Numbers 30 ~ Números 30


1 T hen Moses said to the heads of the families of the sons of Israel, “This is what the Lord has said.

Moisés habló con los príncipes de las tribus de los hijos de Israel, y les dijo: «El Señor ha ordenado esto:

2 I f a man makes a promise to the Lord, or swears that he will keep his promise, he must not break his word. He must do all that he said he would do.

Cuando alguien haga un voto al Señor, o haga un juramento que lo comprometa, no deberá faltar a su palabra, sino que hará todo lo que se haya comprometido a hacer.

3 I f a woman makes a promise to the Lord, and swears to keep her promise in her father’s house when she is young,

»En el caso de una mujer joven, que aún viva en casa de su padre y que haga un voto al Señor y se comprometa a hacer algo,

4 a nd if her father hears her promise and how she has sworn to keep it, and says nothing to her, then all her promises must be kept. She must keep every promise she has sworn to keep.

si su padre oye su voto y el compromiso que ella adquirió, y guarda silencio, todos los votos que ella haga se mantendrán vigentes, lo mismo que todo compromiso que ella adquiera.

5 B ut if her father does not allow her to keep her promise on the day he hears of it, then she does not need to keep any of the promises she has sworn to keep. The Lord will forgive her because her father would not allow it.

Por el contrario, si al oír su padre todos sus votos y sus compromisos adquiridos, se opone a ellos, esos compromisos quedarán invalidados y el Señor la perdonará, porque su padre se opuso a ellos.

6 If she gets married and has promises to keep because of what she swore without thinking,

»Si la mujer es casada y hace votos, o pronuncia con sus labios algo que la comprometa,

7 a nd if her husband hears of it and says nothing to her on the day he hears, then she must keep the promises she has sworn to keep.

si su marido oye esto y guarda silencio, los votos de ella se mantendrán vigentes, lo mismo que el compromiso adquirido por ella.

8 B ut if on the day he hears of it, her husband does not allow her to keep her promise, then she will not have to keep the promise that she had sworn to keep when she was not thinking. The Lord will forgive her.

Pero si al oírla su marido, se opone al voto que ella haga y al compromiso adquirido por ella misma, éstos quedarán invalidados y el Señor la perdonará.

9 A woman whose husband has died or left her must keep the promises she has sworn to keep.

»Todo voto con que una viuda o repudiada se haya comprometido, se mantendrá vigente.

10 B ut if she has made a promise in her husband’s house, and she has sworn to keep a promise there

Si los votos los hizo en casa de su marido, y se comprometió por medio de un juramento,

11 a nd if her husband hears of it, and does not go against her or say anything to her, then she must keep all the promises she had sworn to keep.

y su marido la oyó pero guardó silencio y no objetó, entonces todos esos votos se mantendrán vigentes, lo mismo que todo compromiso que ella haya adquirido.

12 B ut if her husband does not allow her to keep her promises on the day he hears of them, then she does not have to keep the promises she had sworn to keep. If her husband will not let her keep them, the Lord will forgive her.

Pero si al momento de oírla su marido los invalidó, todos los votos que ella haya pronunciado con sus labios, y todos los compromisos que haya adquirido, quedarán invalidados. Su marido los invalidó y, por lo tanto, el Señor la perdonará.

13 Her husband has the right to have her keep, or not keep, any promise she has sworn to keep.

»Todo voto, y todo juramento que comprometa a la mujer, deberá ser confirmado o invalidado por su esposo.

14 B ut if her husband says nothing to her from day to day, then she must keep all her promises. He made her promises so they could not be changed, because he said nothing to her on the day he heard of them.

Pero si los días pasan y el marido guarda silencio, entonces todos sus votos y todos sus compromisos quedarán confirmados, por haber guardado silencio el día que la oyó pronunciarlos.

15 B ut if he will not allow her to keep her promises after he has heard of them, then her guilt will be on him.”

Aunque, si el esposo los anula después de haberlos oído, entonces será él quien cargue con el pecado de ella.»

16 T hese are the Laws which the Lord told Moses, between a man and his wife, and between a father and his daughter, while she is young and in her father’s house.

Éstas son las ordenanzas que el Señor le dio a Moisés para el esposo y la esposa, y para el padre y la hija que, siendo joven, viva en casa de su padre.