1 Î n adevăr, orice mare preot, luat din mijlocul oamenilor, este pus pentru oameni în lucrurile privitoare la Dumnezeu, ca să aducă daruri şi jertfe pentru păcate.
Every Jewish religious leader is chosen from among men. He is a helper standing between God and men. He gives gifts on the altar in worship to God from the people. He gives blood from animals for the sins of the people.
2 E l poate fi îngăduitor cu cei neştiutori şi rătăciţi, fiindcă şi el este cuprins de slăbiciune.
A Jewish religious leader is weak in many ways because he is just a man himself. He knows how to be gentle with those who know little. He knows how to help those who are doing wrong.
3 Ş i, din pricina acestei slăbiciuni, trebuie să aducă jertfe atît pentru păcatele lui, cît şi pentru ale norodului.
Because he is weak himself, he must give gifts to God for his own sins as well as for the sins of the people.
4 N imeni nu-şi ia cinstea aceasta singur, ci o ia dacă este chemat de Dumnezeu, cum a fost Aaron.
A Jewish religious leader does not choose this honor for himself. God chooses a man for this work. Aaron was chosen this way. Christ Is Our Religious Leader Who Has Made the Way for Man to Go to God
5 T ot aşa şi Hristos, nu Şi -a luat singur slava de a fi Mare Preot, ci o are dela Cel ce I -a zis:,, Tu eşti Fiul Meu, astăzi Te-am născut.``
It is the same way with Christ. He did not choose the honor of being a Religious Leader Who has made the way for man to go to God. Instead, God said to Christ, “You are My Son. Today I have become Your Father.”
6 Ş i, cum zice iarăş într'alt loc:,, Tu eşti preot în veac, după rînduiala lui Melhisedec.``
God says in another part of His Word, “You will be a Religious Leader forever. You will be like Melchizedek.”
7 E l este Acela care, în zilele vieţii Sale pămînteşti, aducînd rugăciuni şi cereri cu strigăte mari şi cu lacrămi către Cel ce putea să -L izbăvească dela moarte, şi fiind ascultat, din pricina evlaviei Lui,
During the time Jesus lived on earth, He prayed and asked God with loud cries and tears. Jesus’ prayer was to God Who was able to save Him from death. God heard Christ because Christ honored God.
8 m ăcar că era Fiu, a învăţat să asculte prin lucrurile pe cari le -a suferit.
Even being God’s Son, He learned to obey by the things He suffered.
9 Ş i după ce a fost făcut desăvîrşit, S'a făcut pentru toţi cei ce -L ascultă, urzitorul unei mîntuiri vecinice,
And having been made perfect, He planned and made it possible for all those who obey Him to be saved from the punishment of sin.
10 c ăci a fost numit de Dumnezeu: Mare Preot,, după rînduiala lui Melhisedec.``
In God’s plan He was to be a Religious Leader Who made the way for man to go to God. He was like Melchizedek. Do Not Fall Back Into Sin
11 A supra celor de mai sus avem multe de zis, şi lucruri grele de tîlcuit; fiindcă v'aţi făcut greoi la pricepere.
There is much we could say about this, but it is hard to make you understand. It is because you do not want to hear well.
12 Î n adevăr, voi cari de mult trebuia să fiţi învăţători, aveţi iarăş trebuinţă de cineva să vă înveţe cele dintîi adevăruri ale cuvintelor lui Dumnezeu, şi aţi ajuns să aveţi nevoie de lapte, nu de hrană tare.
By now you should be teachers. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the first things you need to know from God’s Word. You still need milk instead of solid food.
13 Ş i oricine nu se hrăneşte decît cu lapte, nu este obicinuit cu cuvîntul despre neprihănire, căci este un prunc.
Anyone who lives on milk cannot understand the teaching about being right with God. He is a baby.
14 D ar hrana tare este pentru oamenii mari, pentru aceia a căror judecată s'a deprins, prin întrebuinţare, să deosebească binele şi răul.
Solid food is for full-grown men. They have learned to use their minds to tell the difference between good and bad.