Ioan 2 ~ John 2


1 A treia zi s'a făcut o nuntă în Cana din Galilea. Mama lui Isus era acolo.

Three days later there was a wedding in the town of Cana in the country of Galilee. The mother of Jesus was there.

2 Ş i la nuntă a fost chemat şi Isus cu ucenicii Lui.

Jesus and His followers were asked to come to the wedding.

3 C înd s'a isprăvit vinul, mama lui Isus I -a zis:,, Nu mai au vin.``

When the wine was all gone, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no more wine.”

4 I sus i -a răspuns:,, Femeie, ce am a face Eu cu tine? Nu Mi -a venit încă ceasul.``

Jesus said to her, “Woman, what is that to you and to Me. It is not time for Me to work yet.”

5 M ama lui a zis slugilor:,, Să faceţi orice vă va zice``.

His mother said to the helpers, “Do whatever He says.”

6 Ş i acolo erau şase vase de piatră, puse după obiceiul de curăţire al Iudeilor; şi în fiecare vas încăpeau cîte două sau trei vedre.

Six stone water jars were there. Each one held about one-half barrel of water. These water jars were used in the Jewish worship of washing.

7 I sus le -a zis:,, Umpleţi vasele acestea cu apă``. Şi le-au umplut pînă sus.

Jesus said to the helpers, “Fill the jars with water.” They filled them to the top.

8 S coateţi acum``, le -a zis El, şi,, aduceţi nunului.`` Şi i-au adus:

Then He said, “Take some out and give it to the head man who is caring for the people.” They took some to him.

9 N unul, dupăce a gustat apa făcută vin, -el nu ştia de unde vine vinul acesta (slugile însă, cari scoseseră apa, ştiau), -a chemat pe mire,

The head man tasted the water that had become wine. He did not know where it came from but the helpers who took it to him knew. He called the man who had just been married.

10 ş i i -a zis:,, Orice om pune la masă întîi vinul cel bun; şi, după ce oamenii au băut bine, atunci pune pe cel mai puţin bun; dar tu ai ţinut vinul cel bun pînă acum.``

The head man said to him, “Everyone puts out his best wine first. After people have had much to drink, he puts out the wine that is not so good. You have kept the good wine until now!”

11 A cest început al semnelor Lui l -a făcut Isus în Cana din Galilea. El Şi -a arătat slava Sa, şi ucenicii Lui au crezut în El.

This was the first powerful work Jesus did. It was done in Cana of Galilee where He showed His power. His followers put their trust in Him.

12 D upă aceea, S'a pogorît la Capernaum, împreună cu mama, fraţii şi ucenicii Lui; şi acolo n'au rămas multe zile.

After this He went down to the city of Capernaum. His mother and brothers and followers went with Him. They stayed there a few days. Jesus Stops the Buying and the Selling in the House of God

13 P aştele Iudeilor erau aproape; şi Isus S'a suit la Ierusalim.

It was time for the special religious gathering to remember how the Jews left Egypt. Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

14 Î n Templu a găsit pe cei ce vindeau boi, oi şi porumbei, şi pe schimbătorii de bani şezînd jos.

He went into the house of God and found cattle and sheep and doves being sold. Men were sitting there changing money.

15 A făcut un bici de ştreanguri, şi i -a scos pe toţi afară din Templu, împreună cu oile şi boii; a vărsat banii schimbătorilor, şi le -a răsturnat mesele.

Jesus made a whip of small ropes. He used it to make them all leave the house of God along with the sheep and cattle. He pushed their money off the tables and turned the tables over.

16 Ş i a zis celor ce vindeau porumbei:,, Ridicaţi acestea de aici, şi nu faceţi din casa Tatălui Meu o casă de negustorie.``

He said to those who sold doves, “Take these things out of here! You must not make My Father’s house a place for buying and selling!”

17 U cenicii Lui şi-au adus aminte că este scris:,, Rîvna pentru casa Ta Mă mănîncă pe Mine.``

Then His followers remembered that it was written in the Holy Writings, “I am jealous for the honor of Your house.” The Jews Ask for Something Special to See

18 I udeii au luat cuvîntul, şi I-au zis:,, Prin ce semn ne arăţi că ai putere să faci astfel de lucruri?``

Then the Jews asked Him, “What can You do to show us You have the right and the power to do these things?”

19 D rept răspuns, Isus le -a zis:,, Stricaţi Templul acesta, şi în trei zile îl voi ridica.``

Jesus answered them, “Destroy this house of God and in three days I will build it again.”

20 I udeii au zis:,, Au trebuit patruzeci şi şase de ani, ca să se zidească Templul acesta, şi Tu îl vei ridica în trei zile?``

Then the Jews said, “It took forty-six years to build this house of God. Will You build it up in three days?”

21 D ar El le vorbea despre Templul trupului Său.

Jesus was speaking of His body as the house of God.

22 T ocmai de aceea, cînd a înviat din morţi, ucenicii Lui şi-au adus aminte că le spusese vorbele acestea; şi au crezut Scriptura şi cuvintele pe cari le spusese Isus.

After Jesus had been raised from the dead, His followers remembered He said this. They believed the Holy Writings and what He had said.

23 P e cînd era Isus în Ierusalim, la praznicul Paştelor, mulţi au crezut în Numele Lui; căci vedeau semnele pe cari le făcea.

Jesus was in Jerusalem at the time of the special religious gathering to remember how the Jews left Egypt. Many people put their trust in Him when they saw the powerful works He did.

24 D ar Isus nu Se încredea în ei, pentrucă îi cunoştea pe toţi.

But Jesus did not trust them because He knew all men.

25 Ş i n'avea trebuinţă să -I facă cineva mărturisiri despre niciun om, fiindcă El însuş ştia ce este în om.

He did not need anyone to tell Him about man. He knew what was in man.