Romans 8 ~ Romanos 8


1 N ow, because of this, those who belong to Christ will not suffer the punishment of sin.

AHORA pues, ninguna condenación hay para los que están en Cristo Jesús, los que no andan conforme á la carne, mas conforme al espíritu.

2 T he power of the Holy Spirit has made me free from the power of sin and death. This power is mine because I belong to Christ Jesus.

Porque la ley del Espíritu de vida en Cristo Jesús me ha librado de la ley del pecado y de la muerte.

3 T he Law could not make me free from the power of sin and death. It was weak because it had to work with weak human beings. But God sent His own Son. He came to earth in a body of flesh which could be tempted to sin as we in our bodies can be. He gave Himself to take away sin. By doing that, He took away the power sin had over us.

Porque lo que era imposible á la ley, por cuanto era débil por la carne, Dios enviando á su Hijo en semejanza de carne de pecado, y á causa del pecado, condenó al pecado en la carne;

4 I n that way, Jesus did for us what the Law said had to be done. We do not do what our sinful old selves tell us to do anymore. Now we do what the Holy Spirit wants us to do.

Para que la justicia de la ley fuese cumplida en nosotros, que no andamos conforme á la carne, mas conforme al espíritu.

5 T hose who let their sinful old selves tell them what to do live under that power of their sinful old selves. But those who let the Holy Spirit tell them what to do are under His power.

Porque los que viven conforme á la carne, de las cosas que son de la carne se ocupan; mas los que conforme al espíritu, de las cosas del espíritu.

6 I f your sinful old self is the boss over your mind, it leads to death. But if the Holy Spirit is the boss over your mind, it leads to life and peace.

Porque la intención de la carne es muerte; mas la intención del espíritu, vida y paz:

7 T he mind that thinks only of ways to please the sinful old self is fighting against God. It is not able to obey God’s Laws. It never can.

Por cuanto la intención de la carne es enemistad contra Dios; porque no se sujeta á la ley de Dios, ni tampoco puede.

8 T hose who do what their sinful old selves want to do cannot please God.

Así que, los que están en la carne no pueden agradar á Dios.

9 B ut you are not doing what your sinful old selves want you to do. You are doing what the Holy Spirit tells you to do, if you have God’s Spirit living in you. No one belongs to Christ if he does not have Christ’s Spirit in him.

Mas vosotros no estáis en la carne, sino en el espíritu, si es que el Espíritu de Dios mora en vosotros. Y si alguno no tiene el Espíritu de Cristo, el tal no es de él.

10 I f Christ is in you, your spirit lives because you are right with God, and yet your body is dead because of sin.

Empero si Cristo está en vosotros, el cuerpo á la verdad está muerto á causa del pecado; mas el espíritu vive á causa de la justicia.

11 T he Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead. If the same Holy Spirit lives in you, He will give life to your bodies in the same way.

Y si el Espíritu de aquel que levantó de los muertos á Jesús mora en vosotros, el que levantó á Cristo Jesús de los muertos, vivificará también vuestros cuerpos mortales por su Espíritu que mora en vosotros.

12 S o then, Christian brothers, we are not to do what our sinful old selves want us to do.

Así que, hermanos, deudores somos, no á la carne, para que vivamos conforme á la carne:

13 I f you do what your sinful old selves want you to do, you will die in sin. But if, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you destroy those actions to which the body can be led, you will have life.

Porque si viviereis conforme á la carne, moriréis; mas si por el espíritu mortificáis las obras de la carne, viviréis.

14 A ll those who are led by the Holy Spirit are sons of God.

Porque todos los que son guiados por el Espíritu de Dios, los tales son hijos de Dios.

15 Y ou should not act like people who are owned by someone. They are always afraid. Instead, the Holy Spirit makes us His sons, and we can call to Him, “My Father.”

Porque no habéis recibido el espíritu de servidumbre para estar otra vez en temor; mas habéis recibido el espíritu de adopción, por el cual clamamos, Abba, Padre.

16 F or the Holy Spirit speaks to us and tells our spirit that we are children of God.

Porque el mismo Espíritu da testimonio á nuestro espíritu que somos hijos de Dios.

17 I f we are children of God, we will receive everything He has promised us. We will share with Christ all the things God has given to Him. But we must share His suffering if we are to share His shining-greatness.

Y si hijos, también herederos; herederos de Dios, y coherederos de Cristo; si empero padecemos juntamente con él, para que juntamente con él seamos glorificados.

18 I am sure that our suffering now cannot be compared to the shining-greatness that He is going to give us.

Porque tengo por cierto que lo que en este tiempo se padece, no es de comparar con la gloria venidera que en nosotros ha de ser manifestada.

19 E verything that has been made in the world is waiting for the day when God will make His sons known.

Porque el continuo anhelar de las criaturas espera la manifestación de los hijos de Dios.

