1 Peter 2 ~ 1 Pedro 2


1 P ut out of your life hate and lying. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. Do not always want something someone else has. Do not say bad things about other people.

DEJANDO pues toda malicia, y todo engaño, y fingimientos, y envidias, y todas las detracciones,

2 A s new babies want milk, you should want to drink the pure milk which is God’s Word so you will grow up and be saved from the punishment of sin.

Desead, como niños recién nacidos, la leche espiritual, sin engaño, para que por ella crezcáis en salud:

3 I f you have tasted of the Lord, you know how good He is. The Living Stone

Si empero habéis gustado que el Señor es benigno;

4 C ome to Christ as to a living stone. Men have put Him aside, but He was chosen by God and is of great worth in the sight of God.

Al cual allegándoos, piedra viva, reprobada cierto de los hombres, empero elegida de Dios, preciosa,

5 Y ou are to be as living stones in the building God is making also. You are His religious leaders giving yourselves to God through Jesus Christ. This kind of gift pleases God.

Vosotros también, como piedras vivas, sed edificados una casa espitirual, y un sacerdocio santo, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales, agradables á Dios por Jesucristo.

6 T he Holy Writings say, “See, I lay down in Jerusalem a Stone of great worth, worth far more than any amount of money. Anyone who puts his trust in Him will not be ashamed.”

Por lo cual también contiene la Escritura: He aquí, pongo en Sión la principal piedra del ángulo, escogida, preciosa; Y el que creyere en ella, no será confundido.

7 T his Stone is of great worth to you who have your trust in Him. But to those who have not put their trust in Him, the Holy Writings say, “The Stone which the workmen put aside has become the most important part of the building.”

Ella es pues honor á vosotros que creéis: mas para los desobedientes, La piedra que los edificadores reprobaron, Esta fué hecha la cabeza del ángulo;

8 T he Holy Writings say, also, “Christ is the Stone that some men will trip over and the Rock over which they will fall.” When they do not obey the Word of God, they trip over it. This is what happens to such men.

Y Piedra de tropiezo, y roca de escándalo á aquellos que tropiezan en la palabra, siendo desobedientes; para lo cual fueron también ordenados.

9 B ut you are a chosen group of people. You are the King’s religious leaders. You are a holy nation. You belong to God. He has done this for you so you can tell others how God has called you out of darkness into His great light.

Mas vosotros sois linaje escogido, real sacerdocio, gente santa, pueblo adquirido, para que anunciéis las virtudes de aquel que os ha llamado de las tinieblas á su luz admirable.

10 A t one time you were a people of no use. Now you are the people of God. At one time you did not have loving-kindness. Now you have God’s loving-kindness.

Vosotros, que en el tiempo pasado no erais pueblo, mas ahora sois pueblo de Dios; que en el tiempo pasado no habíais alcanzado misericordia.

11 D ear friends, your real home is not here on earth. You are strangers here. I ask you to keep away from all the sinful desires of the flesh. These things fight to get hold of your soul.

Amados, yo os ruego como á extranjeros y peregrinos, os abstengáis de los deseos carnales que batallan contra el alma,

12 W hen you are around people who do not know God, be careful how you act. Even if they talk against you as wrong-doers, in the end they will give thanks to God for your good works when Christ comes again. Obey the Leaders

Teniendo vuestra conversación honesta entre los Gentiles; para que, en lo que ellos murmuran de vosotros como de malhechores, glorifiquen á Dios en el día de la visitación, estimándoos por las buenas obras.

13 O bey the head leader of the country and all other leaders over you. This pleases the Lord.

Sed pues sujetos á toda ordenación humana por respeto á Dios: ya sea al rey, como á superior,

14 O bey the men who work for them. God sends them to punish those who do wrong and to show respect to those who do right.

Ya á los gobernadores, como de él enviados para venganza de los malhechores, y para loor de los que hacen bien.

15 T his is what God wants. When you do right, you stop foolish men from saying bad things.

Porque esta es la voluntad de Dios; que haciendo bien, hagáis callara la ignorancia de los hombres vanos:

16 O bey as men who are free but do not use this to cover up sin. Live as servants owned by God at all times.

Como libres, y no como teniendo la libertad por cobertura de malicia, sino como siervos de Dios.

17 S how respect to all men. Love the Christians. Honor God with love and fear. Respect the head leader of the country. Servants

Honrad á todos. Amad la fraternidad. Temed á Dios. Honrad al rey.

18 S ervants, you are to respect your owners and do what they say. Do this if you have a good and kind owner. You must do it even if your owner is hard to work for.

Siervos, sed sujetos con todo temor á vuestros amos; no solamente á los buenos y humanos, sino también á los rigurosos.

19 T his shows you have received loving-favor when you are even punished for doing what is right because of your trust in God.

Porque esto es agradable, si alguno á causa de la conciencia delante de Dios, sufre molestias padeciendo injustamente.

20 W hat good is it if, when you are beaten for doing something wrong, you do not try to get out of it? But if you are beaten when you have done what is right, and do not try to get out of it, God is pleased.

Porque ¿qué gloria es, si pecando vosotros sois abofeteados, y lo sufrís? mas si haciendo bien sois afligidos, y lo sufrís, esto ciertamente es agradable delante de Dios.

21 T hese things are all a part of the Christian life to which you have been called. Christ suffered for us. This shows us we are to follow in His steps.

Porque para esto sois llamados; pues que también Cristo padeció por nosotros, dejándonos ejemplo, para que vosotros sigáis sus pisadas:

22 H e never sinned. No lie or bad talk ever came from His lips.

El cual no hizo pecado; ni fué hallado engaño en su boca:

23 W hen people spoke against Him, He never spoke back. When He suffered from what people did to Him, He did not try to pay them back. He left it in the hands of the One Who is always right in judging.

Quien cuando le maldecían no retornaba maldición: cuando padecía, no amenazaba, sino remitía la causa al que juzga justamente:

24 H e carried our sins in His own body when He died on a cross. In doing this, we may be dead to sin and alive to all that is right and good. His wounds have healed you!

El cual mismo llevó nuestros pecados en su cuerpo sobre el madero, para que nosotros siendo muertos á los pecados, vivamos á la justicia: por la herida del cual habéis sido sanados.

25 Y ou were like lost sheep. But now you have come back to Him Who is your Shepherd and the One Who cares for your soul.

Porque vosotros erais como ovejas descarriadas; mas ahora habéis vuelto al Padre y Obispo de vuestras almas.