1 I am telling the truth because I belong to Christ. The Holy Spirit tells my heart that I am not lying.
Казвам истината в Христа, не лъжа, и съвестта ми свидетелствува с мене в Светия Дух,
2 I have much sorrow. The pain in my heart never leaves.
че имам голяма скръб и непрестанна мъка в сърцето си.
3 I could even wish that I might be kept from being with Christ if that would help my people to be saved from the punishment of sin. They are of my own flesh and blood.
Защото бих желал сам аз да съм анатема ( Сиреч: Отлъчен ) от Христа, заради моите братя, моите по плът роднини:
4 T hey are Jews and are the people God chose for Himself. He shared His shining-greatness with them and gave them His Law and a way to worship. They have His promises.
които са израилтяни, на които принадлежат осиновението на славата, заветите и даването на закона, богослужението и обещанията:
5 T he early preachers came from this family. Christ Himself was born of flesh from this family and He is over all things. May God be honored and thanked forever. Let it be so.
чиито са и отците, и от които се роди по плът Христос, Който е над всички Бог, благословен до века. Амин.
6 I am not saying that God did not keep His promises. Not all the Jews are people God chose for Himself.
Обаче, не е пропаднало Божието слово; защото не всички ония са Израил, които са от Израиля;
7 N ot all of Abraham’s family are children of God. God told Abraham, “Only the family of Isaac will be called your family.”
нито са всички чада, понеже са Авраамово потомство; но "в Исаака" каза Бог, "ще се наименува твоето потомство".
8 T his means that children born to Abraham are not all children of God. Only those that are born because of God’s promise to Abraham are His children.
Значи, не чадата, родени по плът, са Божии чада; но чадата, родени според обещанието се считат за потомство.
9 T his was the promise God made: “About this time next year I will come, and Sarah will have a son.”
Защото това беше нещо обещано, понеже каза: "Ще дойда по това време, и Сара ще има син".
10 N ot only this, but there was Rebecca also. Rebecca gave birth to two sons at the same time. Both of them were sons of Isaac.
И не само това, но и когато Ребека зачена от едного, сиреч от нашия отец Исаака,
11 E ven before the two sons were born, we see God’s plan of choosing. God could choose whom He wanted. It could not be changed because of anything the older son tried to do about it. It was before either one had done anything good or bad.
макар че близнаците не бяха още родени и не бяха още сторили нещо добро или зло, то, за да почива Божието по избор намерение, не на дела, но на онзи, който призовава,
12 R ebecca was told, “The older son will work for the younger son.”
рече й се: "По-големият ще слугува на по-малкия";
13 T he Holy Writings say, “I loved Jacob, but hated Esau.”
както е писано: "Якова възлюбих, а Исава намразих".
14 W hat about it then? Can we say that God is not fair? No, not at all!
И тъй, какво? Да речем ли, че има неправда у Бога? Да не бъде!
15 G od said to Moses, “I will have loving-kindness and loving-pity for anyone I want to.”
Защото казва на Моисея: "Ще покажа милост, към когото ще покажа, и ще пожаля, когото ще пожаля".
16 T hese good things from God are not given to someone because he wants them or works to get them. They are given because of His loving-kindness.
И тъй, не зависи от този, който иска, нито от този, който тича, но от Бога, Който показва милост.
17 T he Holy Writings say to Pharaoh, “I made you leader for this reason: I used you to show My power. I used you to make My name known over all the world.”
Защото писанието казва на Фараона: "Именно за това те издигнах, за да покажа в тебе силата Си, и да се прочуе името Ми по целия свят"
18 S o God has loving-kindness for those He wants to. He makes some have hard hearts if He wants to.
И тъй, към когото ще, Той показва милост, и когото ще закоравява.
19 B ut you will ask me, “Why does God blame men for what they do? Who can go against what God wants?”
На това ти ще речеш: А защо още обвинява? Кой може да противостои на волята Му?
20 W ho are you to talk back to God? A pot being made from clay does not talk to the man making it and say, “Why did you make me like this?”
Но, о човече, ти кой си, що отговаряш против Бога? Направеното нещо ще рече ли на онзи, който го е направил: Защо си ме така направил?
21 T he man making the pots has the right to use the clay as he wants to. He can make two pots from the same piece of clay. One can have an important use. The other one can be of little use.
Или грънчарят няма власт над глината, с част от същата буца да направи съд за почит, а с друга част
22 I t may be that God wants to show His power and His anger against sin. He waits a long time on some men who are ready to be destroyed.
А какво ще кажем, ако Бог, при все, че е искал да покаже гнева Си и да изяви силата Си, пак е търпял с голямо дълготърпение съдовете, предмети на гнева Си, приготвени за погибел,
23 G od also wanted to show His shining-greatness to those He has given His loving-kindness. He made them ready for His shining-greatness from the beginning.
и е търпял, за да изяви богатството на Славата Си, над съдовете, предмети на милостта Си, които е приготвил отнапред за слава
24 W e are the ones He chose. He did not only choose Jews. He also chose some from among the people who are not Jews.
над нас, които призова, не само между юдеите, но и измежду езичниците?
25 I n the Book of Hosea He says, “Those who are not My people, I will call, ‘My people.’ Those who are not loved, I will call, ‘My loved ones.’”
както и в Осия казва:
26 “ And where it said, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called sons of the living God.”
И на същото място, гдето им се казва: "Не сте мои люде, Там ще се нарекат чада на живия Бог".
27 I saiah says this about the Jews, “Even if there are as many Jews as the sand by the sea, only a few of them will be saved from the punishment of sin.
А Исаия вика на Израиля:
28 F or the Lord will do on earth what He says in His Word. He will work fast when He says what will happen here.”
Защото Господ ще изпълни на земята казаното от Него", Като го извърши и свърши скоро.
29 I saiah said also, “If God had not left some of the Jews, we would have all been destroyed like the people who lived in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.”
И както Исаия е казал в по-предишно място; "Ако Господ на Силите не бе ни оставил потомство, Като Содом бихме останали и на Гомор бихме се уприличили".
30 W hat are we to say about these things? The people who are not Jews were not made right with God by the Law. They were made right with God because they put their trust in Him.
И тъй, какво да кажем? Това, че езичниците, които не търсеха правда, получиха правда, и то правда, която е чрез вярване;
31 T he Jews tried to be right with God by obeying the Law, but they did not become right with God.
а Израил, който търсеше закон за придобиване правда, не стигна до такъв закон.
32 W hy? Because they did not put their trust in God. They tried to be right with God by working for it. They tripped over the most important Stone (Christ).
Защо? затова, че не го търси чрез вярване, а някак си чрез дела. Те се спънаха о камъка, о който хората се спъват;
33 T he Holy Writings say, “See! I put in Jerusalem a Stone that people will trip over. It is a Rock that will make them fall. But the person who puts his trust in the Rock (Christ) will not be put to shame.”
както е писано: