1 “ At that time the holy nation of heaven will be like ten women who have never had men. They took their lamps and went out to meet the man soon to be married.
Atunci Împărăţia cerurilor se va asemăna cu zece fecioare, cari şi-au luat candelele, şi au ieşit în întîmpinarea mirelui.
2 F ive of them were wise and five were foolish.
Cinci din ele erau nechibzuite, şi cinci înţelepte.
3 T he foolish women took their lamps but did not take oil with them.
Cele nechibzuite, cînd şi-au luat candelele, n'au luat cu ele untdelemn;
4 T he wise women took oil in a jar with their lamps.
dar cele înţelepte, împreună cu candelele, au luat cu ele şi untdelemn în vase.
5 T hey all went to sleep because the man to be married did not come for a long time.
Fiindcă mirele zăbovea, au aţipit toate, şi au adormit.
6 “ At twelve o’clock in the night there was a loud call, ‘See! The man soon to be married is coming! Go out to meet him!’
La miezul nopţii, s'a auzit o strigare:, Iată mirele, ieşiţi -i în întîmpinare!`
7 T hen all the women got up and made their lamps brighter.
Atunci toate fecioarele acelea s'au sculat şi şi-au pregătit candelele.
8 T he foolish women said to the wise women, ‘Give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out.’
Cele nechibzuite au zis celor înţelepte:, Daţi-ne din untdelemnul vostru, căci ni se sting candelele.`
9 B ut the wise women said, ‘No! There will not be enough for us and you. Go to the store and buy oil for yourselves.’
Cele înţelepte le-au răspuns:, Nu; ca nu cumva să nu ne ajungă nici nouă nici vouă; ci mai bine duceţi-vă la cei ce vînd untdelemn şi cumpăraţi-vă.`
10 W hile they were gone to buy oil, the man soon to be married came. Those who were ready went in with him to the marriage. The door was shut.
Pe cînd se duceau ele să cumpere untdelemn, a venit mirele: cele ce erau gata, au intrat cu el în odaia de nuntă, şi s'a încuiat uşa.
11 “ Later the foolish women came. They said, ‘Sir, Sir, open the door for us!’
Mai pe urmă, au venit şi celelalte fecioare, şi au zis:, Doamne, Doamne, deschide-ne!`
12 B ut he said to them, ‘For sure, I tell you, I do not know you!’
Dar el, drept răspuns, le -a zis:, Adevărat vă spun, că nu vă cunosc!`
13 S o watch! You do not know what day or what hour the Son of Man is coming. The Picture-Story of the Three Servants and the Money
Veghiaţi dar, căci nu ştiţi ziua, nici ceasul în care va veni Fiul omului.
14 “ For the holy nation of heaven is like a man who was going to a country far away. He called together the servants he owned and gave them his money to use.
Atunci Împărăţia cerurilor se va asemăna cu un om, care, cînd era să plece într'o altă ţară, a chemat pe robii săi, şi le -a încredinţat avuţia sa.
15 H e gave to one servant five pieces of money worth much. He gave to another servant two pieces of money worth much. He gave to another servant one piece of money worth much. He gave to each one as he was able to use it. Then he went on his trip.
Unuia i -a dat cinci talanţi, altuia doi, şi altuia unul: fiecăruia după puterea lui; şi a plecat.
16 T he servant who had the five pieces of money went out to the stores and traded until he made five more pieces.
Îndată, cel ce primise cei cinci talanţi, s'a dus, i -a pus în negoţ, şi a cîştigat cu ei alţi cinci talanţi.
17 T he servant who had two pieces of money did the same thing. He made two more pieces.
Tot aşa, cel ce primise cei doi talanţi, a cîştigat şi el alţi doi cu ei.
18 T he servant who had received the one piece of money went and hid the money in a hole in the ground. He hid his owner’s money.
Cel ce nu primise decît un talant, s'a dus de a făcut o groapă în pămînt şi a ascuns acolo banii stăpînului său.
19 “ After a long time the owner of those servants came back. He wanted to know what had been done with his money.
După multă vreme, stăpînul robilor acelora s'a întors şi le -a cerut socoteala.
20 T he one who had received the five pieces of money worth much came and handed him five pieces more. He said, ‘Sir, you gave me five pieces of money. See! I used it and made five more pieces.’
Cel ce primise cei cinci talanţi, a venit, a adus alţi cinci talanţi, şi a zis:, Doamne, mi-ai încredinţat cinci talanţi; iată că am cîştigat cu ei alţi cinci talanţi.`
21 H is owner said to him, ‘You have done well. You are a good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things. I will put many things in your care. Come and share my joy.’
Stăpînul său i -a zis:, Bine, rob bun şi credincios; ai fost credincios în puţine lucruri, te voi pune peste multe lucruri; intră în bucuria stăpînului tău.`
22 T he one who received two pieces of money worth much came also. He said, ‘Sir, you gave me two pieces of money. See! I used it and made two more pieces.’
Cel ce primise cei doi talanţi, a venit şi el, şi a zis:, Doamne, mi-ai încredinţat doi talanţi; iată că am cîştigat cu ei alţi doi talanţi.`
23 H is owner said to him, ‘You have done well. You are a good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things. I will put many things in your care. Come and share my joy.’
Stăpînul său i -a zis:, Bine, rob bun şi credincios; ai fost credincios în puţine lucruri, te voi pune peste multe lucruri; intră în bucuria stăpînului tău!`
24 T he one who had received one piece of money worth much came. He said, ‘Sir, I know that you are a hard man. You gather grain where you have not planted. You take up where you have not spread out.
Cel ce nu primise decît un talant, a venit şi el, şi a zis:, Doamne, am ştiut că eşti om aspru, care seceri de unde n'ai sămănat, şi strîngi de unde n'ai vînturat:
25 I was afraid and I hid your money in the ground. See! Here is your money.’
mi -a fost teamă, şi m'am dus de ţi-am ascuns talantul în pămînt; iată-ţi ce este al tău!`
26 H is owner said to him, ‘You bad and lazy servant. You knew that I gather grain where I have not planted. You knew that I take up where I have not spread out.
Stăpînul său i -a răspuns:, Rob viclean şi leneş! Ai ştiut că secer de unde n'am sămănat, şi că strîng de unde n'am vînturat;
27 Y ou should have taken my money to the bank. When I came back, I could have had my own money and what the bank paid for using it.
prin urmare se cădea ca tu să-mi fi dat banii la zarafi, şi, la venirea mea, eu mi-aş fi luat înapoi cu dobîndă ce este al meu!
28 T ake the one piece of money from him. Give it to the one who has ten pieces of money.’
Luaţi -i dar talantul, şi daţi -l celui ce are zece talanţi.
29 F or the man who has will have more given to him. He will have more than enough. The man who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.
Pentrucă celui ce are, i se va da, şi va avea de prisos; dar dela cel ce n'are, se va lua şi ce are!
30 T hrow the bad servant out into the darkness. There will be loud crying and grinding of teeth. The Sheep and the Goats
Iar pe robul acela netrebnic, aruncaţi -l în întunerecul de afară: acolo va fi plînsul şi scrîşnirea dinţilor.
31 “ When the Son of Man comes in His shining-greatness, He will sit down on His throne of greatness. All the angels will be with Him.
Cînd va veni Fiul omului în slava Sa, cu toţi sfinţii îngeri, va şedea pe scaunul de domnie al slavei Sale.
32 A ll the nations of the earth will be gathered before Him. He will divide them from each other as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats.
Toate neamurile vor fi adunate înaintea Lui. El îi va despărţi pe unii de alţii cum desparte păstorul oile de capre;
33 H e will put the sheep on His right side, but the goats He will put on His left side.
şi va pune oile la dreapta, iar caprele la stînga Lui.
34 “ Then the King will say to those on His right side, ‘Come, you who have been called by My Father. Come into the holy nation that has been made ready for you before the world was made.
Atunci Împăratul va zice celor dela dreapta Lui:, Veniţi binecuvîntaţii Tatălui Meu de moşteniţi Împărăţia, care v'a fost pregătită dela întemeierea lumii.
35 F or I was hungry and you gave Me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave Me water to drink. I was a stranger and you gave Me a room.
Căci am fost flămînd, şi Mi-aţi dat de mîncat; Mi -a fost sete, şi Mi-aţi dat de băut; am fost străin, şi M'aţi primit;
36 I had no clothes and you gave Me clothes to wear. I was sick and you cared for Me. I was in prison and you came to see Me.’
am fost gol, şi M'aţi îmbrăcat; am fost bolnav, şi aţi venit să Mă vedeţi; am fost în temniţă, şi aţi venit pe la Mine.`
37 “ Then those that are right with God will say, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You? When did we see You thirsty and give You a drink?
Atunci cei neprihăniţi Îi vor răspunde:, Doamne, cînd Te-am văzut noi flămînd, şi Ţi-am dat să mănînci? Sau fiindu-Ţi sete, şi Ţi-am dat de ai băut?
38 W hen did we see You a stranger and give You a room? When did we see You had no clothes and we gave You clothes?
Cînd Te-am văzut noi străin, şi Te-am primit? Sau gol, şi Te-am îmbrăcat?
39 A nd when did we see You sick or in prison and we came to You?’
Cînd Te-am văzut noi bolnav sau în temniţă, şi am venit pe la Tine?`
40 T hen the King will say, ‘For sure, I tell you, because you did it to one of the least of My brothers, you have done it to Me.’
Drept răspuns, Împăratul le va zice:, Adevărat vă spun că, oridecîteori aţi făcut aceste lucruri unuia din aceşti foarte neînsemnaţi fraţi ai Mei, Mie mi le-aţi făcut.`
41 “ Then the King will say to those on His left side, ‘Go away from Me! You are guilty! Go into the fire that lasts forever. It has been made ready for the devil and his angels.
Apoi va zice celor dela stînga Lui:, Duceţi-vă dela Mine, blestemaţilor, în focul cel vecinic, care a fost pregătit diavolului şi îngerilor lui!
42 F or I was hungry but you did not give Me food to eat. I was thirsty but you did not give Me water to drink.
Căci am fost flămînd, şi nu Mi-aţi dat să mănînc; Mi -a fost sete, şi nu Mi-aţi dat să beau;
43 I was a stranger but you did not give Me a room. I had no clothes but you did not give Me clothes. I was sick and in prison but you did not come to see Me.’
am fost străin, şi nu M'aţi primit; am fost gol, şi nu M'aţi îmbrăcat; am fost bolnav şi în temniţă, şi n'aţi venit pela Mine.`
44 “ Then they will ask, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger? When did we see You without clothes or sick or in prison and did not care for You?’
Atunci Îi vor răspunde şi ei:, Doamne, cînd Te-am văzut noi flămînd sau fiindu-Ţi sete, sau străin, sau gol, sau bolnav, sau în temniţă, şi nu Ţi-am slujit?`
45 T hen He will say to them, ‘For sure, I tell you, because you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’
Şi El, drept răspuns, le va zice:, Adevărat vă spun că, oridecîteori n'aţi făcut aceste lucruri unuia dintr'aceşti foarte neînsemnaţi fraţi ai Mei, Mie nu Mi le-aţi făcut.`
46 T hese will go to the place where they will be punished forever. But those right with God will have life that lasts forever.”
Şi aceştia vor merge în pedeapsa vecinică, iar cei neprihăniţi vor merge în viaţa vecinică.``