2 Timothy 3 ~ 2 Тимотей 3


1 Y ou must understand that in the last days there will come times of much trouble.

А това да знаеш, че в последните времена ще настанат усилни времена.

2 P eople will love themselves and money. They will have pride and tell of all the things they have done. They will speak against God. Children and young people will not obey their parents. People will not be thankful and they will not be holy.

Защото човеците ще бъдат себелюбиви, сребрелюбиви, надменни, горделиви, хулители, непокорни на родителите, неблагодарни, нечестиви,

3 T hey will not love each other. No one can get along with them. They will tell lies about others. They will not be able to keep from doing things they know they should not do. They will be wild and want to beat and hurt those who are good.

без семейна обич, непримирими, клеветници, невъздържани, свирепи, неприятели на доброто,

4 T hey will not stay true to their friends. They will act without thinking. They will think too much of themselves. They will love fun instead of loving God.

предатели, буйни, надути, повече сластолюбиви, а не боголюбиви,

5 T hey will do things to make it look as if they are Christians. But they will not receive the power that is for a Christian. Keep away from such people.

имащи вид на благочестие, но отречени от силата му; тоже от такива страни.

6 T hese are the kind of people who go from house to house. They talk to foolish women who are loaded down with sins and all kinds of sinful desires.

Защото от тях са ония, които се вмъкват в домовете и подмамват обременени с грехове женища, водени от различни страсти,

7 S uch women are always listening to new teaching. But they are never able to understand the truth.

които всякога се учат, а никога не могат да дойдат в познание на истината.

8 J annes and Jambres fought against Moses. So do these teachers fight against the truth today. Their minds think only of sinful things. They have turned against the Christian teaching.

И както Яний и Ямврий се възпротивиха на Моисея, така и те се противят на истината, човеци с покварен ум, извратени във вярата.

9 T hey will not get very far. Their foolish teaching will be seen by everyone. That was the way it was with the two who worked against Moses. Teach the Truth

Но те няма да успеят повече; защото безумието им ще стане известно на всичките, както се откри безумието на тия двама.

10 B ut you know what I teach and how I live. You know what I want to do. You know about my faith and my love. You know how long I am willing to wait for something. You know how I keep on working for God even when it is hard for me.

А ти си последвал моето учение, поведение, прицелна точка, вярата ми, дълготърпението, любовта, твърдостта,

11 Y ou know about all the troubles and hard times I have had. You have seen how I suffered in the cities of Antioch and Iconium and Lystra. Yet the Lord brought me out of all those troubles.

гоненията, страданията; какви неща ме сполетяха в Антиохия, в Икония, в Листра; какви гонения издържах; и от всички тях ме избави Господ.

12 Y es! All who want to live a God-like life who belong to Christ Jesus will suffer from others.

Но и всички, които искат да живеят благочестиво в Христа Исуса, ще бъдат гонени.

13 S inful men and false teachers will go from bad to worse. They will lead others the wrong way and will be led the wrong way themselves.

А нечестиви човеци и измамници ще се влошават повече и повече, като мамят и бъдат мамени.

14 B ut as for you, hold on to what you have learned and know to be true. Remember where you learned them.

А ти постоянствувай в това, което си научил и за което си бил убеден, като знаеш от какви лица си се научил,

15 Y ou have known the Holy Writings since you were a child. They are able to give you wisdom that leads to being saved from the punishment of sin by putting your trust in Christ Jesus.

и от детинство знаеш свещенните писания, които могат да те направят мъдър за спасение чрез вяра в Христа Исуса.

16 A ll the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught God’s Word. It shows what is wrong. It changes the way of a man’s life. It shows him how to be right with God.

Всичкото писание е боговдъхновено и полезно за поука, за изобличение, за поправление, за наставление в правдата;

17 I t gives the man who belongs to God everything he needs to work well for Him.

за да бъде Божият човек усъвършенствуван, съвършенно приготвен за всяко добро дело.