1 Coríntios 7 ~ 1 Corinthians 7


1 O ra, quanto

Now as to the matters of which you wrote me. It is well for a man not to touch a woman but to remain unmarried.

2 m as, por causa da prostituição, tenha cada homem sua própria mulher e cada mulher seu próprio marido.

But because of the temptation to impurity and to avoid immorality, let each have his own wife and let each have her own husband.

3 O marido pague ã mulher o que lhe é devido, e do mesmo modo a mulher ao marido.

The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights (goodwill, kindness, and what is due her as his wife), and likewise the wife to her husband.

4 A mulher não tem autoridade sobre o seu próprio corpo, mas sim o marido; e também da mesma sorte o marido não tem autoridade sobre o seu próprio corpo, mas sim a mulher.

For the wife does not have authority and control over her own body, but the husband; likewise also the husband does not have authority and control over his body, but the wife.

5 N ão vos negueis um ao outro, senão de comum acordo por algum tempo, a fim de vos aplicardes ã oração e depois vos ajuntardes outra vez, para que Satanás não vos tente pela vossa incontinência.

Do not refuse and deprive and defraud each other, except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves unhindered to prayer. But afterwards resume marital relations, lest Satan tempt you through your lack of restraint of sexual desire.

6 D igo isto, porém, como que por concessão e não por mandamento.

But I am saying this more as a matter of permission and concession, not as a command or regulation.

7 C ontudo queria que todos os homens fossem como eu mesmo; mas cada um tem de Deus o seu próprio dom, um deste modo, e outro daquele.

I wish that all men were like I myself am. But each has his own special gift from God, one of this kind and one of another.

8 D igo, porém, aos solteiros e

But to the unmarried people and to the widows, I declare that it is well (good, advantageous, expedient, and wholesome) for them to remain even as I do.

9 M as, se não podem conter-se, casem-se. Porque é melhor casar do que abrasar-se.

But if they have not self-control (restraint of their passions), they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame.

10 T odavia, aos casados, mando, não eu mas o Senhor, que a mulher não se aparte do marido;

But to the married people I give charge—not I but the Lord—that the wife is not to separate from her husband.

11 s e, porém, se apartar, que fique sem casar, ou se reconcilie com o marido; e que o marido não deixe a mulher.

But if she does, let her remain single or else be reconciled to her husband. And the husband that he should not put away or divorce his wife.

12 M as aos outros digo eu, não o Senhor: Se algum irmão tem mulher incrédula, e ela consente em habitar com ele, não se separe dela.

To the rest I declare—I, not the Lord —that if any brother has a wife who does not believe and she consents to live with him, he should not leave or divorce her.

13 E se alguma mulher tem marido incrédulo, e ele consente em habitar com ela, não se separe dele.

And if any woman has an unbelieving husband and he consents to live with her, she should not leave or divorce him.

14 P orque o marido incrédulo é santificado pela mulher, e a mulher incrédula é santificada pelo marido crente; de outro modo, os vossos filhos seriam imundos; mas agora são santos.

For the unbelieving husband is set apart (separated, withdrawn from heathen contamination, and affiliated with the Christian people) by union with his consecrated (set-apart) wife, and the unbelieving wife is set apart and separated through union with her consecrated husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean (unblessed heathen, outside the Christian covenant), but as it is they are prepared for God.

15 M as, se o incrédulo se apartar, aparte-se; porque neste caso o irmão, ou a irmã, não está sujeito ã servidão; pois Deus nos chamou em paz.

But if the unbelieving partner leaves, let him do so; in such brother or sister is not morally bound. But God has called us to peace.

16 P ois, como sabes tu, ó mulher, se salvarás teu marido? ou, como sabes tu, ó marido, se salvarás tua mulher?

For, wife, how can you be sure of converting and saving your husband? Husband, how can you be sure of converting and saving your wife?

17 S omente ande cada um como o Senhor lhe repartiu, cada um como Deus o chamou. E é isso o que ordeno em todas as igrejas.

Only, let each one lead the life which the Lord has allotted and imparted to him and to which God has invited and summoned him. This is my order in all the churches.

18 F oi chamado alguém, estando circuncidado? permaneça assim. Foi alguém chamado na incircuncisão? não se circuncide.

Was anyone at the time of his summons already circumcised? Let him not seek to remove the evidence of circumcision. Was anyone at the time called him uncircumcised? Let him not be circumcised.

19 A circuncisão nada é, e também a incircuncisão nada é, mas sim a observância dos mandamentos de Deus.

For circumcision is nothing and counts for nothing, neither does uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God.

20 C ada um fique no estado em que foi chamado.

Everyone should remain after God calls him in the station or condition of life in which the summons found him.