20 E verything that has been made in the world is weak. It is not that the world wanted it to be that way. God allowed it to be that way. Yet there is hope.

Porque las criaturas sujetas fueron á vanidad, no de grado, mas por causa del que las sujetó con esperanza,

21 E verything that has been made in the world will be set free from the power that can destroy. These will become free just as the children of God become free.

Que también las mismas criaturas serán libradas de la servidumbre de corrupción en la libertad gloriosa de los hijos de Dios.

22 W e know that everything on the earth cries out with pain the same as a woman giving birth to a child.

Porque sabemos que todas las criaturas gimen á una, y á una están de parto hasta ahora.

23 W e also cry inside ourselves, even we who have received the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the first of God’s gifts to us. We are waiting to become His complete sons when our bodies are made free.

Y no sólo ellas, mas también nosotros mismos, que tenemos las primicias del Espíritu, nosotros también gemimos dentro de nosotros mismos, esperando la adopción, es á saber, la redención de nuestro cuerpo.

24 W e were saved with this hope ahead of us. Now hope means we are waiting for something we do not have. How can a man hope for something he already has?

Porque en esperanza somos salvos; mas la esperanza que se ve, no es esperanza; porque lo que alguno ve, ¿á qué esperarlo?

25 B ut if we hope for something we do not yet see, we must learn how to wait for it.

Empero si lo que no vemos esperamos, por paciencia esperamos.

26 I n the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us where we are weak. We do not know how to pray or what we should pray for, but the Holy Spirit prays to God for us with sounds that cannot be put into words.

Y asimismo también el Espíritu ayuda nuestra flaqueza: porque qué hemos de pedir como conviene, no lo sabemos; sino que el mismo Espíritu pide por nosotros con gemidos indecibles.

27 G od knows the hearts of men. He knows what the Holy Spirit is thinking. The Holy Spirit prays for those who belong to Christ the way God wants Him to pray.

Mas el que escudriña los corazones, sabe cuál es el intento del Espíritu, porque conforme á la voluntad de Dios, demanda por los santos.

28 W e know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are chosen to be a part of His plan.

Y sabemos que á los que á Dios aman, todas las cosas les ayudan á bien, es á saber, á los que conforme al propósito son llamados.

29 G od knew from the beginning who would put their trust in Him. So He chose them and made them to be like His Son. Christ was first and all those who belong to God are His brothers.

Porque á los que antes conoció, también predestinó para que fuesen hechos conformes á la imagen de su Hijo, para que él sea el primogénito entre muchos hermanos;

30 H e called to Himself also those He chose. Those He called, He made right with Himself. Then He shared His shining-greatness with those He made right with Himself.

Y á los que predestinó, á éstos también llamó; y á los que llamó, á éstos también justificó; y á los que justificó, á éstos también glorificó.

31 W hat can we say about all these things? Since God is for us, who can be against us?

¿Pues qué diremos á esto? Si Dios por nosotros, ¿quién contra nosotros?

32 G od did not keep His own Son for Himself but gave Him for us all. Then with His Son, will He not give us all things?

El que aun á su propio Hijo no perdonó, antes le entregó por todos nosotros, ¿cómo no nos dará también con él todas las cosas?

33 W ho can say anything against the people God has chosen? It is God Who says they are right with Himself.

¿Quién acusará á los escogidos de Dios? Dios es el que justifica.

34 W ho then can say we are guilty? It was Christ Jesus Who died. He was raised from the dead. He is on the right side of God praying to Him for us.

¿Quién es el que condenará? Cristo es el que murió; más aún, el que también resucitó, quien además está á la diestra de Dios, el que también intercede por nosotros.

35 W ho can keep us away from the love of Christ? Can trouble or problems? Can suffering wrong from others or having no food? Can it be because of no clothes or because of danger or war?

¿Quién nos apartará del amor de Cristo? tribulación? ó angustia? ó persecución? ó hambre? ó desnudez? ó peligro? ó cuchillo?

36 T he Holy Writings say, “Because of belonging to Jesus, we are in danger of being killed all day long. We are thought of as sheep that are ready to be killed.”

Como está escrito: Por causa de ti somos muertos todo el tiempo: Somos estimados como ovejas de matadero.

37 B ut we have power over all these things through Jesus Who loves us so much.

Antes, en todas estas cosas hacemos más que vencer por medio de aquel que nos amó.

38 F or I know that nothing can keep us from the love of God. Death cannot! Life cannot! Angels cannot! Leaders cannot! Any other power cannot! Hard things now or in the future cannot!

Por lo cual estoy cierto que ni la muerte, ni la vida, ni ángeles, ni principados, ni potestades, ni lo presente, ni lo por venir,

39 T he world above or the world below cannot! Any other living thing cannot keep us away from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ni lo alto, ni lo bajo, ni ninguna criatura nos podrá apartar del amor de Dios, que es en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro.