John 20 ~ Ioan 20


1 I t was the first day of the week. Mary Magdalene came to the grave early in the morning while it was still dark. She saw that the stone had been pushed away from the grave.

În ziua dintîi a săptămînii, Maria Magdalina s'a dus disdedimineaţă la mormînt, pe cînd era încă întunerec; şi a văzut că piatra fusese luată de pe mormînt.

2 S he ran to Simon Peter and the other follower whom Jesus loved. She said to them, “They have taken the Lord out of the grave. We do not know where they have put Him.”

A alergat la Simon Petru şi la celalt ucenic, pe care -l iubea Isus, şi le -a zis:,, Au luat pe Domnul din mormînt, şi nu ştiu unde L-au pus.``

3 T hen Peter and the other follower went to the grave.

Petru şi celalt ucenic au ieşit, şi au plecat spre mormînt.

4 T hey ran but the other follower ran faster than Peter and came to the grave first.

Au început să alerge amîndoi împreună. Dar celalt ucenic alerga mai repede decît Petru, şi a ajuns cel dintîi la mormînt.

5 H e got down and looked in and saw the linen cloths but did not go in.

S'a plecat şi s'a uitat înlăuntru, a văzut făşiile de pînză jos, dar n'a intrat.

6 T hen Simon Peter came and went into the grave. He saw the linen cloths lying there.

Simon Petru, care venea după el, a ajuns şi el, a intrat în mormînt, şi a văzut făşiile de pînză jos.

7 T he white cloth that had been around the head of Jesus was not lying with the other linen cloths. It was rolled up and lying apart by itself.

Iar ştergarul, care fusese pus pe capul lui Isus, nu era cu făşiile de pînză, ci făcut sul şi pus într'un alt loc singur.

8 T hen the other follower, who had come first, went in also. He saw and believed.

Atunci celalt ucenic, care ajunsese cel dintîi la mormînt, a intrat şi el; şi a văzut, şi a crezut.

9 T hey still did not understand what the Holy Writings meant when they said that He must rise again from the dead.

Căci tot nu pricepeau că, după Scriptură, Isus trebuia să învieze din morţi.

10 T hen the followers went back again to their homes.

Apoi ucenicii s'au întors acasă.

11 M ary stood outside the grave crying. As she cried, she got down and looked inside the grave.

Dar Maria şedea afară lîngă mormînt, şi plîngea. Pe cînd plîngea s'a plecat să se uite în mormînt.

12 S he saw two angels dressed in white clothes. They were sitting where the body of Jesus had lain. One angel was where His head had lain and one angel was where His feet had lain.

Şi a văzut doi îngeri în alb, şezînd în locul unde fusese culcat trupul lui Isus; unul la cap şi altul la picioare.

13 T hey said to her, “Woman, why are you crying?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord. I do not know where they have put Him.”

Femeie``, i-au zis ei,,, pentruce plîngi?`` Ea le -a răspuns:,, Pentrucă au luat pe Domnul meu, şi nu ştiu unde L-au pus.``

14 A fter saying this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there. But she did not know that it was Jesus.

Dupăce a zis aceste vorbe, s'a întors, şi a văzut pe Isus stînd acolo în picioare; dar nu ştia că este Isus.

15 H e said to her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” She thought He was the man who cared for the garden. She said to Him, “Sir, if you have taken Jesus from here, tell me where you have put Him. I will take Him away.”

Femeie``, i -a zis Isus,,, de ce plîngi? Pe cine cauţi?`` Ea a crezut că este grădinarul, şi I -a zis:,, Domnule, dacă L-ai luat, spune-mi unde L-ai pus, şi mă voi duce să -L iau.``

16 J esus said to her, “Mary!” She turned around and said to Him, “Teacher!”

Isus i -a zis:,, Marie!`` Ea s'a întors, şi I -a zis în evreieşte:,, Rabuni!`` adică:,,Învăţătorule!``

17 J esus said to her, “Do not hold on to Me. I have not yet gone up to My Father. But go to My brothers. Tell them that I will go up to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God!”

Nu mă ţinea``, i -a zis Isus;,, căci încă nu M'am suit la Tatăl Meu. Ci, du-te la fraţii Mei, şi spune-le că Mă sui la Tatăl Meu şi Tatăl vostru, la Dumnezeul Meu şi Dumnezeul vostru.``

18 M ary Magdalene went and told the followers that she had seen the Lord. She told them the things He had said to her. Jesus Was Seen by His Followers—Thomas Was Not There

Maria Magdalina s'a dus, şi a vestit ucenicilor că a văzut pe Domnul, şi că i -a spus aceste lucruri.

19 I t was evening of the first day of the week. The followers had gathered together with the doors locked because they were afraid of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “May you have peace.”

În seara aceleiaş zile, cea dintîi a săptămînii, pe cînd uşile locului unde erau adunaţi ucenicii erau încuiate, de frica Iudeilor, a venit Isus, a stătut în mijlocul lor, şi le -a zis:,, Pace vouă!``

20 W hen He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. When the followers saw the Lord, they were filled with joy. Jesus Sends His Followers to Preach

Şi după ce a zis aceste vorbe, le -a arătat mînile şi coasta Sa. Ucenicii s'au bucurat, cînd au văzut pe Domnul.

21 T hen Jesus said to them again, “May you have peace. As the Father has sent Me, I also am sending you.”

Isus le -a zis din nou:,, Pace vouă! Cum M'a trimes pe Mine Tatăl, aşa vă trimet şi Eu pe voi.``

22 W hen Jesus had said this, He breathed on them. He said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

După aceste vorbe, a suflat peste ei, şi le -a zis:,, Luaţi Duh Sfînt!

23 I f you say that people are free of sins, they are free of them. If you say that people are not free of sins, they still have them.” Thomas Does Not Believe Jesus Is Raised from the Dead

Celorce le veţi ierta păcatele, vor fi iertate; şi celor ce le veţi ţinea vor fi ţinute.``

24 T homas was not with them when Jesus came. He was one of the twelve followers and was called the Twin.

Toma, zis Geamăn, unul din cei doisprezece, nu era cu ei cînd a venit Isus.

25 T he other followers told him, “We have seen the Lord!” He said to them, “I will not believe until I see the marks made by the nails in His hands. I will not believe until I put my finger into the marks of the nails. I will not believe until I put my hand into His side.” Jesus Was Seen Again by His Followers—Thomas Was There

Ceilalţi ucenici i-au zis deci:,, Am văzut pe Domnul!`` Dar el le -a răspuns:,, Dacă nu voi vedea în mînile Lui semnul cuielor, şi dacă nu voi pune degetul meu în semnul cuielor, şi dacă nu voi pune mîna mea în coasta Lui, nu voi crede.``

26 E ight days later the followers were again inside a house. Thomas was with them. The doors were locked. Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “May you have peace!”

După opt zile, ucenicii lui Isus erau iarăş în casă; şi era şi Toma împreună cu ei. Pe cînd erau uşile încuiate, a venit Isus, a stătut în mijloc, şi le -a zis:,, Pace vouă!``

27 H e said to Thomas, “Put your finger into My hands. Put your hand into My side. Do not doubt, believe!”

Apoi a zis lui Toma:,, Adu-ţi degetul încoace, şi uită-te la mînile Mele; şi adu-ţi mîna, şi pune -o în coasta Mea; şi nu fi necredincios, ci credincios.``

28 T homas said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”

Drept răspuns, Toma I -a zis:,, Domnul meu şi Dumnezeul meu!``

29 J esus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you believe. Those are happy who have never seen Me and yet believe!”

Tomo`` i -a zis Isus,,, pentrucă M'ai văzut, ai crezut. Ferice de ceice n'au văzut, şi au crezut.``

30 J esus did many other powerful works in front of His followers. They are not written in this book.

Isus a mai făcut înaintea ucenicilor Săi multe alte semne cari nu sînt scrise în cartea aceasta.

31 B ut these are written so you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. When you put your trust in Him, you will have life that lasts forever through His name.

Dar lucrurile acestea au fost scrise, pentruca voi să credeţi că Isus este Hristosul, Fiul lui Dumnezeu; şi crezînd, să aveţi viaţa în Numele Lui.