21 F oste chamado sendo escravo? não te dê cuidado; mas se ainda podes tornar-te livre, aproveita a oportunidade.

Were you a slave when you were called? Do not let that trouble you. But if you are able to gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity.

22 P ois aquele que foi chamado no Senhor, mesmo sendo escravo, é um liberto do Senhor; e assim também o que foi chamado sendo livre, escravo é de Cristo.

For he who as a slave was summoned in the Lord is a freedman of the Lord, just so he who was free when he was called is a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah).

23 P or preço fostes comprados; mas vos façais escravos de homens.

You were bought with a price; then do not yield yourselves up to become slaves to men.

24 I rmãos, cada um fique diante de Deus no estado em que foi chamado.

So, brethren, in whatever station or state or condition of life each one was when he was called, there let him continue with and close to God.

25 O ra, quanto

Now concerning the virgins (the marriageable maidens) I have no command of the Lord, but I give my opinion and advice as one who by the Lord’s mercy is rendered trustworthy and faithful.

26 A cho, pois, que é bom, por causa da instante necessidade, que a pessoa fique como está.

I think then, because of the impending distress, it is well (expedient, profitable, and wholesome) for a person to remain as he or she is.

27 E stás ligado a mulher? não procures separação. Estás livre de mulher? não procures casamento.

Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife.

28 M as, se te casares, não pecaste; e, se a virgem se casar, não pecou. Todavia estes padecerão tribulação na carne e eu quisera poupar-vos.

But if you do marry, you do not sin, and if a virgin marries, she does not sin. Yet those who marry will have physical and earthly troubles, and I would like to spare you that.

29 I sto, porém, vos digo, irmãos, que o tempo se abrevia; pelo que, doravante, os que têm mulher sejam como se não a tivessem;

I mean, brethren, the appointed time has been winding down and it has grown very short. From now on, let even those who have wives be as if they had none,

30 o s que choram, como se não chorassem; os que folgam, como se não folgassem; os que compram, como se não possuíssem;

And those who weep and mourn as though they were not weeping and mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they did not possess anything,

31 e os que usam deste mundo, como se dele não usassem em absoluto, porque a aparência deste mundo passa.

And those who deal with this world '> overusing the enjoyments of this life] as though they were not absorbed by it and as if they had no dealings with it. For the outward form of this world (the present world order) is passing away.

32 P ois quero que estejais livres de cuidado. Quem não é casado cuida das coisas do Senhor, em como há de agradar ao Senhor,

My desire is to have you free from all anxiety and distressing care. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord—how he may please the Lord;

33 m as quem é casado cuida das coisas do mundo, em como há de agradar a sua mulher,

But the married man is anxious about worldly matters—how he may please his wife—

34 e está dividido. A mulher não casada e a virgem cuidam das coisas do Senhor para serem santas, tanto no corpo como no espírito; a casada, porém, cuida das coisas do mundo, em como há de agradar ao marido.

And he is drawn in diverging directions. And the unmarried woman or girl is concerned and anxious about the matters of the Lord, how to be wholly separated and set apart in body and spirit; but the married woman has her cares in earthly affairs—how she may please her husband.

35 E digo isto para proveito vosso; não para vos enredar, mas para o que é decente, e a fim de poderdes dedicar-vos ao Senhor sem distração alguma.

Now I say this for your own welfare and profit, not to put restraint upon you, but to promote what is seemly and in good order and to secure your undistracted and undivided devotion to the Lord.

36 M as, se alguém julgar que lhe é desairoso conservar solteira a sua filha donzela, se ela estiver passando da idade de se casar, e se for necessário, faça o que quiser; não peca; casem-se.

But if any man thinks that he is not acting properly toward and in regard to his virgin, in case she is passing the bloom of her youth and if there is need for it, let him do what to him seems right; he does not sin; let them marry.

37 T odavia aquele que está firme em seu coração, não tendo necessidade, mas tendo domínio sobre a sua própria vontade, se resolver no seu coração guardar virgem sua filha, fará bem.

But whoever is firmly established in his heart, not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

38 D e modo que aquele que dá em casamento a sua filha donzela, faz bem; mas o que não a der, fará melhor.

So also then, he who gives his virgin (his daughter) in marriage does well, and he who does not give in marriage does better.

39 A mulher está ligada enquanto o marido vive; mas se falecer o marido, fica livre para casar com quem quiser, contanto que seja no Senhor.

A wife is bound to her husband by law as long as he lives. If the husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord.

40 S erá, porém, mais feliz se permanecer como está, segundo o meu parecer, e eu penso que também tenho o Espírito de Deus.

But in my opinion is happier (more blessed and to be envied) if she does not remarry. And also I think I have the Spirit of God.