hombre no es lo que entra por su boca. Por el contrario, lo que contamina al hombre es lo que sale de su boca.»

12 H is followers came to Him. They said, “Did You know the proud religious law-keepers were ashamed and turned away because of You when they heard this?”

Entonces sus discípulos se le acercaron y le preguntaron: «¿Sabes que los fariseos se ofendieron cuando oyeron estas palabras?»

13 H e said, “Every plant that My Father in heaven did not plant will be pulled up by the roots.

Él les respondió: «Toda planta que mi Padre celestial no ha plantado, será arrancada de raíz.

14 L et them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. If one blind man leads another blind man, they will both fall into a hole.”

Déjenlos, pues son ciegos que guían a otros ciegos; y si un ciego guía a otro ciego, ambos caerán en el hoyo.»

15 T hen Peter said to Jesus, “Tell us this picture-story so we can understand it.”

Pedro le dijo: «Explícanos esta parábola.»

16 J esus said, “Do you not understand yet?

Jesús les dijo: «¿Tampoco ustedes han podido entender?

17 D o you not understand that whatever goes into the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body?

¿No entienden que todo lo que entra por la boca se va al vientre, y luego se echa en la letrina?

18 B ut whatever comes from the mouth has come out of the heart. These things make the man unclean inside.

Pero lo que sale de la boca, sale del corazón; y esto es lo que contamina al hombre.

19 F or out of the heart come bad thoughts, killing other people, sex sins of a married person, sex sins of a person not married, stealing, lying, speaking against God.

Porque del corazón salen los malos deseos, los homicidios, los adulterios, las fornicaciones, los robos, los falsos testimonios, las blasfemias.

20 T hese are the things that make the man unclean inside. It does not make a man sinful to eat with hands that have not been washed.” Jesus Puts a Demon Out of a Girl

Estas cosas son las que contaminan al hombre. El comer sin lavarse las manos no contamina a nadie.» La fe de la mujer cananea

21 J esus went from there to the cities of Tyre and Sidon.

Cuando Jesús salió de allí, se fue a la región de Tiro y de Sidón.

22 A woman came from the land of Canaan. She cried out to Jesus and said, “Take pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter has a demon and is much troubled.”

De pronto salió una mujer cananea de aquella región, y a gritos le decía: «¡Señor, Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí! ¡A mi hija la atormenta un demonio!»

23 B ut Jesus did not speak a word to her. His followers kept asking, saying, “Send her away for she keeps calling us.”

Pero Jesús no le dijo una sola palabra. Entonces sus discípulos se acercaron a él y le rogaron: «Despídela, pues viene gritando detrás de nosotros.»

24 H e said, “I was sent only to the Jewish people who are lost.”

Él respondió: «Yo no fui enviado sino a las ovejas perdidas de la casa de Israel.»

25 T hen she came and got down before Jesus and worshiped Him. She said, “Lord, help me!”

Entonces ella vino, se postró ante él, y le dijo: «¡Señor, ayúdame!»

26 B ut He said, “It is not right to take children’s food and throw it to the dogs.”

Él le dijo: «No está bien tomar el pan que es de los hijos, y echarlo a los perritos.»

27 S he said, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the pieces that fall from the table of their owners.”

Ella respondió: «Cierto, Señor. Pero aun los perritos comen de las migajas que caen de la mesa de sus amos.»

28 J esus said to her, “Woman, you have much faith. You will have what you asked for.” Her daughter was healed at that very time. Jesus Heals All Who Come to Him

Entonces, Jesús le dijo: «¡Ah, mujer, tienes mucha fe! ¡Que se haga contigo tal y como quieres!» Y desde ese mismo instante su hija quedó sana. Jesús sana a muchos

29 J esus went from there and came to the Sea of Galilee. Then He went up the mountain and sat down.

Jesús se fue de allí y llegó a la orilla del lago de Galilea. Luego, subió al monte y se sentó allí.

30 M any people came to Him. They brought with them those who were not able to walk. They brought those who were not able to see. They brought those who were not able to hear or speak and many others. Then they put them at the feet of Jesus and He healed them.

Mucha gente se le acercó. Llevaban cojos, ciegos, mudos, mancos, y muchos otros enfermos, y los pusieron a los pies de Jesús, y él los sanó,

31 A ll the people wondered. They saw how those who could not speak were now talking. They saw how those who could not walk were now walking. They saw how those who could not see were now seeing, and they gave thanks to the God of the Jews. The Feeding of the Four Thousand

La multitud se quedaba asombrada, y al ver que los mudos hablaban, los mancos eran sanados, los cojos andaban y los ciegos veían, glorificaban al Dios de Israel. Alimentación de los cuatro mil

32 T hen Jesus called His followers to Him. He said, “I pity these people because they have been with Me three days and they have no food. I do not want to send them home without food. They might get too weak as they go.”

Jesús llamó a sus discípulos y les dijo: «Esta gente me parte el corazón. Hace ya tres días que están conmigo, y no tienen qué comer. Y no quisiera enviarlos en ayunas, pues se pueden desmayar en el camino.»

33 T he followers said to Jesus, “Where can we get enough bread to feed them all in this desert?”

Entonces sus discípulos le dijeron: «Y en este lugar tan apartado, ¿de dónde vamos a sacar pan para saciar a una multitud tan grande?»

34 J esus said to them, “How many loaves of bread do you have?” They said, “Seven loaves and a few small fish.”

Jesús les preguntó: «¿Cuántos panes tienen ustedes?» Ellos le respondieron: «Siete, y unos cuantos pescaditos.»

35 H e told the people to sit down on the ground.

Entonces mandó que la multitud se recostara en el suelo,

36 T hen He took the seven loaves of bread and the fish and gave thanks. He broke them and gave them to His followers. The followers gave them to the people.

luego tomó los siete panes y los pescados, dio gracias, y los partió y dio a sus discípulos, y ellos a la multitud.

37 T hey all ate and were filled. They picked up seven baskets full of pieces of bread and fish after the people finished eating.

Todos comieron hasta quedar satisfechos, y de lo que sobró se recogieron siete canastas llenas.

38 F our thousand men ate. Women and children ate also.

Y los que comieron eran cuatro mil hombres, sin contar a las mujeres y los niños.

39 A fter this Jesus sent the people away. Then He got into a boat and came to a place called Magadan.

Luego de despedir a la gente, Jesús entró en la barca y se fue a la región de Magdala.